picking foods up with the pincer grasp, hand-to-mouth coordination, gumming, chewing, and swallowing new textures, etc.) I am hoping plenty of parents with similar experiences will respond, and be reassuring. I would suggest you buy some whey powder (Solgar is not processed with high heat) and add this to the diluted cereal you offer your baby. If you need more advice feel free to contact me. Except mac and cheese - always has eaten that by the bucket. You can try giving him an ice cube tray with one or two pieces of food in each hole. She will now eat, or at least try, just about any food I offer her, and she doesn't (intentionally) rub food on herself anymore. Try everything else, and wait until he's older to try the more difficult choking foods. Could the teething really be that uncomfortable for her? If she rejects it: Again, try to stay calm. My 11-month old daughter has, in the past week, become extremely fussy and at some meal times is refusing to eat. If there is a question you would like answered on the Advice Smackdown, please submit it to [email protected]. Hang in there! Between 6 and 12 months of age, many babies go through a passing stage of refusing solids and favoring milk—either from the breast, or formula. I will admit it was -- and still sometimes is -- frustrating to thoughtfully prepare food that only ended up all over the kitchen floor. Around 12months, he had his first taste of very soft bread, then plain pasta (over cooked), rice in broth, and oatmeal-type—basically food that are very soft, but not quite purée. Any advice would be much appreciated. They even like spicy Korean tofu! I have tried giving him scrambled and hard- boiled eggs, soft cheese, teething biscuits, Nilla wafers, frozen bagels, bananas, cherrios, etc., etc. I would recommend a developmental evaluation at that point, just to make sure there isn’t some underlying feeding issue. My understanding is that delaying solids is actually better if there are any concerns about allergies. He is a twin and his twin is eating fine. (With the added caution that since she’s not yet consistently demonstrated the ability to chew and swallow, you may need to offer it in a slightly modified format to prevent choking, and of course supervise her very closely.). I'm still taking prenatal vitamins, in part to keep my iron level up. my question is, has anyone out there had a similar experience? hope that helps, I had the exact same problem with my daughter (now 22 months old), and it took me some months to realize that the problem was mine, not hers. He just wasn't ready. Otherwise you shouldn't need to supplement with vitamins. Babies and toddlers will eat at their own pace. She was quite surprised by this, of course, given my previous behavior. choking-phobic mom, I would just let him eat with his hands and clean him up when he's finished. Good Luck. Any advice on weening him so he will be ok in daycare? I did this with my first and planning to do it for #2. I have noticed a decrease in the daytime nursing, but, to the mom who complained about her babe's frequent night nursing, I'm sorry to say that hasn't eased up (if you're feeling overwhelmed, please get connected with La Leche League or check out the Sears duo's Nightime Parenting or Mothering Your Nursing Toddler, which is published by LLL). No bottle of pureed fruits, no deviation from whatever breastmilk/formula intake your pediatrician recommends. Refuses eggs, beans, steamed veggies (tried many varieties), pasta, cheese, meat, bananas, apples etc. We have tried sneaking spoonfuls in when she opens her mouth to put a finger food in, but often this annoys her -- it would annoy me! If I try to feed them to her in turn, she clamps her mouth shut and turns her head, and pushes my hand away. But until your daughter is successfully chewing or swallowing solid foods on her own, you should continue to ensure she’s getting a good baseline of nutrition from breastmilk or formula, even if that means continuing to offer her bottles. Remember: Baby’s primary nutrition should be from breast milk or formula until 12 months of age. It could be that he isn't ready for solids yet. Think of this as similar to sleep training — you know she’s exhausted, but you can’t MAKE her sleep. Well, the feeding her “solids” through a bottle was a bit of a self-defeating move, and a kind of unnecessary one at that. Good luck! watch your baby, not the calendar, for signs that he or she is ready (by the way, grabbing for food is not necessairily a sign of readiness! Also, our pediatrician advised us to continue introducing food one at a time, so it's not a free-for-all yet at our house. Never had another problem. Erin, my son was nearly a 10-pounder at birth and nursed EXCLUSIVELY for MORE THAN 1 YEAR. Adrian, So wait! Maybe get his iron levels checked if you are very concerned...but if your child isn't lethargic, I wouldn't worry! If I go anywhere near his mouth with a spoon he waves both hands and clamps his mouth shut. Now, if you do try everything outlined here and still see zero progress — like she still refuses to voluntarily put any food in her mouth on her own and still won’t accept spoon-feeding, etc. I first dug through the container to find the smallest pieces possible, then I mixed some of them into his pureed food. Now she eats dinner in the booster chair with her father and I, and has her breakfast/lunch/ snack at a toddler-sized table/chair in the kitchen. As long as you baby is thriving on your milk alone, he has no need for additional vitamins, iron, fuloride, or other supplements in the early months. No problems with sucking/latching/tongue tie, or other signs of oral aversion like not mouthing on her hands or toys or teethers, etc.? He'll drink his bottles of milk, and occasionaly eat some crackers or snacky foods or bananas, but not really anything substantial. what should I try next? Try including her in a family dinner/meal, even if she’s just in her high chair entertaining herself with a book or toy. Both were breastfed, and it is my understanding that breastmilk does indeed provide all necessary nutrients. I'm soooooo worried that's he's not eating enough he weighs about 19lb 8oz and is missing out on vital vitamins. Again, I was slow to understand what she was trying to tell me: She was through with the high chair. Just wondering if anyone else has had a similar experience? Meals often take up to an hour. -Rachel, Try distracting her like putting a mirror in front of her, or playing her favorite musical toy or having her sit in your lap instead of a high-chair, or even try feeding her at a park where there is always enough to distract babies, maybe then she will not be concentrating so much on refusing food, and you may manage to get her to start getting using to it. We have had better luck, especially recently, with foods she can pick up and feed herself. Rule out any developmental issues and/ or medical problems. During the summer you can take his high chair outside and let him get real messy feeding himself and then just hose everything off afterwards. Get a baby grinder! As for variety, he'd given us several suggestions earlier, all of which have worked well, but not right away. But you might start working on giving the formula in a cup rather than a bottle at least sometimes. From nine to 12 months you can then reverse this and offer meals first, “topping … Children will not starve themselves. Gayle, My daughter didn't eat any food until she was 14 months. steamed baby carrots, chunks of cauliflower, peas), cooked beans, chunks of meat or tofu cubes, avocados, pasta, all kinds of stuff. You just keep trying and experimenting, but while never, ever forgetting those three phrases up there. He's hovered under 25 pounds for probably six months; even though he's beginning to eat more, he's so much more active. I have also tried giving him soft foods that he can pick up such as banana, roasted sweet potato sticks, steamed carrot sticks… Madeleine, Regarding the food/feeding issues...My daughter refused most food until she was nearing 11 months. Same set of circumstances from week A to week B, but different result in week B. Rice and beans is a big favorite: they pick up the beans one by one, and the rice in little clumps. Has anyone experienced anything similar? It was a major stressor for me, and my anxiety didn’t help the issue. The last thing I want to do here is to increase your stress and anxiety about this, but Number One: Stop feeding her solid foods through a bottle. - pieces of soft fruit like bananas, avocados, peaches, mango, etc. We were concerned about his weight, vitamins, etc,. Is this a reason to look for a new daycare? We had begun offering rice cereal and other foods at around 7 months, but our son just didn't seem interested at all. Doctors don't usually tell you that breastfed babies actually have better iron absorption than formula fed babies. Put the food in front of him and let him eat, but don't focus on it. I am curious to hear from other parents who have had a baby like this. So this is what it's like to have a baby who eats finger foods so easily! According to the website for Dr. Sears, an 8-month-old baby not eating solids is not typically a cause for concern as eating tends to improve over the next few months… Holly. For the last few months, I have continued to introduce finger foods and she spits them out immediately. I tried to feed my daughter solids after 6 months with spoon and but she wouldn’t have it so in order to fill her stomach and get all the necessary things into her I started grinding all of her food and feed it through her milk bottle. Another related issue that came up later: She began standing in her highchair. In the end, he just kept nursing and is fine. She will eat when she is hungry; that is, unless there is a dynamic forming between the two of you. © 2016 Alpha Mom. Recommendations to ditch the bottles by age 1 are usually based on the idea that it's just easier to make the change with a younger baby than with an older, more obstinate toddler, but in your situation, especially since it sounds like your daughter is not breastfeeding, I'd say don't sweat it for at least a few more months. Keep nursing, as much as your child wants. At this point, we're really just avoiding nuts, strawberries, citrus, honey & eggs, at our pediatrician's advice. Introducing Solids Foods (Fruits & Veggies) to Baby. Adventures In Solid Food Feeding At about 8 months she started eating solids again, and enjoyed a variety of baby food and things that we offered to her from our own meals. Rather, she has become relatively fastidious, and often asks me, mid-meal, to wipe her face and hands (though I give her her own napkin). karen, My almost 11-month old daughter also only has two teeth, but rarely eats babyfood anymore because there are so many more interesting options. anon, Eating can be such a hard issue. Hi I'm a new mom with a 10 month old baby who is refusing to eat solids. Baby is uncomfortable: If your baby comes to the table with clothes that are too tight, a full diaper, is … Don't force him. I am a mother of one year old baby girl from India. Also, try to keep a consistent schedule. I'm posting as I'm soooooo stressed out with my sons eating habits. Additionally, friend of mine who is a speech therapist said that one way they treat children with an overly strong gag reflex is to gently massage their gums with a wet washcloth. For some reason because I was eating it, it was ok to alternate bites with him...we still do this at 12 mos old. I'm not a big fan of some of his advice, but I thought this was good. It sounds as though one of two things might be happening. Now that my little on has 2 top and 2 bottom teeth I make grilled cheese sandwiches cut in to small slices, cheese caseadea cut in to small slices, jelly sandwiches(crust removed and sliced small). The food that really helped us teach him to gag less was cottage cheese. Don't spend a lot of time looking at her or pushing food on her. He's still not where I would like him to be in terms of eating (or where many of the other kids his age are), but I'm hopeful that it's just a matter of time. At an early age (6 months) when fed a finger full of baby food he woke up at night every half hour. Good luck! Bowels. it may make sense to give them vitamin supplements. I got a booster seat, attached it to a grown-up chair in the dining room, and that was that. I've checked a few resources but this wasn't addressed - it just seems to be assumed that babies will be eating finger foods by a year old. You can keep trying, or you can take a break and try again in a few days or even weeks. Your child should ideally not be using bottles by age 2. What little nibbles of applesauce your baby will eat is just not comparable to the nourishment breastmilk can offer. and to prepare her for the transition away from the bottle or breast. In addtion he does not like his hands to be gooey. He also seems to have days where he shows more appetite than others. fellow mom, My 12 month old refuses finger foods. We kept trying, because he seemed interested in our food. Some babies absolutely love one food for meals on end before suddenly rejecting for reasons unknown. I know now that neither was true. Remember that kids often don't like new foods at first, and it may take him 10-15 times of encountering something new before he tries it. How to introduce solid food There is no “best first food.”A good place to start is with iron-rich foods, such as fish, meat, eggs, tofu, legumes and iron-fortified cereal, because a liquid diet of breastmilk or formula alone may not provide enough of the mineral, especially by the time a baby is six months … Any suggestion on how to establish a feeding schedule and how to get him to eat? Good luck! He probably could have started sooner, as he took to them easily like he has been eating for years. Kids go through growth sprouts. I've tried cheerios, those gerber fruit puffs, teething biscuits, banana chunks, crumbled cereal bars, grated cheese, etc. There's also Feeding Littles, which I've heard great things about. We have tried about 25 different foods but she just closes her mouth and turns her head away. He's lengthened out, seeming longer and skinnier. Tori, My daughter just turned one and has started refusing to eat solid foods (finger foods). Its often totally random--only cheese one day, only broccoli the next, bread for 3 days. And it wasn't until about a month ago - he is now 3-1/2, that he would actually eat more than a bite or two of anything. I put food out on his high-chair tray, but he won't put it in his! Your baby is not all that unusual, and there is nothing magic about baby food. They love anything stirfried in garlic (we cook stuff like brocolli a little longer so it's softer), especially tofu. She absolutely would not sit down. This schedule assumes that your 4- to 6-month-old is taking three naps (though some 6-month-olds will drop down to two) and you're introducing solid foods by spoon-feeding purées. but still would not accept food from me directly, and he can't yet handle a spoon so this severely limits the number of things I can give him - any baby food is out unless I spread it on the toast and then he doesn't get much at all. 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