fingerprints of the gods

During the course of this work he made discoveries which, so far as he was concerned, ‘settled the date of the building’: The reader will recall the lemming behaviour which led to a dramatic change of scholarly opinion about the antiquity of the Sphinx and the Valley Temple (due to the discovery of a few statues and a single cartouche which seemed to imply some sort of connection with Khafre). The moat was contained by an immense, rectangular enclosure wall, no less than 20 feet thick, [19] made of very large blocks of red sandstone disposed in polygonal jigsaw-puzzle patterns. Spanish version. In Fingerprints of the Gods, Hancock embarks on a worldwide quest to put together all the pieces of the vast and fascinating jigsaw of mankind’s hidden past. Doesn’t it make sense of the mysterious way in which the Sphinx and the Valley Temple, and now the Osireion as well, seem to have become vaguely connected with the names of particular pharaohs (Khafre and Seti I), without ever yielding a single piece of evidence that clearly and unequivocally proves those pharaohs built the structures concerned? In particular, references to human experiences prior to the invention of writing around 5000 years ago have been omitted in their entirety and myth has become a synonym for delusion. This is characteristic of the oldest architecture in Egypt. In making these latter suggestions I am, of course, fully aware that there are many who will be scornful and will assert the uniformitarian view that ‘all things will continue as they have done since the beginning of creation.’ But I am also aware that such ‘scoffers in the last days’ are those who for one reason or another are deaf to the testimony of our forgotten ancestors. My research has led me to the conclusion that we human beings could indeed have forgotten a major episode of … The cult would have been based at Heliopolis, Giza and Abydos, and perhaps at other centres as well, and would have initiated Egypt’s early agricultural revolution. Could the Piri Reis maps be evidence for a previously unknown complex maritime civilisation, capable of mapping the globe? But let us suppose that one small group had the skill and dedication sufficient to create a lasting and stable beach-head, perhaps in a region which had suffered relatively little damage in the disaster. Fingerprints Of The Gods: The Quest Continues (New Updated Edition). Principal among those gods was Osiris, and it was therefore appropriate that the Gallery of the Kings should provide access to a second corridor, leading to the rear of the temple where a marvellous building was located-one associated with Osiris from the beginning of written records in Egypt [9] and described by the Greek geographer Strabo (who visited Abydos in the first century BC) as ‘a remarkable structure built of solid stone… [containing] a spring which lies at a great depth, so that one descends to it down vaulted galleries made of monoliths of surpassing size and workmanship. Praise for Fingerprints of the Gods: "A fancy piece of historical sleuthing...intriguing and entertaining and sturdy enough to give a long pause for thought." He exposes the eerie network of connections between: the Great Sphinx and pyramids of Egypt; the Andean temples of Tianhuanaco; the Mexican pyramids of the Sun and Moon; the lost continent that lies beneath Antarctica; ancient knowledge of spherical geometry and astro-navigation; the myths and legends of humanity that have remained strangely consistent across geographical and social divides; and new theories concerning the causes of the ice ages. Lt Colonel Ohlmeyer’s reply was a bombshell. mobilizing massive technological resources, we put our best minds to work to ensure that at least a remnant of our species will survive the catastrophe, and that the core of our scientific, medical, astronomical, geographical, architectural and mathematical knowledge will be preserved; we are of course aware how slim are our chances of succeeding on both counts; nevertheless, galvanized by the prospect of extinction, we make an almighty effort to build the Arks or Vars or strong enclosures in which the chosen survivors can be protected, and we focus our considerable ingenuity on ways to transmit the essence of the knowledge we have accumulated during the 5000 years of our recorded history. In their 1903 season of digging they uncovered parts of a hall and passageway, lying in the desert about 200 feet south-west of the Seti I Temple and built in the recognizable architectural style of the Nineteenth Dynasty. Could they have been making a permanent cartographical record of the slow obliteration of their homeland? Having descended this stairway, I passed under the hulking lintel slabs of the great gateway Naville (and Strabo) had described and crossed a narrow wooden footbridge-again modern-which brought me to a large sandstone plinth. The king said, will it come to our country? Very few writers can pull this off, but when they do, they are usually rewarded with very large sales. Likewise, what about Posnansky’s discoveries at Tiahuanaco, and Hapgood’s maps? Rearing up on either side of this core were what seemed to be two thin leaves of metal, and at the front was an attached device, consisting of two wavy blades, which scholars normally describe as a pair of rams’ horns. Fingerprints Of The Gods: The Evidence of Earth's Lost Civilization Paperback – Illustrated, 2 April 1996 by Graham Hancock (Author) 4.7 out of 5 stars 1,618 ratings #1 Best Seller in Aztec History As we have seen, this testimony appears to be trying to tell us that a hideous calamity has indeed descended upon mankind from time to time, that on each occasion it has afflicted us suddenly, without warning and without mercy, like a thief in the night, and that it will certainly recur at some point in the future, obliging us – unless we are well prepared – to begin again like orphaned children in complete ignorance of our true heritage. They may say they are spiritual, but what they mean by that word is something like 'keen on finding moral and aesthetic values', such as having a feeling of wonder when they look at a night sky, which isn't what the word means at all. The second world ended when the terrestrial globe toppled from its axis and everything was covered with ice. There are no values any more – none at all – and people live any way they want, without morals or laws. Proposition (b)-that it is the cenotaph of Seti I-is the only attribution accepted by Egyptologists. The only facts are that certain inscriptions and decorations left by Seti appear in an otherwise completely anonymous structure. There will be upheavals in the Arctic and the Antarctic that will make for the eruption of volcanos in the Torrid areas … The upper portion of Europe will be changed in the twinkling of an eye. Frankfort’s finds at Abydos caused a similar volte-face over the antiquity of the Osireion. Conditions apply. Along with many other readers, I read this when it first came to market and this reading was basically to see how the author's theories and ideas looked today as I remembered that first reading with pleasure. Nevertheless the knowledge is there, should we wish to use it, because it has been preserved and transmitted in written records, in film archives, in allegorical paintings, in war memorials, and so on. And perhaps there is, indeed, nothing new under the sun …. Enter your mobile number or email address below and we'll send you a link to download the free Kindle App. AoM Archive. I am in awe!! The Sagittarian archaeologists would not only have to use their wits to work out the meaning of the message (i.e. I took refuge for a while in the lee of the looming walls of the Khasekhemwy enclosure, close to the point where the University of Pennsylvania archaeologists had, for legitimate security reasons, reburied the twelve mysterious boats they had stumbled on in 1991. This Skitz track was released on 12" and also featured his first LP 'Countryman'. In Fingerprints of God, author Stephen J. Malloy chronicles the reported miracles and extraordinary supernatural activity that have occurred in Medjugorje since that time. You're listening to a sample of the Audible audio edition. Seen I was a teenager in the 50s I have always thought that the myths of the gods were actually a history from pre-civilisation times. To calculate the overall star rating and percentage breakdown by star, we don’t use a simple average. Quite difficult ideas are dealt with deftly and in a way which does not impede the narrative flow. at the begining of the twenty-first century of the Christian era, near the cusp of the Age of Pisces and the Age of Aquarius, civilization as we know it is destroyed; among the devastated survivors a few hundred or a few thousand individuals band together to preserve and transmit the fruits of their culture’s scientific knowledge into a distant and uncertain future; these civilizers split into small groups and spread across the globe; by and large they fail, and perish; nevertheless, in certain areas, some do succeed in making a lasting cultural impression; after thousands of years – and perhaps several false starts – a branch of the original wisdom cult influences the emergence of a fully fledged civilization …. Historical Essays, Journals, Letters & True Accounts, © 1996-2021,, Inc. or its affiliates. Full of great insights, connections between disparate cultures, and information about a 'forgotten' part of history. Using tools as varied as archaeo-astronomy, geology, and computer analysis of ancient myths, Graham Hancock presents a compelling case to suggest that it is. On 6th July 1960 Lt Colonel Harold Ohlmeyer, a United States Airforce Commander, sent a reply to a letter from one Professor Charles Hapgood who had requested his opinion on a feature found on a map of 1513 AD called the Piri Reis Map. After the waters of the flood had gone, survivors were instructed to make their way to the site of the City of the Sun ‘to search for the writings’, which would be found to contain knowledge of benefit to future generations of mankind. It was at Heliopolis that the Pyramid Texts were collated, and it was the Heliopolitan priesthood – or rather the Heliopolitan cult – that had custody of the monuments of the Giza necropolis. How might our descendants remember that strange aircraft and the squadrons of others like it that swarmed through the skies of planet earth during the twentieth century of the Christian era? [33] Exactly as was the case with the Pyramid boat, therefore (but at least 500 years earlier) the Abydos fleet seemed to indicate that a people able to draw upon the accumulated experiences of a long tradition of seafaring had been present in Egypt from the very beginning of its 3000 year history. As a result, it was not until 1925 that the Egypt Exploration Fund was able to send out another mission, which was led not by Naville but by a young Egyptologist named Henry Frankfort. She said, It was made for the celebration of the mysteries of Osiris, and so far is unique among all the surviving buildings of Egypt. Later, however, beaten down by the huge floods and other disturbances of the earth which took place in the eleventh millennium BC, the cult would have been obliged to cut its losses and withdraw until the turmoil of the Ice Age was over – never knowing whether its message would survive the subsequent dark epochs. And what was the burial in the desert of twelve high-prowed, seagoing ships if not also a mystery that cried out, loudly, for solution? If discovered by a high culture flourishing at the very beginning of a future Age of Sagittarius for example it could be read as meaning ‘we lived 4320 years before your time’ – that is, two full precessional ‘months’ prior to the Sagittarian Age (the 2160-year ‘months’ of Aquarius and Capricorn). What might happen next? Two pools, one rectangular and the other square, had been cut into the plinth along the centre of its long axis and at either end stairways led down to a depth of about 12 feet below the water level. According to their myths, as we saw in Chapter Twenty-four: The first world was destroyed, as a punishment for human misdemeanours, by an all-consuming fire that came from above and below. The boat graves are not likely to be earlier than this and may in fact have been built for Djer, but this remains to be proven.’ [29]. If we could establish what destroyed that civilization, then we might be in a better position to save ourselves from a similar cataclysmic fate. His books have sold more than five million copies worldwide and have been translated into 27 languages. The way we see it, this kind of climate is a consequence of how we’re living today – not just us, but your people as well.’, I noticed that her eyes had filled with tears while she was talking. Included are the BBC transcripts to the "Horizon" TV documentary. What are the merits of these mutually contradictory propositions which identify the Osireion as (a) the oldest building in Egypt, and (b) a relatively late New Kingdom structure? It is not that it espouses levitating blocks of granite or channelled agony aunt advice from an ancient Egyptian priestess or Atlantean black magic bringing on the floods, but in view of the howls of execration it provokes, it might as well do. But it could also mean ‘We lived 30,240 years before your time’, that is those two ‘months’ plus the full previous precessional cycle of 25,920 years. Poking about through an assortment of grand earthly mysteries, Hancock (The Sign and the Seal, 1992) cobbles together a fascinating theory that proposes a lost civilization lying behind the conundrums. Thank you for creating something so meaningful! -Kirkus Reviews "Readers will hugely enjoy their quest in these pages of inspired storytelling. In one way or another all my books published during the 1990’s have addressed this theme: The Sign and the Seal, Fingerprints of the Gods, Keeper of Genesis (Message of the Sphinx in America), The Mars Mystery, and Heaven’s Mirror (click-on the book cover in each case for further information). This, it turned out, was an issue over which considerable controversy, now long forgotten, had once raged. A granite dovetail in position at the top of the southern side of the main entrance to the central hall, which was inscribed with the cartouche of Seti I. Fingerprints of the Gods is the revolutionary rewrite of history that has persuaded millions of readers throughout the world to change their preconceptions about the history behind modern society. All this may be interpreted by him that knowes their characters and language …. The moon will be eight days old, and it will be the third lunation in a series of six …. The map, showing the coastline of the east coast of the Americas and the west coast of Africa, the Colonel remarked, also seemed to show the coastline of Queen Maud Land in Antarctica free of ice – a condition it had not been in for some 9000 years! Product Key Features. From the mysterious sites of Tiahuanaco and Teotihuacan, to the enduring enigmatic Sphinx and pyramids of Egypt, the grandiose Nazca lines of Peru to the stark primal beauty of the Osireion at Abydos, this is a journey both around the globe and into the heart of the true prehistoric origins of man. And lastly there is the book's ambition, its boldness. As the reader will recall, the gods became jealous at the rapid progress made by these upstart humans who had ‘succeeded in seeing, succeeded in knowing, all that there is in the world.’ Divine retribution quickly followed: ‘The Heart of Heaven blew mist into their eyes … In this way all the wisdom and all the knowledge of the First Men [together with their memory of their] origin and their beginning, were destroyed.’, The secret of what happened was never entirely forgotten because a record of those distant First Times was preserved, until the coming of the Spaniards, in the sacred texts of the original Popol Vuh. One obvious solution would be to make use of the beautiful predictability of the earth’s axial precession, which has the effect of slowly and regularly altering the declination of the entire star-field in relation to a viewer at a fixed point, and which equally slowly and regularly revolves equinoctial point in relation to the twelve zodiacal constellations. FINGERPRINTS OF THE GODS THE EVIDENCE OF EARTH'S LOST CIVILIZATION. Suppose, for example, that there was not time to make proper preparations prior to the catastrophe. It brings no moisture. In the Puranic version of the universal flood story, shortly before the deluge was unleashed, the fish god Vishnu warned his human protégé that he ‘should conceal the Sacred Scriptures in a safe place’ to preserve the knowledge of the antediluvian races from destruction. Another notable and outstandingly unusual feature of the Osireion was that it was not even approximately aligned to the cardinal points. He makes claim for a lost civilization that flourished during the last ice age. An intellectual detective story, this unique history book directs probing questions at orthodox history, presenting disturbing new evidence that historians have tried - but failed - to explain. I think that this is a book which needs photographs of the tombs, Nazca lines etc embedded in the text. Would have given it 5-stars but found his arguments a little pedantic at times. Couldn't read because this edition is too heavy and thick to hold comfortably, Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 3 January 2019, I can't comment on the content but the size and weight of this book makes it too awkward to read. [20], Describing himself as overawed by the ‘grandeur and stern simplicity’ of the monument’s central hall, with its remarkable granite monoliths, and by ‘the power of those ancients who could bring from a distance and move such gigantic blocks’, Naville made a suggestion concerning the function the Osireion might originally have been intended to serve: ‘Evidently this huge construction was a large reservoir where water was stored during the high Nile… It is curious that what we may consider as a beginning in architecture is neither a temple nor a tomb, but a gigantic pool, a waterwork… [21]. Here is a complete history of everything in the world ever. Something went wrong. Water, water, everywhere-this seemed to be the theme of the Osireion, which lay at the bottom of the huge crater Yaville and his men had excavated in 1914. They resemble one another much more than they resemble any other known style of architecture and in all cases there are question-marks over their identity. Nevertheless, I had made this journey because the science of prophecy is still believed to be alive among the Hopi: Pueblo Indians, distantly related to the Aztecs of Mexico, whose numbers have been reduced by attrition and misery to barely 10,000. Part I. Isn’t it possible, probable even, that they might preserve traditions of ‘celestial cars’ and ‘heavenly chariots’ and ‘spacious flying machines’, and even of ‘aerial cities’. Nevertheless – if there were sufficient advance warning – steps would be taken to ensure that there would be some survivors and that some of what was most valuable in our high scientific knowledge would be preserved for the benefit of future generations. The plinth also supported the two massive colonnades Naville mentioned in his report, each of which consisted of five chunky rose-coloured granite monoliths about eight feet square by 12 feet high and weighing, on average, around 100 tons. Instead, our system considers things like how recent a review is and if the reviewer bought the item on Amazon. Accurate ancient maps that show the world as it last looked during the Ice Age, thousands of years before any civilisation capable of making such maps is supposed to have existed. We assume that there will be survivors but that they will be blasted back into the Stone Age by the cataclysm. A similar transverse chamber, also of limestone but no longer with an intact roof, lay immediately south of the great gateway. Please try your request again later. This could happen, however, only if its members (like the Jews awaiting the Messiah) were prepared to bide their time, for thousands and thousands of years, until they felt confident that the moment had come to declare themselves. And is it arrogance or ignorance which leads us to draw an arbitrary line separating ‘history’ from ‘prehistory’ at about 5000 years before the present – defining the records of ‘history’ as valid testimony and the records of ‘prehistory’ as primitive delusions? Finally, the whole structure was enclosed within an outer wall of limestone, thus completing a sequence of inter-nested rectangles, i.e., from the outside in, wall, wall, moat, plinth. Your comment was posted successfully. A prime example of pseudosicence. Theoretically, therefore, the knowledge of what atom bombs do has become part of the permanent historical legacy of mankind. The next season, 1913-14, Naville and his team returned with 600 local helpers and diligently cleared the whole of the huge underground building: What we discovered [Naville wrote] is a gigantic construction of about 100 feet in length and 60 in width, built with the most enormous stones that may be seen in Egypt. Exploring the past with hi-tech tools of modern archaeology, geology and astronomy, Hancock exposes an eerie network of connections between Egyptian pyramids, Andean temples, spherical geometry, and astro-navigation. Beside me was Santha, who’d been everywhere with me, sharing the risks and the adventures, sharing the highs and the lows. [31] He also noted that the boat-shaped brick graves in which they were enclosed, which would have risen well above the level of the surrounding desert in early dynastic times, must have produced quite an extraordinary effect when they were new: Each grave had originally been thickly coated with mud plaster and whitewash so the impression would have been of twelve (or more) huge ‘boats’ moored out in the desert, gleaming brilliantly in the Egyptian sun. Is it not worth wondering, for example, whether Professors de Santillana and von Dechend might have earned their place among the ‘fully worthy’ when they decoded the advanced scientific language embedded in the great universal myths of precession? What might the mysterious ‘books of Thoth’ have been? ‘I have heard,’ I said, ‘that the Hopi believe the end of the world is coming. The Thomas Code: Solving the mystery of the Gospel of Thomas, Hello World: How to be Human in the Age of the Machine, Drug Wars: The terrifying inside story of Britain’s drug trade, How To Do The Work: The Sunday Times Bestseller, One Hundred Proofs that the Earth is Not a Globe, Conspiracy Theory: MM Romantic Suspense (Veiled Intentions Book 1). Sections of its walls were floor-lit by low-wattage electric bulbs; otherwise the only illumination was that which the pharaoh’s architects had originally planned: a few isolated shafts of sunlight that penetrated through slits in the outer masonry like beams of divine radiance. I read this book way back in 1995 (when it was first published), and it changed the way I viewed the world - even the modern world. We will never know unless we try to find out. I therefore think, after 12,500 years of the pendulum, that it would only be wise for us to devote more of the resources to studying the signs and messages that have come down to us from that dark and terrifying period of amnesia which our species calls prehistory. They have to preserve their memories. Sorry, there was a problem saving your cookie preferences.

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