moorish science temple of america temple 25

Around the year 1,000, the celebrated doctor Al Zahrawi published a 1,500 page illustrated encyclopedia of surgery that was used in Europe as a medical reference for the next 500 years. She added Madam to her name and began selling her new “Walker System” door-to-door. Also note that they were also in Florida, South Carolina and North Carolina. As C.M. This was 2100 years before Vasco da Gama attempted a similar feat when in 1497 and 1499 he sailed from Portugal to India and back again around the Cape of Good Hope. The Brazilian and Lebanese governments claim there are 7 … Moorish Science Temple of America. They called the land Canaan. This was a deal between the Popes, kings and Queens written in the law of conquest. Downing, an African-American inventor, patented his new device on October 27, 1891 (US Patent # 462,093). The word derives from the Niger black River. The Formorians are believed to be Carthaginian pirates and/or traders. Garrett Augustus Morgan (March 4, 1877 – August 27, 1963) was an African-American inventor and businessman. Moors trace their beliefs to noble Drew Ali, who founded the Moorish Science Temple in Chicago in 1925. Clatonia Joaquin Dorticus was an African-American inventor who received many patents. 4. The construction of Stonehenge has been attributed to giants who sailed from what the European call Africa bringing their skills with them. Sarah Breedlove McWilliams C. J. Walker was an African-American who developed many beauty and hair care products that were extremely popular. Not to be confused with any other, The Moorish Science Temple, the Divine and National Movement of North America, Inc. #13, the Moorish American National Republic is the ONLY Moorish Science Temple teaching the full National side of the Moorish Movement. Birth:March 4, 1877 in Paris, Kentucky Soon after, Morgan was asked to produce gas masks for the US Army. was third in case you never knew. Dr. Drew set up and operated the blood plasma bank at the Presbyterian Hospital in New York City, NY. [ Brief History Of The Moorish Science Temple Of America ]. Lamont Butler, also known as Lamont Maurice El, claimed the mansion for himself. One of the original names was chemist. Many of them don’t like it, but the truth expels the myth of a lie. The products were very successful and she soon had many saleswomen, called “Walker Agents,” who sold her products door to door and to beauty salons. Across the country, Butler and many other self-styled "Moorish Nationals" have laid claim to property and status they say is lawfully theirs because their ancestors were here first. Still operating almost 1,200 years later, Hassani says he hopes the center will remind people that learning is at the core of the Islamic tradition and that the story of the al-Firhi sisters will inspire young Muslim women around the world today. Morgan used his gas mask (patent No. This brings a closure to the history of Moorish Culture and Science for all to know. He also reportedly performed the first caesarean operation and created the first pair of forceps. His ideas revolutionized the medical profession and saved many, many lives. Attempts have been made to classify them as Semites. It is the same thing with ‘blacks’ calling locks ‘Dread’, not understanding that Dread locks is very offensive to a Maroon man, woman and child. Death:August 27, 1963 in Cleveland, Ohio A temple (from the Latin word templum) is a building reserved for religious or spiritual rituals and activities such as prayer and sacrifice. Dear Moorish Members In the United Kingdom, Germany, Guyana, and here in North America that are members of the Clock of Destiny Moorish College and the Clock of Destiny Moorish Temple. Her eyes are blackish brown and deep. Her first product was a scalp treatment that used petrolatum and sulphur. When the Dark Olive Hebrews invaded their land most of the Canaanites fled Palestine to what is called Africa. Headquartered in Baltimore, Maryland, under the leadership of National Grand Sheik Joel … 4. We need our own doctors. Philippa was a remarkable woman. However, many of them lack the knowledge of the maroons. A picture of a ‘white’ Jesus is in certain bibles and homes of Moorish families (Black families as they call themselves today). Watch CBS News anytime, anywhere with the our 24/7 digital news network. Dr. Patricia Bath, an ophthalmologist from New York, but living in Los Angeles when she received her patent, became the first African American woman doctor to receive a patent for a medical invention. Please look it up. The Mayan order of the great Pyramid University of Yucatan was founded by Muur Lu Ah-Kin el, for the guidance of the generations of the Moorish Nation to manifest upon the physical, mental, spiritual and metaphysical plane of life through Infinite cycles of evolution”.- Charles Mosley Bey, British Moors His designs would undoubtedly have been an inspiration for famed Italian artist and inventor Leonardo da Vinci’s hundreds of years later, said Hassani. Timothy Drew, better known as Noble Drew Ali (January 8, 1886 – July 20, 1929), was an American who founded the Moorish Science Temple of America.Considered a prophet by his followers, in 1913 he founded the Canaanite Temple in Newark, New Jersey, before relocating to Chicago, where he gained a following of thousands of converts. Most remained employed in subordinate occupations. There are a lot of Italians, Spanish, Russians, Turks, Germans, and Jews with Moorish Blood. Some will say that they have black ancestors. The idea of a blood bank was pioneered by Dr. Charles Richard Drew (1904-1950). First it was New York under the name Belgium Amsterdam, Philadelphia was second and W.D.C. California Privacy/Information We Collect. Benjamin Banneker also known as Benjamin Franklin This technology, discovered by Al-Jazari in the 12th century, exploded across the globe, leading to everything from the bicycle to the internal combustion engine. Why the love of Moors? McCoy’s high-quality industrial inventions (especially his steam engine lubricator) were the basis for the expression “the real McCoy,” meaning the real, authentic, or high-quality thing. 7. After this we as moors don’t know what it will be. Soon after, Morgan was asked to produce gas masks for the US Army. The Second Reason is for this history is for the people that research and verifies this history to reclaim their Moorish Birthrights whereby the standards of the Moors will be raised to a respectable level of honor as we continue to rise towards success. The customer, surprisingly enough, was happy – and potato chips were invented! You now call yourself African American. There were a dark olive Canaanites people called Anakin. Dr. Charles Richard Drew (1904-1950) was an American medical doctor and surgeon who started the idea of a blood bank and a system for the long-term preservation of blood plasma (he found that plasma kept longer than whole blood). Moors do not hate or dislike the Jews of fair skin, with blue blood. These were the moors that were converted to Christianity. Just as Neapolitan attempted to hide the Moorish features. The Irish are said to have derived the name Scotia from the daughter of an Egyptian Pharaoh named Scota. The Moorish Science Temple of America is a lawfully chartered and incorporated organization. The original knights of Europe including the Knights of King Arthur’s round table were Dark Olive. The Roman Emperor Septimius Severus who led a conquest of Britain was a full-blooded Moor, born in what is called today as North Africa. For the Moorish Sisters read page 20-22 with pages 28-29 you have a big responsibility. 1,090,936, 1914) to rescue miners who were trapped underground in a noxious mine. The list goes on and one. University Banneker began his studies as a teenager. Some moors don’t believe in credit. French fries were popular at the restaurant and one day a diner complained that the fries were too thick. She brought many artists and scholars from Hainault who contributed to English culture. When last did you spend time with them? He was not called Black simply because of the color of his hair but because he was dark-skinned. Meaning Black as Moors- Nature Knows to Color line by J.A.Roger. Do your home work. It’s really that easy, but for some reason it appears that the Europeans and their helpers (Meaning, ‘blacks’) have done a great job in conditioning the people. The presence of giants may not necessarily be a figment of the imagination. The vast majority of Moorish communities in America are not involved in any of the sovereign citizen ideology, not involved in fraudulent behavior, not involved in criminal acts," explains Dew. And if they did they would try to paint them in the image of themselves like they did Jesus and the French did Egyptian paintings. Have you decided to be a role model for our young boys and girls? She was very wise and was known and loved by the English for her kindliness and restraint. This beautiful painting was also a reason to cast an afro centric view at Belle van Zuylens life and her works, the biographies in the origin of her financial fortune. When folded up, it could be used as a desk, complete with compartments for stationery and writing supplies. Rillieux’s multiple effect vacuum sugar evaporator (patented in 1864) made the processing of sugar more efficient, faster, and much safer. In the second volume of Ancient and Modern Britons, were presented with “Maga Dubh,” which in the Scottish language of the time meant “Black King.”. “Moreover, his head and his hair were white as white wool, as snow, and his eyes as a fiery flame.”(Revelation 1:14) His snow-white hair indicates wisdom due to length of life. One of the reasons you cannot find their land marks is because you are looking under the labels black and Negro, when no such people ever existed. A. Hopkins Bey, G.S., Of Temple 11 CoHost: Sister S. Hopkins-Bey, Divine Minister & Sheikess Described by others in her time as ‘a true mulatto face’ , ‘ brown’ or ‘ yellow.’ Her nose is to wide and her mouth shows the same fault. 1. This is especially for your instructions. On the origin of the word “Blackmail,” David Mac Ritchie tells us that, “the expression applied by the inhabitants of Wales to the tribute exacted from their prince, Meredith, by the Danish pirates [Black Danes] of the year 987 A.D., virtually signified “black-mail.” And, moreover, “the tribute of the black army” precisely phrases the tax paid by Theodosius to Rugilas, King of the Huns, five centuries before. "It's a burglary in the purest sense," said Fainberg. It is known that the menhirs and dolmens of Brittany date back to an epoch of an agricultural and copper civilization. You'll find here the most Informative teachings of Islam from a Moorish Perspective on the pure Faith of Islam, Nationality, History and Positive Law. Elijah McCoy (1843 or 1844-1929) was a mechanical engineer and inventor. This gives us more of a reason to represent the Moorish Nation in the proper context due to the salvation of our women and children. He regularly stumbled upon people who looked black or coloured, or although they were white, clearly had African facial features. But why is it so important to show that so-called black or coloured people were part of the European nobility? 8. In its earliest days, coffee helped Sufis stay up during late nights of devotion. Even Jesus’ feet catch John’s attention: “And his feet were like fine copper when glowing in furnace; and his voice was as the sound of many waters.”(Revelation 1:15) In the vision, Jesus’ feet are like copper, glowing, bright-properly so for one who walks zealously and with a fine standing in the presence of Jehovah God. Jeff Fort is perhaps the most notorious movement member. He has been described as “a large man, and strong, black and like a giant, silent and foul-mouthed in his speech, and always egged on Eric to the worst, he was a bad Christian.”. With another invention, Bath was able to restore sight to people who had been blind for over 30 years. Among his many inventions, Zahrawi discovered the use of dissolving cat gut to stitch wounds — beforehand a second surgery had to be performed to remove sutures. Downing, an African-American inventor, patented his new device on October 27, 1891 (US Patent # 462,093). He came to New France in 1765 and later built a trading post at the mouth of the Chicago River. The same mathematician, Al-Khwarizmi, was also the first to introduce the concept of raising a number to a power. You are a fool. He invented an apparatus for applying dyes to the sides of the soles and heels of shoes (patent # 535,820, March 19, 1895), a machine for embossing (contouring the paper of) photographs (patent # 537,442, April 16, 1895), a device that helped develop photographs (patent # 537,968, April 23, 1895), and a leak stopper for hoses (patent # 629,315, July 18, 1899). Bey said, they badly need our help (Clock of Destiny Vol.1 page 38). They were depicted as gloomy sea giants who brought their skills from Africa via Spain. Although Crum made a thinner batch, the customer was still unsatisfied. Members claim to follow Moorish science, rooted in a black religious group that's been around for nearly a century, and most of its members obey the law -- but not everyone. (Compare Proverbs 16:31.) The Dutch colony of New Amsterdam, founded in 1626, included 11 Moors. King Edward had a beautiful sculpture made for her tomb which you can see today at Westminster Abbey. The proper term to apply to these blacks in order to find their history will be Moor, Cushites, Olmec, Spaniards and later Arab due to the mixing of blood, Moriscos, Maroons, Maranoes, Turks, and Saracens. Carthage was a Phoenician colony. The Basques in Spain are considered to be a branch of the colony founded there by Moors. Also if you are a member of the Moorish Science Temple of America and they are being industrious (meaning building in their community economically, socially and politically on behalf of fallen humanity please feel free to assist them). You see, everyone has selected to keep the lie alive, even you. 1,090,936, 1914) to rescue miners who were trapped underground in a noxious mine. His apparatus was eventually adopted by sugar processing plants all around the world. This combination of facts should leave no doubt on the southern and Negro origin of the megaliths in Brittany.” Yes, the word Negro is used again. They are the ones that built West Minister where they call England today. Moorish Americans of the Clock of Destiny Order College understand that we have common grounds of discomfort and success. Answer: The Main purpose is for the Moors referred to as Black, West Indian, African etc to look at the accomplishments of the Moors of many years ago and pick up the torch and continue to assist in the industrious work of our Moorish Legacy. Carver developed hundreds of products from peanuts, sweet potatoes, pecans, and soybeans; his discoveries greatly improved the agricultural output and the health of Southern farmers. The probe, patented in 1988, is designed to use the power of a laser to quickly and painlessly vaporize cataracts from patients’ eyes, replacing the more common method of using a grinding, drill-like device to remove the afflictions. Goode invented the folding cabinet bed, a space-saver that folded up against the wall into a cabinet. The next few pictures may disturb you. Events. Queen Charlotte Sophie of Mecklenburg Strelitz (1744-1818), Wife of George III Many of the basics of modern automatics were first put to use in the Muslim world, including the revolutionary crank-connecting rod system. Facts of History: In an exclusive corner of Bethesda, Md., there's a 35,000-square-foot mansion with 12 bedrooms, 17 bathrooms and trees planted by former President Bill Clinton and Vice President Al Gore. The street letter drop mailbox with a hinged door that closed to protect the mail was invented by Philip B. Again, we do not sell documents. We are looking at many years of indoctrination/conditioning. This is what Christopher Colombo named the moors and by tribal names to conceal the true identify of our bloodline. Black Mail RILLIEUX, NORBERT Most people do not realize how many pictures exist of Moors in Europe. Optics The other term for Moor is Blackamoor. The European in England called the rulers at that time Moorish. Some Congolese made it as scholar, clerk, musician and jester quite far. LATIMER, LEWIS H. Animal testing, also known as animal experimentation, animal research and in vivo testing, is the use of non-human animals in experiments that seek to control the variables that affect the behavior or biological system under study.This approach can be contrasted with field studies in which animals are observed in their natural environments or habitats. We perpetuate this like we tell our children that the devil is beneath the earth and god is in the heaven. He said, “These are found only in lands inhabited by Negroes or Negroids, or in places that they have frequented, the area that Speiser calls “the great megalithic civilization,” which extends from Africa to India, Australia, South America, Spain and Brittany. like the Sarakole language. There was only Asiatic and European. “Many of the most important advances in the study of optics come from the Muslim world,” says Hassani. But as the group splintered over the decades, some offshoots abandoned that view. She would travel with her husband on his campaigns and take her children as well. He described her thus: “The lady whom we saw has not uncomely hair, betwixt blue-black and brown. With tens of thousands of followers, the faith borrows heavily from Islam. The only language an African American often knows is the language he/she was taught. Substances similar to Meswak are used in modern toothpaste. When Julius Caesar invaded Britain he met these Moors. Crum finally made fries that were too thin to eat with a fork, hoping to annoy the extremely fussy customer. It also teaches that all black Americans are Moorish-Americans, descendants of an ancient Moroccan global empire, an idea some followers have taken one step further. The Epstein Island temple is on top of a mountain because there are tunnels and underground levels below. "Right now we're deep in knucklehead territory, the Moorish Science Church at one point had 30,000 members in the 1930s. Black– is not a nationality nor does it relate to a nation of people. When we live towards lofty goals we can only go up. A – Branding Slaves on the Coast of Africa Previous to Embarkation by Nathaniel Currier, 1845 All have meaning. The Phoenicians were also commissioned by the Kemitic King Necho II (Nekau II) to sail around ‘Africa’. Now don’t think there were no dark moors with the Spaniards. Where were the Moors of North America First Deprived of their Birthrights? If you read the words and look at the picture you will see that a big lie was displayed to the world. There NEVER was a black nation, black flag or a people that claimed to be of Black descent. DORTICUS, CLATONIA JOAQUIN Therefore we encourage all members of the Moorish College of the Great Seal to apply their lessons and these findings to achieve a universal and unified demonstration on behalf of themselves, family and the Moorish Nation in North America and abroad. The same applies when they was comfortable in the gage and in the yard. The kingdom of Songhay in West Africa had developed banking system, a school system, and a complete code of laws by the 15th century, and instituted economic reforms that made it prosperous. You must understand their studies to best understand what Charles Mosley Bey meant by this statement. We think this is very aspiring. Madam C. J. Walker (December 23, 1867 – May 25, 1919) was an inventor, businesswoman and self-made millionaire. Philippa was the daughter of William of Hainault, a lord in part of what is now Belgium. They prefer to say that “I’m Caribbean and not West Indian”. Who these can have been but the early individuals of the black nation of whom we have been treating I know not, and in this opinion I am not singular. This first child was called Edward, like his father, but is better known as the Black Prince. Just like Willian the Conquer- Normans. – It is simple, that was the last ruling power and empire that ever existed and headed by our people. A Moor by Juriaen of Streeck (1619-1673). Look at the movie True Romance. Black histories go back to only slavery in North America. In addition, the word Jew does not pertain to a race, nation or religion. We will ask why not. Many say that he was called this because of the colour of his armour, but there are records that show that he was called ‘black’ when he was very small. Moorish is older than the word black. If they understood its original the hatred would not be so negative, however, here in North America it was used by so-called white slave masters and their family and children ongoing whom permitted a bad memory of hatred in their hearts, therefore a thought of the word aggravates them very much. The Anglican and Saxons were German tribes and did not speak what we call English, but they spoke German and we speak a bastardize German Language. He even provided documents issued by the so-called "Moorish National Republic" to back it up. This is called grafting in modern times. One of the Moorish Vikings was known as Thorhall, living at the time of Eric the Red. Basics: Are you providing for your family? GOODE, SARAH S. Continue to check back with us as we are always adding NEW products to the site. Also there was no such thing as Black, African American, Negro, colored, coon or jigger boos. Among many instruments that arrived in Europe through the Middle East are the lute and the rahab, an ancestor of the violin. Negro-You are not a Negro or colored person because these words were used in a derogatory manner that humiliated the dark skin people and also the word does not denote a national origin or descent line. However, the Moorish Americans call it North Amexum. "Everybody likes to look at a big, beautiful house," said Fainberg. Date Filed # Docket Text; 01/25/2021: 58: Bankruptcy Case Closed (Laritz, A.) MOORISH INVENTIONS OF MANY YEARS AGO. Criteria:First to patent. We play this up like the myth of Santa Clause. The Crank Moorish– Why Moorish is the question? The learned Maurice says, “Cushites, i.e. The Voice Of Moorish America; Every Thursday at 6:30PM Host Bro. The street letter drop mailbox with a hinged door that closed to protect the mail was invented by Philip B. Gerald Massey (In Volume I of his work, A Book of the Beginnings claims that Stonehenge was built by a Black architect known s Morien. What is the main purpose of this history presented by the Clock of Destiny Moorish College? There are tawny Moors, Arab Moors, and Egyptian Moors of a lighter hue. From Cairo, such hospitals spread around the Muslim world. said Fainberg. Die Glaubenspraxis des Moorish Science Temple lag der Nation of Islam zwar zugrunde, jedoch gründete diese Organisation nicht auf einem Nationalstaatsgedanken. GAS MASK The fact is all Moors should be living these standards out. As we return to the original thought, moors referred to as blacks were living in Britain from prehistoric times to present. Phoenicia or Canaan was a Dark Olive civilization before the migration of Indo-Europeans. About The Moorish American National Republic. Some may say why these universities? It appears that our youth doesn’t have true road models for success and moral reasoning. Moors were always here. On the market for nearly $6 million, it's not exactly a steal, so imagine real estate agent Jordan Fainberg's surprise when he learned someone had moved into the vacant property. We are not saying at all that we are related because we are not, but two examples denote this demonstration of conditioning: West Indian: There is not much to speak on regarding this label. 3. The Majority of ‘blacks’ would not be aware of this history because high schools and universities was and still is forbidden to teach this. In your case there are members you can connect with in this building process. I will say it is due to conditioning, fear, comfort and ignorance- meaning not being aware of the subject matter. These is Europeans of great merit, who had Moorish forefathers. Some were forced and some volunteered due to the conditions at the time. That megalithic civilization in Brittany belongs to the second millennium, the period when the Phoenicians frequented those regions. Because you will find that many people from the Caribbean Islands despise this label because they know that it derives from the races Christopher Colombo. His claims are controversial, and of course not accepted by European historians and the common man. Madam Walker started her cosmetics business in 1905. 9. C.A. The word algebra comes from the title of a Persian mathematician’s famous 9th century treatise “Kitab al-Jabr Wa l-Mugabala” which translates roughly as “The Book of Reasoning and Balancing.” Built on the roots of Greek and Hindu systems, the new algebraic order was a unifying system for rational numbers, irrational numbers and geometrical magnitudes. You can give thanks to one of their representative, Michael Angelo; he is the one that drew the picture on the wall. Yes, curly hair or wooly hair like our Brother Jesus who had skin like burned in the furnish, eyes red like fire and feet like burned etc. United States Trustee. It was black-mail. Garrett Augustus Morgan (1877-1963), is best known for his invention of the automatic traffic signal. We are giving you a circumstance and not a hate doctrine. The Phoenicians sailed from the Red Sea into the southern ocean… and after two full years rounded the Pillars of Heracles in the course of the third, and returned to Egypt.”. Reclaim means to go back and claim it. “Abbas ibn Firnas was the first person to make a real attempt to construct a flying machine and fly,” said Hassani. Later brought to Cairo by a group of students, the coffee buzz soon caught on around the empire. This was the same state that deprived us of our birthrights where the laws were made and now they (Governmental Officials) are saying you can reclaim it. Identify these Moorish Europeans Arab population outside of the gas mask ( and many other inventions ) ) an..., Ham ’ s Army was itself composed of prominent Moors: Bankruptcy case closed Laritz. 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