The second death requires a period of time—at least during the present working of Christ in the Church. This is the meaning of the showbread in the Holy Place. In the Epistles of the Apostles to the churches we begin to understand how we as individuals can enter into and become part of the shining of the Lampstand of God. What is man that God is mindful of him? It is the Holy Spirit and only the Holy Spirit who has the wisdom and power to create holiness in the members of the Body of Christ. The flower is the beauty of the Bride of Christ. Tabernacle is the ABC’s of salvation for babes in Christ. The Holy Spirit has been charged with perfecting the beauty of the Bride of the Lamb. Later we may come again to that particular concept, but this time it is on a higher level. The Tabernacle of the Congregation may be the greatest of the biblical types of God’s plan of redemption in Christ. These are the seven holy furnishings of the Tabernacle of the Congregation. Where the carcass (the slain Lamb) is, there the eagles (those who live by feeding on the slain Lamb) shall be. The believer cannot come to God in his own righteousness. These were the great bronze Altar of Burnt Offering on which the lambs, goats, bullocks, rams and birds were sacrificed; and the Laver, which stood between the Altar of Burnt Offering and the door of the Tabernacle building. The showbread, or Presence Bread, portrays the body of the Lord, and the wine poured out as a drink offering near the table reveals His blood. The miracle comes about by receiving the Divine Nature of God in Christ and by receiving the wisdom and power that come to us when we walk in obedience to the Holy Spirit of God. Posted on 02/13/2015 by Natan Lawrence. This must be so, because all the baser metals (brass) did the last of their work at the door of the Tabernacle, and could not have any place in the Holy Place. We receive freedom from sinful practices by the second death. We accept Christ and are baptized while we still are in the world. By means of sharing the common body and blood the believers are made one by Him and in Him. His body and blood are eternal life (John 6:27-58 is clear on this point). It is the Holy Spirit in us who bears witness of the crucified and resurrected Lord Jesus. The gate had linen of blue (the abode of God, heaven) purple (kingship) and scarlet (sacrifice). The cross of Christ stands at the entrance to the salvation God has provided for mankind. The world has not seen Jesus to the extent we desire, and is not seeing Jesus today to the extent we desire. Family relationships must be restored. The results of such fleshly endeavor have been disappointing. These colors appear in the same order in several places in the Tabernacle. Because we no longer are “alive in the world” the law of Moses no longer has dominion over us. Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing.”. The atonement takes us from our personal chaos of spirit, soul, and body, all having been corrupted by sin, and by the grace of God in Christ brings us all the way to the image of Christ in spirit, soul, and body, to our being made the Temple of God, and to authority and power through Christ over all things. There is a deep appeal in the call of the Spirit toward the fullness of the life lived in the Presence and power of God. The three deaths are portrayed by the three cups in each of the six side-branches of the Lampstand. All the great doctrines of the Christian faith are contained therein. Waiting on God does not mean we cease to seek God each day in a determined manner. There is to be no compromise along this line. Christians to have a greater appreciation of their own role a priests in God’s eyes today. The Altar of Burnt Offering was made of the same acacia wood found throughout the construction of the Tabernacle. The outside layer of material was badgers’ skins (probably dolphins’ or porpoises’ skins), so that the appearance of the sides and back (west end) of the Tabernacle was rough and plain. Our job is to bring ourselves into subjection to the Spirit of God. The best way to serve and bless mankind is to seek God with the whole heart as did Abraham. Perhaps we should unpack and live in the Sinai desert. The saints often are difficult to work with and to shape into the desired form. Eternal life either is present in our experience and testimony or it is not. The Lampstand represents Pentecost, the fourth Levitical feast (Leviticus 23:15-21). Painting the face is almost exalted in the church as a godly virtue. The guide below gives an overview of the different aspects of the tabernacle and their meaning. As we remain in Christ, being obedient to the Lord in all things, the fruit being created in us touches other people, other lives. There are no familiar faces, no friends, no relatives. The fifth episode of the wilderness wandering was the first organization of Israel into a fighting force, preparing the way for entrance into the land of promise (Numbers 10). In the second place, a congregation should not only have sheep, but if the Word is being taught, then there should be every degree of maturity, and even sons will grow out of that first sheep. The Lampstand speaks of the ministry of the Holy Spirit in Christ and in the Body of Christ. Included in the communication is supplication, travail of spirit, intercession, battle against evil forces, petition, praise, adoration, giving of thanks, love, faith, and hope. The fullness of the experience may be ahead for most of us. When we come into the Holy Place with God we are one step removed from the life and understanding possessed by the world. Redemption can be accomplished only by means of the Divine Life that comes to us from God through our Lord Jesus Christ. The wood was then covered with refined gold. Our death and resurrection in and with Christ can be described easily in a few words. As we read the seventeenth chapter of Leviticus we find that the drinking of blood is sternly prohibited: It is not surprising that some of Jesus’ disciples left. He is the Alpha and the Omega, the Author and the Finisher of our faith. It is our Christian duty to keep ourselves pure, always remaining in an attitude of prayer so that our service to God will be acceptable. The second death is described in Romans 8:13: The first death is accomplished by our association with Christ on the cross of Calvary. Instead of the promised fruit they brought forth a “wild man” (Genesis 16:12). But the Divine testimony, the testimony that is all important for the world to see and hear, is not only what we say about Christ and His love but also what we ourselves have become—the transformed moral nature. The Mercy Seat (Lid of Reconciliation). We “Pentecostal” people are in just such a transition today. Time must be set aside for prayer each day, and in addition there must be a continuing attitude of prayer on our part. The Person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ. We are free from all guilt—absolutely without condemnation—because of the blood of Christ that has been applied to us through our death with Him on the cross. On other occasions, Christ comes to us as we read Christian literature or as we go about our tasks each day. We present it. The Holy Place is the type of being IN CHRIST. We receive freedom from the control of sin by the second death. The resurrection force of God works in the spirit, soul, and body of people because it is in the deepest parts of the personality that God creates eternal truth. God always meets people at the cross, at the place of the shedding of blood. Some of the verses in the New Testament writings teach us how the fulfillment of the Mercy Seat is formed in the life of an individual. Even though we may not understand all the details, the sixth chapter of John states we are to eat the flesh and drink the blood of Christ. It does not refer to giving ourselves over to our flesh and the world with the thought in mind that some day—maybe!—God will dump revival on our head. Not only was there the sin offering, which we need in order to approach God, but there also were the offerings of consecration, of fellowship, of peace, of thanksgiving, for minor trespasses, and for every other need of the believer (Leviticus, Chapters One through Seven). Is the beauty of the Lord coming forth in your life? The fruit is related to the Table of Showbread in that both portray Christ who Himself is the true Bread from Heaven. It refers to the Day of the Lord. The six branches of the Lampstand were lighted when the Holy Spirit fell on the first Christian Pentecost (Acts 2:3). The Lord directs us to “abide in the vine.” As we keep ourselves in Christ, by the graces and practices outlined in the Scriptures, the Divine Fruit—Christ—is formed in us. There must be the offering of a substituted life or else God will not accept the person of the worshiper. Sometimes we ourselves are the battleground. God perseveres with us until the instincts of our nature are righteous rather than rebellious and self-centered. So when we are associating the Lampstand with a halfway experience in Christ we mean after the believer has had the opportunity to live for a while on the Pentecostal level of Christian growth. The fruit (knop, knob) hammered into shape in the Lampstand and in its six side-branches represents Christ, who is the Fruit of God. This is because God has in mind to bring forth in them fruit of special quality and quantity. Each of the elements of the Tabernacle of the Congregation (and of the Levitical feasts) and their counterparts in our Christian life may be thought of as being a concept on a particular level on an ascending spiral. When the New Testament tells us to put away adultery, fornication, filthy speech, lying, hatred, bitterness, unforgiveness, then we must cease doing these things. Service to mankind is a fruit of obedience to God. Leviticus teaches us that the life of the flesh is in the blood. At the top of the central shaft and of each of the side-branches was a golden lamp that burned olive oil. If any person will receive Him and eat His flesh and drink His blood he shall live forever. In place of the envy comes the contentment of Christ. Information from current scholarship is reflected in the text. But the expression “shall Aaron order it from the evening unto the morning” gives us the interpretation. The word soul in scripture is a synonym of woman. The golden Altar of Incense was much smaller than the Altar of Burnt Offering, being only eighteen inches square and three feet high. The growth of the believer from the time he receives the blood atonement by faith until he is in Christ’s image and is in perfect, restful union with God through Christ. We could mention Jeremiah, Paul, Peter and a host of others who bore an abundance of fruit because they were willing to deny themselves and follow Christ. The same anointing will one day rest on the Body of Christ (Isaiah, Chapter 60). The soul that sins must die, and each one of us has committed many sins during his or her lifetime. Now that we have entered Christ’s death and resurrection we have the power to choose to be a servant of righteousness. It requires also that we do not run ahead of God, attempting to build the Kingdom of God by our own wisdom, strength, and desires. I told her to pray until she lost all feeling of animosity for her husband, then to approach him in love and to show him her love, then to explain to him the reason she will never go back with him to any more parties. We Christians are coheirs with Him. The “knops” (knobs) were somewhat spherical (ball-shaped), similar to an apple, pomegranate, or bulb. The Table of Showbread is the continual presentation of the living Word of God, the body and blood of Christ, the eating of which builds Christ in the believer. The Ark was wood (humanity) covered with gold (Divinity). The new life in Christ is a miracle of reconstitution of the person’s entire personality and way of life. The memorial jar of manna (daily provisions of grace from God). This meaning is derived from the fact of the woman having been tempted and deceived by the devil in the Garden of Eden. The incense that pleases the Father is the pouring out of our life in total consecration to His will. God requires of His priests that they be holy in deed, word, and thought, and that their hearts and minds be stayed on Him at all times, day and night. No one but the priest was permitted to see the furnishings of the Holy Place—not even the Levites. The Christian who has been created in the image of Christ in spirit, soul, and body, who has been filled with the fullness of the Father and the Son through the Holy Spirit, and who has been anointed with the fullness of the Holy Spirit for ministry, has an eternity of eternities in which to dwell in the bosom of the Father, to serve Him throughout His creation, and to come to know Him ever more fully. The Ark is always ready to move on. Paul explains this transition in I Corinthians, Chapter 13 when he indicates that the gifts of the Spirit are temporary—incomplete in the ability to reveal God, and are not a sign of maturity. Every man, woman, boy, and girl who walks on this planet will eat the body and drink the blood of Christ or he will dwell in darkness and death. The remainder of the building was called the Holy. The demolishing of our self life is a lifelong program, and God knows exactly how to lay His finger on the sources of our problem with self. Will we do this? The Body of Christ always must point to Christ on the cross for the world to see, and for itself to see. The Veil was placed two-thirds of the way toward the far end of the building, partitioning off a room cubical in proportion, fifteen feet on a side. Those requirements were in the form of judgments against sin. The jar of manna (Exodus 16:33) was an imperishable sample of the manna that began to come down on the Israelites as soon as they had crossed the Red Sea. Seat or from the body, the beauty of the world cubits wide Ark there parts of the tabernacle and their meaning... 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