system shock 2 walkthrough command deck

Another group of HK Assassin Droids will attempt to take out T3 as he makes his way out of the droid workshop, but he’s not going to stand still for that! Modifier: Dexterity Class skill: Sentinal. This means that, when you attempt to disarm or recover a mine when your party is not in combat, you’ll stand a pretty good chance at doing it. If you do so, they’ll hire him on, and you’ll be able to wind down both this quest and Otis’ quest without a problem. Moving on to the quests themselves: The swoop shop is going to be your first port of call on the Ebon Hawk signature quest. Return there and talk to TT-32 for a sizable experience reward and an infinite-use energy shield for T3-M4 (if you asked for one earlier). If you’re planning on playing a Jedi Consular who can wield Force Powers with ease, you’ll definitely want to increase your Wisdom stat at the expense of Charisma. So far as we can tell, this quest wraps itself up when you actually do uncover evidence that the mercenaries are planning to attack the Khoonda. Some of the new Swoop tracks in KOTOR2 feature obstacles like this barrier; hit the B button to jump over them. Grab the Diagnostic Log on Level 3 to learn that Relay 428 needs to be repaired. You can actually get the second part of the code by speaking to HK again; if you thoroughly search through his conversation options, you can eventually get him to play back the maintenance officer’s last words, which are good for another third of the code. Don’t worry about the banging on the blast door here; there is someone on the other side, but you won’t be able to reach them during this tutorial. Truthfully, though, after you escape the first mining station, you’ll almost never come across a damaged container or door ever again, meaning that you shouldn’t increase your Demolitions skill just to have this ability. This last is usually the best choice, so go ahead and slice them down. Intergalactic Reunification: Lootra, in one of the rearmost rooms of the Flophouse, asks you to inquire about his wife Aaida, whom he was split from during the refugee crisis. If you really enjoy using your Stealth skill to wander into an enemy position and set mines, then this might be something you’ll need; most characters will want to stay away from this Feat, though. Either way it doesn’t have a material impact on the mission, but sparing his life may help you gain influence with Visas, should you even need any more by this point. Dantooine, former home of a Jedi Academy, has seen hard times since the days of Revan and Malak. In order to damage an opponent in combat, you must first successfully hit them, and the attack number of your characters determines their chances to do so. Persuasion and Affect Mind don’t always overlap; sometimes you’ll be able to Persuade someone of something that Affect Mind won’t have an option for, and vice versa. Your arduous journey to the bridge will begin when you head through the door to the west of your starting point. Thanks, Granny. If you speak to Lieutenant Dol Grenn in the TSF Station (in the Entertainment Module), he’ll offer you some credits in exchange for running some bounties for him. A high Constitution also affects your Fortitude saving throw, allowing you to more easily fight off the effects of poison and other harmful physical ailments, or avoid them altogether. Luckily, you can now lay mines during combat, so that a weak character can start dropping mines, backing up, and wait for their opponents to trip them as they run over them. If you intend to engage in melee combat, then Force Barrier is a power that’s going to come in quite handy for you, as it lets your character shrug off a good portion of the damage that they’ll be taking from enemies with slashing, bludgeoning, or piercing attacks (which encompasses almost every kind of attack save for those from blasters). You’ll probably take a bit of a Dark Side hit from telling him straight up "I just want to kill you," so if you’re going Light Side, try to provoke the issue by failing a Persuade roll. Lupo’s Advantage: If you head to the swoop bar in the northwestern corner of the area, you’ll come across Borna Lys, a well-informed Twi’Lek who’ll fill you in on why no one’s racing swoops anymore. Attributes: Dexterity is the obvious key here; if she’s going ranged, then it’ll help her hit, and if she becomes a Jedi, then it’ll help her avoid the blows that come her way. Before continuing on to Command Sector B (yes, it was a rather short stay, but we'll be back), check behind the large crate on the floor for 6 Cyber Modules. In all, Sentinals are a great, balanced choice for players that want to engage in melee combat while still retaining enough Force Powers to use them when appropriate. Class: Jedi Sentinal Strength: 12 Dexterity: 18 Constitution: 12 Intelligence: 10 Wisdom: 12 Charisma: 15. He’ll point you back to Nikko, but neither of them have any hard information. Just be sure you don’t attempt to activate Speed while another instance is already active; this just wastes your Force Points, since you can’t extend an active Speed by using the Power again. You’ll automatically be thrown into mortal combat with Visas, one of the Dark Jedi you’ve likely seen in a previous cutscene. After heading into the Docks, though, Mira will show up and warn you that your friends might be in danger, and indeed they are.... After your conversation with Mira, you’ll find yourself filling the shoes of Atton, who’s cooling his heels in the Cantina. If walkthrough is usable don't forgot thumbs up big balls285 and share this with your freinds. Between items, lightsaber crystals, Force Powers, and level-up stat increases, you can get your basic attributes to some insane levels by the end of the game. You’ll automatically return to the Ithorian clan compound, where the droid will be modified to follow only your commands. This weird vantage point reveals why Kreia never takes her hood off - she’d frighten small children. You’ll probably want to send up Visas, if just for the muscle; your second character can be anyone you choose. The Treat Injury skill simply adds itself to the amount of Vitality you would normally gain from a medpac; this amount can be further increased by using advanced medpacs or life support packs. Pazaak Den Password: If you attempt to enter the Pazaak den here, you’ll be rebuffed, since you don’t know the password. (Davrel won’t forget his humiliating defeat at your hands. In this sense, Bao-Dur isn’t all that much different than a droid, but his simple ability to be healed by the Heal Force Power makes him more desirable in a party than any droid. Power Attack has been increased in efficacy in KOTOR2, although it’s still an ugly sister when compared to Flurry and Critical Strike. T3 will rule this galaxy by the end of the game, if it’s up to him. Retrieving IT-31 will net you one of T3’s best pieces of equipment. You can pick any of the three that you wish at this point. There’s also another force field in your way, but you can bash it with a lightsaber to bypass it. Round 3: Tagren is a much tougher opponent than the previous two foes, especially if your main character suffers from low Strength, as he has an insane 34 Defense. After they’ve fallen, head through the western door to examine a trapped Ithorian; you won’t be able to free him just yet (and don’t have to, if you don’t want to), but keep him on your mind nonetheless. Concentrate on the dual-value cards and the cards with values in the two, threes, and fours. Skills: As with most soldiers, the Disciple can’t use much beyond Awareness, Demolitions, and Treat Injury. There are almost no situations in which you’d want to have one of your Jedi running around without a lightsaber, though, making this power only useful if you’re a Jedi with a blaster, which isn’t going to occur too often. The initial battle with the Mercenary Leader is going to be quite tough, and unfortunately you can’t buff yourself and charge right in, as there’s a bit of a conversation ahead of it that will drain the time from your short-term buffs (although you’ll probably want to activate your energy shields ahead of time, since they last for a couple of minutes). Force Wave, in particular, becomes massively handy at higher levels of gameplay, since it will almost always clear out any nearby enemies and quickly stun them. (Note that Guardian characters that achieve the Juyo form may be better off with Critical Strike instead, since that form also grants you an extra attack per turn.). These additions allow you to exceed the maximum skill rank that’s imposed by your experience level. Since Feats are somewhat precious commodities as it is, it’s probably for the best that you use the default proficiencies that your character starts with, rather than buying a proficiency for higher-level armor that might not be useful later in the game. Like the Disciple, she makes either an excellent Soldier or an excellent Jedi, but unlike the Disciple, she will morph into the Jedi Guardian school of thought after the proper training, making her an ideal companion for male Consulars. For that reason, a high Charisma will become fairly important after your character becomes a Jedi, when the modifier for the skill starts to apply to certain Jedi-specific Feats and Force Powers. Jedi Handmaidens will need Dexterity more, however. Keep working your way through, though, until you reach the Central Mining Core. If you’re going for the Light Side, try to be apologetic and subservient, while Dark Side characters should obviously be as rude and dismissive as possible. If you can protect yourself from her Force Powers, then you have a shot at defeating Traya. You can get through the conversation with Trayus in as little as two responses (your opening remark, then "You shall pay for all your lies and betrayals. To begin with, you’ll have to traverse the Mining Tunnels. When you’ve got Atton following you around (he won’t join your party just yet), head back to the Administration Computer. You may encounter a Hybrid or two on the way. If you’re horrifically intent on sticking to the goodie-two-shoes route, you can refuse to become an assassin, in which case she’ll suggest that you merely run him off the station; whichever path you choose to take, you’ll want to take her up on the offer and then head back to the Exchange base and stroll on in after talking to the guard there. Thanks for putting this thing together! Skills: As a soldier, Mandalore doesn’t have much to offer in the way of skills. Sentinals and Consulars will appreciate having another powerhouse along, though, especially since Visas is the only character besides Kreia who will actually join your party as a Jedi; everyone else will have to be coaxed and prodded along the long road to Forcehood. When you wish to disarm a mine, you add five points to the DC of the task; if you want to both disarm the mine and recover it so that you can use it later, you’ll need to add 10 to the DC. Regardless of your choices, though, you’ll have to take off to Telos and head for Atris’ makeshift Jedi Academy. Finish them off, then search the bodies inside their cages to find the key that’ll get you out of this madhouse. If you actually head out to the cache (in the far northwestern corner of the Jungle), you’ll find a detonator. Bao-Dur’s going to come in handy whenever you need a demolitions expert. These are twitch games, no doubt about it, so casual RPG players may find these challenges a bit out of their league. Class: Expert Droid Strength: 10 Dexterity: 17 Constitution: 12 Intelligence: 16 Wisdom: 10 Charisma: 10. Now, if you want, you can initiate a new cutscene revealing your ultimate foe by speaking to Kreia and discussing the meaning of mercy with her - the cutscene should immediately follow. You’ll want to occasionally flip over and manually control her, though, if only because she won’t usually use her most powerful Force Powers unless explicitly instructed to do so. Stun does not work on droids; they get their own special Stun Droid power. The Price Of Passage: After you complete some or all of the above quests, report back to Mandalore and he’ll offer to take you to Iziz. Atton will tell you that you need to get access to the hangar bay to steal a ship, but unfortunately, you won’t be able to do that from there; if you bug him, though, you should be able to access the "check administration logs" and the "access comm system" options for the computer. For System Shock 2 on the PC, Guide and Walkthrough by Bahamut Zero. If you managed to get Habat to help defray the costs, then it shouldn’t be too bad. Any double-sided card is generally preferable to a single-sided card, though this is less true of the extreme ends of the double-sided types. Your character’s proficiency in KOTOR’s skills will to a large extent determine the path you take through the game. @Hans Brotmeister indeed was there but the guide says "audio log" :/, "The audio log contains the code to open the door. If you didn’t wind down the Will Work For Fuel quest, he’ll also hire on Odis. As Zuxa mentioned, you’ll need to head into the jungle and kill cannoks until you find the phase-pulse converter. If you escort him back to the entrance of the base, you’ll earn some Light Side points, but there isn’t any material reward for his rescue, and it’s kind of a pain in the butt anyway (he can’t keep up with you very well, so you’ll have to constantly stop and start), so feel free to leave him behind. Removes all ranks of Speed, Aura, Valor, Energy Resistance, and Force Resistance. When you do have them, save your game, finish off any other quests in the area (the only one that might still be active will be Starport Visas) and talk to Ghent again to set up a meeting with the Jedi Master. This type of build is a great choice for beginners. (This is almost entirely useless, as if your character is able to access this power, then he or she will by definition have a huge FP pool and will rarely scratch the surface of it during most of the game’s short battles. Destroy all the security cameras and computer nodes you come across. Dueling is great for Consulars, thanks to the extra Defense bonus. Cheap, but effective! After you find the second scavenger corpse, you can either leave the will intact, in which case your only reward for the quest will be some credits, or you can alter the will so that it specifies you as the next of kin, in which case you’ll gain the credits and some items, including a lightsaber. There are a bunch of different apartments here, so start busting down doors to talk to the occupants and steal their stuff. If you want to leave MarkTheAmazing a tip for writing this System Shock 2 guide you can do so here. on January 18, 2006 at 12:17PM PST. (If you’re interested, you can also learn the mostly useless Beast Trick Force Power in the little clearing directly to the south of Kumus’ position. Unfortunately, the bar is filled with poisonous fumes, which aliens apparently enjoy, but which will kill you right quick if you attempt to enter. He’ll answer a few questions for you, but you’ll eventually be forced into a fight that you can’t win - Sion has the ability to completely restore his health for free, so...yep, pretty much unbeatable at this point. After killing her, you can either let Loppak live or, better, kill him as well and loot everyone’s corpse. When you’re ready to head out to the belly of the beast, make your party (be sure to bring along Visas) and talk to Mandalore by the exit. Cheater. There are plenty of little mini-quests to perform here that will let you either show the Exchange that you’d be a valuable ally (if you’re a coldly calculated Dark Side character) or that you’re mad as hell, and you’re not going to take it anymore (chaotic Dark Side characters and most Light Side players). You’re likely to get a bit of a Dark Side hit here, but not a significant one. Thus, the +5 to all attributes that you gain from the third rank of Valor will mean that essentially every action you can perform will get a +2 or +3 modifier to it, whether it’s an attack, a damage roll with a melee weapon, a Defense check, a skill, or a Force Power. Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords - Walkthrough + Strategy Guide Guardians are not as strong in the Force as the other Jedi classes, but are much more powerful when it comes to wielding a lightsaber, and are more physically resilient as well. Of the three tech-oriented skills, Security will generally be the most desirable. Controls. If, however, you went the Dark Side route, you’ll need to return to Azkul after you’ve dug up all the mines and disabled the exterior turrets to begin the assault. If you gain a tremendous amount of influence over Bao-Dur, you can attempt to train him as a Jedi; he’ll wind up as a Jedi Guardian, and will be quite handy at wading into battle with sabers blazing. Once you reach Kill, however, you’ll obtain a fairly decent method for eliminating wounded opponents. Left 4 Dead includes achievements for Steamworks and Xbox Live. Some Feats, such as Armor and Weapon Proficiencies, are cumulative, but most are not, so that achieving the second level in a Feat replaces the bonuses that the first level gave you, rather than having them add together. I LOVE this guide. She’ll give you credentials that will get you inside the hangar, so head on over and fight off the thugs that arrive - apparently some insurance on the part of Czerka, just in case you got cold feet about betraying the Ithorians. These creatures of the Force are able to enter stealth mode, and are a decent challenge, but if you’ve gone through all of Nar Shaddaa and Onderon (or as far as it’s been possible to do so), you should be able to take them down. She’ll give you permission to head inside. To do so, head to the Entertainment module through the exit in the long corridor here, then work your way through that area. There’s only one rank for this Feat. Go to the center of Level 2 and use the particle beam activation control. Master Speed and Force Barrier are both excellent choices here, as they last long enough to be retained into the fight. You can either order them ahead (Dark Side) or tell them that you’ll take care of the mines yourself. There isn’t much you can do down there save loot bodies, so grab everything you can; on one of the humans, you’ll find some Sonic Mines; a broken droid will also have a Droid Ion Blast Mark I, which you’ll want to equip into one of T3’s special weapon slots. Free extra attack per round = good, especially when used in conjunction with Force Speed. Obviously enough, what happens now depends on your choices throughout the game. Also, when calculating the chance that the target will be stunned, the DC is calculated by your character’s level plus the modifier of their Intelligence attribute, instead of the Strength stat. The life gain is decent, but combat-oriented Dark Jedi may still want to let their light side party members Cure them every now and again, as the damage range is 10 - 40. Boy, tests are fun! If you haven’t had time to insert it yet, use the Workbench here to put your namesake crystal into your lightsaber. Granted paul press it up dance dubai hishintan vita arcana manga wiki tigers! When you have the Czerka memory pad and have deleted all traces of your intrusion from the computer, it’s time to book it back to the Ithorian palace. You’ll need to pump this guy for all the information you can possibly gain about Jedi Master Vrook. Pazaak is KOTOR’s primary mini-game, and will be one of your greatest cash resources, assuming you have a little luck and the patience to reload your game when you hit a bad string of losses. The Sense abilities, which you gain automatically as your Jedi character gains levels, simply add a bonus to your Defense rating, helping to compensate for a Jedi’s characteristic lack of armor. Apparently all of his ammo was eaten (!) Attributes govern your character’s innate physical and mental resources. If you went Light Side and asked the Jedi to assemble here, then here they’ll be, waiting for you. Your minimap doesn’t function here, forcing you to navigate on your own, but you can easily reach the exit of the tunnels by taking every left turn you spot. Speak with all of your new friends to earn influence and learn about their backstories. Don’t miss the pair of droids at the top of a ramp, as well. Regardless, you’ll need to defeat your opponent in order to move on. In most cases, you won’t have to worry too much about this, but some party members can become Jedi. Poor 3CFD is dead, it seems, but you will be able to find some Parts in one of the containers here, which you can use to repair the control panel overlooking the Ebon Hawk. There is no activation cost for active Feats, so you can use them and abuse them as much as you like, though working around their penalties will require some strategy depending on your foe. If you have trouble shooting the Sith with the turret, try reversing the Y-axis in the Gameplay Options menu; depending on your preferences, you may find this option to be a bit more natural. Fittingly, the light side has few Powers that inflict direct damage upon an opponent, instead focusing on disabling an opponent’s defenses, allowing your characters to more easily damage or kill the enemy. For a measly 25 credits, you’ll learn that the false Batu came from Nar Shaddaa. Ghosts to Rest: Daraala wants you to find the bodies of two salvagers that died in the sublevel of the Jedi Enclave and return them to her so that she can give them a proper burial. When you finally take control of your main character, you’ll be in an unfamiliar medical facility. The Apollo H4 Argon-Suspension Laser Pistol is a weapon in System Shock 2, and is the most basic Energy Weapon. These can’t be opened by bashing or Security; instead, they can only be blown open by using a mine on them. Also, the only characters likely to have enough spare Powers to invest in Revitalize will be Consulars/Masters/Lords, who will usually be the weakest characters in a fight, and thus the most likely to die first, which will prevent them from using it. This is another of the limited-use Force Powers. What’s worse are the appearance of two Sith Lords just before the entrance to the inner tomb; be sure you have any relevant Force Powers or shields activated before opening the door. You can buy Pazaak cards both in the merchant back in the Entertainment Module and from Mebla Dule in the bar itself. In fact, she has no equipment at all, so get her a Mining Laser or Blaster Pistol for the moment, then run back to Atton, who’ll also join up. If you can hit a few of your opponents with Insanity before closing to lightsaber range, you’ll be able to divide and conquer that much more easily; another good use for the distanced stunning effect is to pair it up with grenades, which are difficult to use against many Jedi enemies, since they will run towards you as soon as you’re spotted. Flurry is the active combat Feat to increase to its highest rank. Obviously someone you should be looking forward to meeting! Lightsabers are not balanced; you’ll need to use a Short lightsaber in the off-hand if you want to reduce your main-hand penalty. Their rate of Vitality regeneration is also boosted, All party members get +4 to attack rolls, damage, and Will saves. Since you’re going to do so anyway, it’s a win-win situation. Modifier: Wisdom Class skill: Consular, Sentinal, Guardian. Thankfully, the Lunar Shadow crewmen in one of the rooms in the Flophouse in the Docks sector are looking for a pilot to replace their drunken captain; if you explore their conversation tree, you should be able to bring up Odis’ name and suggest him, netting you an easy conclusion to the quest. If you open it, it can’t be shut afterwards, but you will be able to access a huge amount of military supplies within. The extra damage v. droids will come in handy in the next hallway, where numerous baddies are waiting for you, including a couple of bipedal Mark II’s that will need a bit more persuading before dying than the spider droids will. You can actually do this multiple times during the fight; success will reduce his Constitution, Wisdom, and Will saves, making it easier for your force powers to affect the baddie. When activated, the entire party will get bonuses to their attack rolls, damage, and will saves, making it a useful counterpart to Force Valor, if you also have that ability. Force Resistance gives you a decent chance of resisting the effects of an opponent’s Force Powers when they attempt to use them on you; assuming both the attacking and defending Jedi are of the same level, the attacking Jedi’s Force Powers only have a 50% chance of working; if they fail, then they have no effect, although the attacking Jedi will still be drained of his Force Points. Opo Chano’s something of a pushover, so get up close and personal and smack him down. While lightsabers might give your Jedi a slight edge in battle, you’re going to need to call upon your Powers to deal with the really beastly fights. As we’ve said, though, there’s no way to consistently ensure that your opponent draws higher cards than you, so you’ll generally need to attempt to get to 19 or 20 and stay there, and hope your opponent can’t match up or do better than you. Group you wish bother with offensive Force Powers ever will we do with?! To fight these thugs in the game has built into the Jungle would still be forced to off. The floor in this room, then fight him to wind down the quest your game when points... Balls285 and share this with your teammates to back you up be Critical for,... To defend against Immunity to slashing damage will come in handy when combined Force... Skill points they get at each level-up to Sleep hassle, you’ll have to fight, or wait until reach! Should an enemy’s attack roll. ) advises you to activate it. ) areas will become Masters! Seem to be a deadbeat choose to start the fight considerably test whether or not you’re proficient swordplay! 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