wilson v playtika settlement

If you are a Settlement Class Member and you want to receive a payment, you must complete and submit a valid Claim Form by [Claims Deadline]. Whether or not the Effective Date occurs or the Settlement Agreement is 4 terminated, neither this Agreement nor the settlement contained herein, nor any act performed or 5 document executed pursuant to or in furtherance of this Agreement or the settlement: 6 (a) is, may be deemed, or shall be used, offered or received against the 7 Released Parties, or each or any of them, as an admission, concession or evidence of, the validity 8 of any Released Claims, the truth of any fact alleged by Plaintiff, the deficiency of any defense 9 that has been or could have been asserted in the Action, the violation of any law or statute, the 10 reasonableness of the settlement amount or the Fee Award, or of any alleged wrongdoing, 11 liability, negligence, or fault of the Released Parties, or any of them; 12 (b) is, may be deemed, or shall be used, offered or received against 13 Defendants, or each or any of them, as an admission, concession or evidence of any fault, 14 misrepresentation or omission with respect to any statement or written document approved or 15 made by the Released Parties, or any of them; 16 (c) is, may be deemed, or shall be used, offered or received against the 17 Released Parties, or each or any of them, as an admission or concession with respect to any 18 liability, negligence, fault or wrongdoing as against any Released Parties, in any civil, criminal 19 or administrative proceeding in any court, administrative agency or other tribunal. "Preliminary Approval" means the order preliminarily approving the 7 Settlement, preliminarily certifying the Settlement Class for settlement purposes, preliminarily 8 appointing Class Counsel and the Class Representatives, and approving the form and manner of 9 the Notice. HOW TO GET BENEFITS 9. They believe, after conducting an extensive investigation, that the Settlement Agreement is fair, reasonable, and in the best interests of the Settlement Class. Wilson v. Playtika, Ltd et al The specific claims you are giving up against the Defendants are described in the Settlement Agreement in Section 1.27. Plaintiff Sean Wilson brings this case, individually and on behalf of all others similarly situated, against Defendant Playtika Ltd., Playtika Holding Corp. (collectively “Playtika”), and Caesars Interactive Entertainment, LLC (“CIE”) (collectively “Defendants”) to enjoin their operation of … Before doing so, however, please read this website carefully. Unless you exclude yourself, you give up any right to sue the Defendants for the claims being resolved by this Settlement. The Court shall retain jurisdiction with respect to implementation and 26 enforcement of the terms of this Settlement Agreement, and all Parties hereto submit to the 27 CLASS ACTION SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT - 31 - 3 1 jurisdiction of the Court for purposes of implementing and enforcing the settlement embodied in 2 this Settlement Agreement. 18- 15 cv-05277. Prospective Measures. 27 1.23. 3 Sean Wilson 4 Date:__________________ By: (signature) ____________________ 5 Name: (printed) ____________________ 6 7 David Taylor 8 Date:__________________ By: (signature) ____________________ 9 10 Name: (printed) ____________________ 11 12 Cathy Burdick 13 Date:__________________ By: (signature) ____________________ 14 Name: (printed) ____________________ 15 16 17 Jesse Thibert 18 Date:__________________ By: (signature) ____________________ 19 Name: (printed) ____________________ 20 21 Edelson PC 22 Date:__________________ By: (signature) ____________________ 23 Name: (printed) ____________________ 24 25 26 [DEFENDANTS' SIGNATURES APPEAR ON FOLLOWING PAGE] 27 CLASS ACTION SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT 3 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto and their counsel have caused this Settlement 1 2 Agreement to be executed. The Parties have relied upon the advice and representation of counsel, selected by 27 them, concerning the claims hereby released. 13 J. Except as otherwise agreed by Class Counsel and Defendants' Counsel in writing 20 and/or as required by legal disclosure obligations, all terms of this Agreement will remain 21 confidential and subject to Rule 408 of the Federal Rules of Evidence until presented to the 22 Court along with Plaintiff's motion for preliminary approval. Ca C C a d b a b [two weeks prior to objection deadline]. 21 4.2. 18-CV-05277 3 1 Defendants Playtika, LTD and Caesars Interactive Entertainment, LLC (altogether 2 "Defendants"); and Jay Edelson and Rafey Balabanian ("Class Counsel Principals") and their 3 law firm Edelson PC (together with Class Counsel Principals, "EPC") (collectively, "the 4 Parties"), stipulate and agree as follows: 5 WHEREAS, EPC desires to give an undertaking (the "Undertaking") for repayment of 6 any award of attorneys' fees and costs approved by the Court; 7 WHEREAS, the Parties agree that this Undertaking is in the interests of all parties and in 8 service of judicial economy and efficiency; 9 NOW, THEREFORE, Class Counsel Principals, on behalf of themselves and as an 10 agents of Edelson PC, by making this Undertaking, hereby submit themselves and their law firm, 11 Edelson PC, to the jurisdiction of the United States District Court for the Western District of 12 Washington ("the Court") for the purpose of enforcing the provisions of this Undertaking and 13 any and all disputes relating to or arising out of the reimbursement obligation set forth herein and 14 in the Settlement Agreement. NOTICE 12 4.1. 12 6.3. What is this lawsuit about? The other Class representatives could get as much as $1,000 each. The Court has appointed lawyers from Edelson PC to represent the class. Thirty (30) days prior to the Claims Deadline, the 7 Settlement Administrator shall again send Notice via email substantially in the form attached as 8 Exhibit C, along with an electronic link to the Claim Form, to all Settlement Class Members for 9 whom a valid email address is available in the Class List. What are My Other Options? Where do I get more information? 18-CV-05277 3 1 attachment orders against EPC for the full amount of owed Fee Award, and any other appropriate 2 remedies. 18 L. Around the same time, Playtika joined defendant High 5 Games, LLC ("High 5") 19 in the related case Wilson v. High 5 Games, LLC, No. 3 EXHIBIT D 3 3 BASIC INFORMATION 1. 27 CLASS ACTION SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT - 15 - 3 1 (d) Class Counsel and Defendants' counsel shall cooperate to work with the 2 Platform Providers to obtain all Lifetime Spending Amounts greater than zero for each 3 username/PlayerId associated with a Settlement Class Member whose contact information is 4 obtained pursuant to Section 4.1(c). 13 5.3. in E-Commerce, Licensing/Contracts. Playtika will implement a policy, and will make commercially reasonable 18 efforts to enforce that policy, such that Customer service representatives will provide the same 19 information to any player who contacts them and references or seeks assistance for such video 20 game behavior disorders, and will face no adverse employment consequences for providing 21 players with this information. 5 1.12. To do so, you must include in your b b c a a a a N c Intent to Appear in Sean Wilson v. Playtika, LTD, et al., No. Any Settlement Class Member may request to be 11 excluded from the Settlement Class by sending a written request that is received on or before the 12 Objection/Exclusion Deadline approved by the Court and specified in the Notice. played Slotomania, House of Fun, Caesars Casino/Caesars Slots, or Vegas Downtown Slots & Words while located in the state of Washington. You are not being sued. Defendants 8 have further concluded that it is desirable to settle the Released Claims pursuant to the terms and 9 conditions set forth in this Agreement to avoid the time, risk, and expense of defending 10 protracted litigation and to resolve finally and completely the pending and potential claims of 11 Plaintiff and the Settlement Class. 17 (d) Digital Publication Notice. Settlement Class Members are persons in the state of Washington who played Slotomania, House of Fun, Caesars Casino/Caesars Slots, or Vegas Downtown Slots & Words on or before [Date of PAO]. 6 (c) The Settlement Payment will be determined according to the Plan of 7 Allocation attached as Exhibit E. 8 (d) If the total Approved Claims do not exhaust the Net Settlement Fund 9 under the baseline marginal recovery percentages in the Plan of Allocation, the marginal 10 recovery percentages will be increased pro rata so that the Settlement Payments will exhaust or 11 leave only de minimis funds in the Net Settlement Fund. STIPULATION AND ORDER RE AGREED RIDER TO PROTECTIVE ORDER REGARDING THE USE AND DISCLOSURE OF DISCOVERY PRODUCED BY NONPARTY AMAZON.COM, INC. ROBERT S. LASNIK, District Judge.. CLASS ACTION SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT - 27 - 3 1 For the avoidance of doubt, nothing about this agreement shall interfere or shall be construed to 2 interfere with Class Counsels' duties to the Class. If approved by the Court, Defendants will establish a Settlement Fund totaling $38,000,000. CLASS ACTION SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT -1- 3 1 E. Playtika then answered Plaintiff's complaint on December 21, 2018. Excluded from 27 the Settlement Class are (1) any Judge or Magistrate presiding over this action and members of their CLASS ACTION SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT -9- 3 1 families, (2) Defendants, Defendants' subsidiaries, parent companies, successors, predecessors, and 2 any entity in which Defendants or their parents have a controlling interest and their current or former 3 officers, directors, and employees, (3) persons who properly execute and file a timely request for 4 exclusion from the settlement class, and (4) the legal representatives, successors or assigns of any such 5 excluded persons. 23 N. Shortly thereafter, the Parties agreed to schedule a mediation session on June 16, 24 2020, with the Honorable Layn Phillips (ret.) 16 B. #40 & 43 - 23 1 Playtika asks the Court to strike all claims related to Vegas Downtown Slots because 2 Wilson does not allege that he ever played that particular game. 14 3. 9 Q. 3 (b) Settlement Class Members shall have until the Claims Deadline to submit 4 a Claim Form. 4 1.11. Your letter or request for exclusion must include your (a) name (b) telephone number (c) U.S. Mail address, (d) email address, (e) User IDs and/or email addresses associated with Slotomania, House of Fun, Caesars Casino/Caesars Slots, and Vegas Downtown Slots & Words, and (f) your signature. 17 Specifically, players who run out of virtual coins are able to continue to play at least one slot 18 game within the Application they are playing. Claims Administrator: Heffler Claims Group. The Settlement Administrator will review your Claim Form. 3 (i) No amount paid by Defendants into the Escrow Account shall revert to 4 Defendants unless the Settlement is terminated in accordance with Sections 4.6 or 7.1. Additionally, should any 18 party to the Undertaking dissolve, merge, declare bankruptcy, become insolvent, or cease to exist 19 prior to the final payment to Settlement Class Members, that party shall execute a new 20 undertaking guaranteeing repayment of funds within fourteen (14) days of such an occurrence. Do I have a lawyer in the case? Excluding yourself from the Settlement C a C a d want to be part of the Settlement Class. 27 CLASS ACTION SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT - 22 - 3 1 6.2. If the amount of the Base Payment Amounts, as defined in the Plan of Allocation, 6 of persons in the Settlement Class who request exclusion exceeds 5% of the Settlement Fund, 7 then any Party to this Settlement Agreement may notify the other parties in writing that they 8 have elected to terminate this Settlement Agreement. The digital publication 20 notice campaign will be targeted, to the extent reasonably possible, to the state of Washington, 21 will run for at least one month and will contain active hyperlinks to the Settlement Website. 19 1.7. Consistent with Section 1.11, the Effective Date shall not occur unless and until 6 each of the following events occurs and shall be the date upon which the last (in time) of the 7 following events occurs: 8 (a) The Parties have executed this Agreement; 9 (b) The Court has granted Preliminary Approval; 10 (c) The Court has entered an order finally approving the Agreement, 11 following Notice to the Settlement Class and a Final Approval Hearing, as provided in the 12 Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, and has entered the Final Judgment, or a judgment consistent 13 with this Agreement in all material respects, and such Final Judgment or other judgment 14 consistent with this Agreement in all material respects has become final and non-appealable; 15 (d) Defendants have funded the Settlement Fund; and 16 (e) In the event that the Court enters an order and final judgment in a form 17 other than that provided above ("Alternative Judgment") to which the Parties have consented, 18 such Alternative Judgment has become final and non-appealable. Contact Us You may contact us using the contact information below or by submitting this form. Class List. 27 CLASS ACTION SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT - 30 - 3 1 11.9. I a c a ac, ca d c a a b a a a ca have similar claims. Wilson would get as much as $10,000 as an “incentive award” for taking up the case. This Settlement Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts. Payment of the Fee Award shall be made by wire transfer to Class Counsel in 16 accordance with wire instructions to be provided to the Escrow Account agent, after completion 17 of necessary forms, including but not necessarily limited to W-9 forms. "Platform Provider(s)" means Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Microsoft, Samsung 2 and/or Google. This email serves as notice to you that Google may produce information in response to the subpoenas unless you make a formal objection in court, as described below. On December 20, 2019, the Ninth Circuit affirmed the Court's denial of the 11 defendant's motion to compel arbitration in Wilson v. Huuuge, Inc. 18-cv- 7 05276 (W.D. 2. THE COURT S FINAL APPROVAL HEARING 19. 18-cv-05277-RSL (the "Action"). But, unless you exclude yourself, you b ab bring or participate in any other lawsuit against the Defendants for the claims being resolved by this Settlement. 3 The undersigned stipulate, warrant, and represent that they have both actual and apparent 4 authority to enter into this stipulation, agreement, and undertaking on behalf of Edelson PC. How Do I Get a Payment? All time periods and dates described in this Agreement are subject to the Court's 16 approval. Excluded from the Settlement Class are (1) any Judge or Magistrate presiding over this action and members of their families, (2) the D da, D da b da, a c a, cc, d c, a d a c defendants or their parents have a controlling interest and their current or former officers, directors, and employees, (3) persons who properly execute and file a timely request for exclusion from the settlement class, and (4) the legal representatives, successors or assigns of any such excluded persons. Ob c a C a d ab S. Y ca b c you stay in the Settlement Class. 22 3.2. 6 QUESTIONS? 26 27 CLASS ACTION SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT -4- 3 1 1.3. The Settlement Website shall remain 27 accessible until at least thirty (30) days after the Effective Date. At the request of Defendants' Counsel, Class 15 Counsel or their designees shall apply for any tax refund owed on the amounts in the Settlement 16 Fund and pay the proceeds, after any deduction of any fees or expenses incurred in connection 17 with such application(s), of such refund to Defendants or as otherwise directed. These attorneys are called Class Counsel. 10-cv-5306 (C.D. Plaintiff Sean Wilson is a Settlement Class Member and the Court appointed him as one of the C a Re e e a i es. "Effective Date" means the date upon which the last (in time) of the following 8 events occurs: (i) the date upon which the time expires for filing or noticing any appeal of the 9 Final Judgment, if no appeal is timely filed; (ii) if there is an appeal or appeals, the date of 10 completion, in a manner that finally affirms and leaves in place the Final Judgment without any 11 material modification, of all proceedings arising out of the appeal(s) (including, but not limited 12 to, the expiration of all deadlines for motions for reconsideration or petitions for review and/or 13 certiorari, all proceedings ordered on remand, and all proceedings arising out of any subsequent 14 appeal(s) following decisions on remand); or (iii) the date of final dismissal of any appeal or the 15 final dismissal of any proceeding on certiorari with respect to the Final Judgment. Upon the Effective Date, the Released Parties, and each of them, further shall by 26 operation of the Final Judgment have, fully, finally, and forever released, relinquished, and 27 discharged all claims against Plaintiff, the Settlement Class, and Class Counsel that arise out of CLASS ACTION SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT - 14 - 3 1 or relate in any way to the commencement, prosecution, settlement or resolution of the Action, 2 except for claims to enforce the terms of the Settlement. 24 D. That same day, Playtika moved to dismiss due to lack of personal jurisdiction and 25 failure to state a claim; or in the alternative to strike certain allegations from the complaint. 9 9.4. “The revenue [the defendants] receive from Playtika’s online casino games are the result of operating unlawful games of chance camouflaged as innocuous [video games],” the complaint alleges. Signed by Judge Robert S. If you file a claim or do nothing, and the Court approves the Settlement, you will be bound by all f he C de a d j dg e in this case. Each Party explicitly reserves the right to oppose any 13 such request. CALL 1-800-000-0000 TOLL FREE, OR VISIT [WEBSITE] 3 any questions you can talk to the lawyers listed in Question 12 for free by calling 1-XXX-XXX-XXXX, or you can, of course, talk to your own lawyer if you have questions about what this means. 3 Sean Wilson 4 Date:__________________ By: (signature) ____________________ 5 Name: (printed) ____________________ 6 7 David Taylor 8 Date:__________________ By: (signature) ____________________ 9 10 Name: (printed) ____________________ 11 12 Cathy Burdick 13 Date:__________________ By: (signature) ____________________ 14 Name: (printed) ____________________ 15 16 17 Jesse Thibert 18 Date:__________________ By: (signature) ____________________ 19 Name: (printed) ____________________ 20 21 Edelson PC 22 Date:__________________ By: (signature) ____________________ 23 Name: (printed) ____________________ 24 25 26 [DEFENDANTS' SIGNATURES APPEAR ON FOLLOWING PAGE] 27 CLASS ACTION SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT 3 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto and their counsel have caused this Settlement 1 2 Agreement to be executed. The Parties shall, in good faith, cooperate, assist and undertake all reasonable 13 actions and steps in order to accomplish these required events on the schedule set by the Court, 14 subject to the terms of this Settlement Agreement. "App ID" means the unique identifier attached to a person who has a Slotomania, 2 House of Fun, Caesars Casino/Caesars Slots, and Vegas Downtown Slots & Words account 3 and/or login. Any Settlement Class Member who intends to 18 object to this Settlement must present the objection in writing, which must be personally signed 19 by the objector and must include: (i) any App ID(s), (ii) any email address(es) associated with 20 the use of the Applications, (iii) current contact telephone number, U.S. Mail address, and email 21 address, (iv) the specific grounds for the objection, (v) all documents or writings that the 22 Settlement Class Member desires the Court to consider, (vi) the name and contact information of 23 any and all attorneys representing, advising, or in any way assisting the objector in connection 24 with the preparation or submission of the objection or who may profit from the pursuit of the 25 objection, and (vii) a statement indicating whether the objector intends to appear at the Final 26 Approval Hearing (either personally or through counsel, who must file an appearance or seek pro 27 hac vice admission). 5 This Undertaking may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of which shall be 6 deemed an original but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument. These purported free games, the case says, generated in 2017 more than $3.8 billion worldwide for developers on the back of micro-transactions. Settlement Class Member payments, as well as the cost to administer the Settlement, the cost to inform people about the Settlement, any atto and costs awarded by the Court, and any incentive award to the Class Representatives approved by the Court will also come out of this fund. Therefore, Plaintiff believes that it is desirable that the Released Claims be fully and 21 finally compromised, settled, resolved with prejudice, and barred pursuant to the terms and 22 conditions set forth in this Agreement. 18- 23 cv-05277, pending in the United States District Court for the Western District of Washington. Signed by Judge Robert S. Lasnik. The Court will hold the final approval hearing on [date] in [to be determined]. Monetary Compensation. "Net Settlement Fund" means the Settlement Fund, plus any interest or 16 investment income earned on the Settlement Fund, less any Fee Award, incentive awards to the 17 Class Representatives, taxes, and Settlement Administration Expenses. No Class Representative will ask for more than $5,000 as an incentive award. WILSON v. PLAYTIKA LTD. WILSON v. PLAYTIKA LTD. Email | Print | Comments (0) Case No. 18 (g) In the event that an electronic deposit to a Settlement Class Member is 19 unable to be processed, the Settlement Administrator shall attempt to contact the Settlement 20 Class Member within thirty (30) calendar days to correct the problem. If you want to be represented by your own lawyer in this case, you may hire one at your expense. Instead, both sides agreed to a Settlement. Case Name: Sean Wilson v. Playtika, LTD, et al. 25 11.15. "Court" means the United States District Court for the Western District of 2 Washington, the Honorable Ronald B. Leighton, presiding, or any Judge who shall succeed him 3 as the Judge assigned to the Action. We encourage you to submit your claim electronically. Your written objection must be filed no later than [objection/exclusion deadline]. 13 11.12. A complete set of original executed counterparts shall be filed with the 24 Court if the Court so requests. Class Counsel will seek no more than 30% of the Settlement Fund; the Court may award less than these amounts. How do I object to the settlement? Who represents me? Your share will depend on, among other things, (1) the total dollar amount of in-game purchases you made while playing Slotomania, House of Fun, Caesars Casino/Caesars Slots, and Vegas Downtown Slots & Words, with those who spent more money receiving a higher percentage back and (2) how many Settlement Class Members submit claims. 22 Signature by digital, facsimile, or in PDF format will constitute sufficient execution of this 23 Settlement Agreement. 6 1.29. If you exclude yourself, you will not receive a settlement payment, but you keep any rights you may have to sue Defendants over the legal claims raised in the lawsuit. "Settlement Amount" means the amount of thirty-eight million dollars 20 ($38,000,000.00) to be deposited by Defendants into the Escrow Account consistent with the 21 provisions set forth in Section 2.1 below. Am I a Settlement Class Member? Wilson v. Playtika, Ltd et al Subject to Sections 9.1-9.3 below, and in addition to the rights described in 17 Section 4.6 above, the Parties to this Settlement Agreement shall have the right to terminate this 18 Agreement by providing written notice of the election to do so ("Termination Notice") to all 19 other Parties hereto within twenty-one (21) calendar days of any of the following events: (i) the 20 Court's refusal to grant Preliminary Approval of this Agreement; (ii) the Court's refusal to grant 21 final approval of this Agreement; (iii) the Court's refusal to enter the Final Judgment in the 22 Action; (iv) the date upon which the Final Judgment is modified or reversed in any material 23 respect by the Court of Appeals or the Supreme Court; or (v) the date upon which an Alternative 24 Judgment, as defined in Section 9.1(d) of this Agreement, is modified or reversed in any material 25 respect by the Court of Appeals or the Supreme Court. CONFIDENTIALITY AND PUBLIC STATEMENTS 19 10.1. The Claims Deadline shall be clearly set forth in the order 22 preliminarily approving the Settlement, as well as in the Notice and the Claim Form. The hearing may be postponed to a different date or time without notice, so it is a good idea to check [WEBSITE] or call 1-800-000-0000 to confirm the hearing date. All written objections must be filed with or otherwise received by the CLASS ACTION SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT - 18 - 3 1 Court, and e-mailed or delivered to Class Counsel and Defendants' Counsel, no later than the 2 Objection/Exclusion Deadline. Lasnik. CALL 1-800-000-0000 TOLL FREE, OR VISIT [WEBSITE] 3 If you are not sure whether you are included, you can call the Settlement Administrator at [ENTER NUMBER]. The Settlement Administrator may contact any person who has submitted 26 a Claim Form to obtain additional information necessary to verify the Claim Form. 7 (f) The Settlement Administrator will use the information obtained through 8 Sections 4.1(a)-(e) to create the "Class List." 17 4.4. 10 I. 16. This Settlement Agreement may be 9 amended or modified only by a written instrument signed by or on behalf of all Parties or their 10 respective successors-in-interest. 23 T. Based on their comprehensive examination and evaluation of the law and facts 24 relating to the matters at issue, Class Counsel have concluded that the terms and conditions of 25 this Agreement are fair, reasonable, and adequate to resolve the alleged claims of the Settlement 26 Class and that it is in the best interests of the Settlement Class Members to settle the Released 27 Claims pursuant to the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement. The 21 Settlement Amount shall be deposited by Defendants into the Escrow Account consistent with 22 the provisions in Section 2.1 below, and the money in the Escrow Account shall be invested in 23 the following types of accounts and/or instruments and no other: (i) demand deposit accounts 24 and/or (ii) time deposit accounts and certificates of deposit, in either case with maturities of 25 forty-five (45) days or less. Time, the Plaintiff or the Defendants for the Western District of Washington is overseeing this ACTION. Paper copy, go to [ website ] -6- 3 1 8.1 any Party may request that 12... For more interesting Court decisions an 14 unrepresented Class Member, no it is completely and! Leighton of the Settlement Fund in an amount to be determined and awarded by the Court,. F a b [ two weeks prior to objection deadline ] must timely File any objection through... Experience is available at [ website ] or TERMINATION 5 9.1 agree that any Party may a. 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