infj jobs no degree

I’m not talking about finishing a day’s work type of difference, but rather something else. I found home healthcare where I can go to the client home and work with them, and its been a blessing. Many of the infj traits are just dead on. I work at a sheet metal shop and it drains me so much and I am not happy at all there. I’m still unsure where to go next with career and hoping to get some insight. Like you said, doing the same task daily takes a toll on an infj. Sign up and request information from several schools so that you can compare and, if possible, negotiate more favourable conditions. Remember, it is never too late to do what you really want to do. Written work can fall into the categories of fiction or nonfiction, and the BLS notes that writers are identified by the kind of work they do: playwright, novelist, newspaper reporter. First of all, allow me to commend you on your courage and and bravery, What you did is incredible, hill, please know that. I’ve always enjoyed the idea of natural and spiritual health (yoga teacher, dietetics, naturopath etc). But at the moment I feel like I’m in the wilderness. Hi Alena! Have not been able to hold down a job since because they all stress me. These types of positions, with their lure of money, prestige and power, are usually of no interest to INFJs, who seek other rewards for their work. I am a mind-body retreat leader, yoga teacher, and Reiki practitioner. How exciting that you found your calling after a journey of finding yourself! I would love to hear more about your experience. May perform on stage, for on-air broadcasting, or for video recording. For example, when I was working as a public speaker and a journalist, I had no problem speaking in front of a crowd of hundreds, nor interviewing one person after another. One of the best ways to know that you’ve chosen one of the top INFJ careers is when it makes you lose track of time. Counselor, • Scientist Good luck out there my fellow INFJs. And thank you for sharing your thoughts. Don’t worry, you have the time, it’s not too late to find your calling. I’m happy to hear you liked the article. 5) School Counselor. . Plus I work in a hospital setting so constantly interacting with other healthcare worker who are also often on edge, overworked and stressed out themselves makes it draining for me. Unfortunately my husband is military and we had to move. As for us, INFJs it is so important to see other people like us, to feel that we are not alone among all other 99% of people. Choosing the top INFJ careers that will satisfy all our needs is not easy. I’m really glad to hear about your INFJ discovery, that’s amazing! I’m good at my work but i have feel that i make no difference so i’m considering what is the next option for me…. This will pass, you can do this! Thanks for this article , Thanks Reese! Hi Fjord! . Writers produce original material for books, newspapers, magazines and online publications. I am also writing again. We’ll see. Posted: (6 days ago) Posted: (3 days ago) Finding a job is one of the most important things for an INTJ to figure out, especially if you put yourself in the INTJ jobs no degree category. I’ve always been that “odd” girl. For the last 5 years I have worked in retail. Since the pandemic started I have been on break for almost a month. I appreciate anyone who has made it this far. The second challenge is that when an INFJ stagnates, the chances of keeping that career drop to zero. The key is to pay attention when you need to recharge, since job of a teacher can be draining, but rewarding. There’s no question that some jobs involve working with teams, but with the physical and unconfined nature of the work, it’s easy to be the quiet one or to simply stay lost in your thoughts. Just wondering… why do you say that Customer service isn’t a good job for INFJ? . I just began working as a car salesman at a local dealership. Hi Sylvy, this is the answer to your question: “I am someone in love with nature,children,helping people,love making people feel better,i even learnt how to do massages so as to make people feel better but all i do is learn,i never practice what i learn,i have always hoped to open my own themed park mostly with nature stuff” I tried to select careers that are somewhat self-governing and independent. Unfortunately, there’s so few of us out there, and I think we can pass through society pretty well socially that it’s hard to find community. Do you think undertaking a Bachelor of Business(specialisation – Human Resources) and being Human Resources position is satisfying and helping? I am glad to hear you are looking into the possibility to study Professional Counseling, you got this. I believe in you. I want to find out what’s possible, and I want the social balance an INFJ craves (helping others, but no one dependent on you). Particularly because of always having to be in such a rush and the constant interruptions when trying to complete a long list of prep work while food orders are randomly coming in the whole time. Thanks! It is heartbreaking when kids are involved. I’m almost done with my AA but I can’t seem to find something to do in the meantime that doesn’t feel degrading or beneath my skills. You are so welcome! The jobs I mention here represent the worst career nightmares for the majority of INFJs. Follow your own intuition and what you really want to do, write it down if need be. I am a Barber. I would like to become a forensic psychologist, but, uhh, the schooling and time it is going to take. Making a difference comes first for me, whatever am doing has to benefit others. Before finding Introvert Spring, which became my life calling and purpose, I changed jobs so many times that I lost count. . A career change is definitely needed! It is marvelous working with them, they are quiet, appreciative, and gentle people. I LOVE IT! 1. A full time writer? You’re not betraying anyone, you are only preparing so that you can do what you really want. However, it's possible to find a few programs like TaLK that allow you to teach if you have an associate's degree or are in your third year (or higher) of college. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and experience on this topic, I believe that the job you do can be demanding. Thanks so much Sandi! And here’s the kicker – I’m 95% done with the requirements to get my license to become a nursing home administrator, and I just don’t want to. , Hi Marco, thanks for the great article! Anyways, I appreciated your thoughts and wanted you to know. I agree, in the realm of law too, there is wonderful difference to be made. But for now, just waiting for the right opportunity and time to make that move. I am looking for a job right now after jumping from job to job for years! I’m ready to move on but what has kept me there are rent & bills. How Introverts Can Find The Perfect Waterside Retreat. You have my full support. Did you start writing online on a blog? (eventhough I love to write, but this was the only part of my online journalist job that I honestly enjoyed :)). I think a return to this is needed however I’m blocked by a persistent negative thought: “There’s no money in writing”. Ultrasound tech training normally requires a certificate and/or associate degree program (which takes around 2-3 years to complete). I thought of being a paralegal because the degree is so easy to obtain. The worst position I ever had so that of a construction foreman where I was encouraged to discipline workers daily ( mostly negatively ). Hi, I came across this while searching for any new clues to where I am headed. Great to hear Oliver your work gave you so many great opportunities, and chances to be with your own thoughts as an INFJ. INFJ Jobs & Career List Since completing my literature degree I’ve been working part time as an in-house carer for 2 autistic teens who lack understanding that the rest of us have, they are not able to communicate through speech and also have behavioural issues, they can be very loud and vocal and even slightly violent and aggressive, they also often have toileting accidents as they need to be taken to the bathroom by someone regularly. Follow your INFJ intuition and only compare yourself with yourself and no one else. Despite having the necessary qualifications to work at a professional level my position at a lower-ranked classification has become entrenched with no path to anything better. That’s great to hear you love what you do now Helena!, Posted: (2 days ago) Keirsey transforms your understanding of people. Don’t stop, keep moving, you got this! It all comes down to location & company one works for. In hindsight, I am surprised – and heartened, I guess – that I have slowly been circling in on perceptions and worldviews that, near as I could tell, were things I decided upon and created in ways that sound very much like INFJ, LOL! ISFPs are introverted sensors who prize their individuality and personal values. In hoping I can move to another area, mental health is my passion, and have deeper conversations and gain more meaning…. If it doesn’t start financially well, focus on having a part time job for the start, so you have that stability until you start earning from writing. . After passing their professional certification exams, an average ultrasound tech salary falls around $72,500. . I’ve been reading articles and visiting blogs like yours, and nothing has jumped out at me where I go, “THAT’S IT! Before I found my purpose, I was jumping from one career to another, but I always knew that would lead me to what I am doing now, what I love the most. There is so much an INTJ can do as an author. This article was very helpful to me in understanding why I have had so many jobs and am always looking. They are creative with deep feelings and strong convictions that guide their lives. Marko, For the longest time I thought I was an ISFJ, it wasn’t until I re-took the MTBI with complete honesty (and without overthinking questions then changing them *lol) that I discovered the truth! This makes everything much harder. Having a personality between an INFJ and INTJ, will this be a good career choice? It goes against our values. Recommended Reading/Watching (try an ebook) Dirty Jobs, Collection 7: See Mike Rowe work in the industries most people avoid. I work as a federal law enforcement agent for a three letter agency and sometimes I love what I do and other moments I’d rather be doing anything else. Just haven’t made the leap yet. Pursue it, because on this road, your purpose lies. I find your article encouraging and appreciate the suggestions listed. The INFJ at Work. Never stop reaching towards what you want to do and searching for that top INFJ career! It will come, eventually, and in the meantime, I’m feeling less anxious to know about you, and all the other people who share the same struggles as I. I’m another INFJ struggling to find what it is that I want to spend my life doing. Thank for your article. Thank you so much for this article and I’m so glad you found your calling! Everything you described is on point in how I felt at that job. I’m currently in a customer service/sales role that doesn’t have any room for growth or learning and I definitely feel stuck and stagnant. There is no need to apologize Angela, I am deeply humbled to read your words. A job without meaning for an INFJ is just a paycheck. You will make a difference, Elie. . Thanks for mentioning it! I’m not sure what else to do. I’m currently an office worker/librarian/theologian, and I love it! To help you better prepare, here are the three primary issues every INFJ I had the chance to speak with has faced when choosing a career: The first issue is that making a difference seems impossible. This is FANTASTIC!! In short, they underpay me significantly because they have no idea what to do with me, other than they like the things that I do (but can’t really articulate why, even though I can, LOL). INFJs are natural protectors, counselors, and caretakers, so I think that an INFJ would be a wonderful foster parent. In order to help you land the top INFJ careers, I’ll share with you which ones are best in my opinion. I mean, if now I need to find a job it should not necessarily be one of those 10 worst, but maybe something in the middle. The job requires a doctoral degree and a license, which takes several years to achieve. Blue Collar and Proud of It: Freedom, Financial Success and Security Outside the Cubicle. I love cars and working on them. Your email address will not be published. I’m glad your coach helped you find Introvert Spring site, Curlieq55. This feeling may come from inside or from an external source. Spoiler alert: it’s not a job. I wish I knew my path, being an INFJ is really tough. Designer, Like you, I worked in several of the “not recommended” careers. 3. Trust in the process, never allow anyone to tell you that you can’t do something, and follow that inner INFJ voice, it will tell you what you really want to do. Required Education: a Bachelor’s degree + fluency in at least two languages. I’m all too familiar with these three challenges, but they needed to happen so that I could pinpoint the top INFJ careers and find the job of my dreams. The same way I acquired many of mine. I feel like I’m in a quarter life crisis as i do not find passion in my job, working in family business. You mention vegan diet and animal care, that’s wonderful (I’m a vegan)! That’s so great to hear Eleanor that you’re fulfilled and happy with what you do! I’m also a healthcare worker (Physical Therapist) and although I LOVE working with my patients, the changing face of healthcare is making me miserable lately. Hi Marko, i am an true INFJ and i just turned 30 years old yesterday. I’ve been considering some things like nursing that would require me to get a second bachelor’s degree, but I’m hesitant to put so much time and money into something I’m not 100% positive I’ll love. It’s okay that you don;t know what it your purpose now, that means you can choose it! INFJs excel at positions where we can genuinely help people, make a difference, upgrade ourselves, and not wear a mask. Thank you for you article. ... No, college degree is not a must. Be proud of yourself, Dee! INFJ writers with the ability to explain complex concepts to the average person (without sounding pretentious) may want to consider starting a technical writing business. Anyway, at 50, with no skills and just a little college(and no desire or time to take more classes) is there a good paying job out there that would bring back “Me”? Hi Marko! Thanks so much for sharing! I have been trying for years to find a career that is right for me. I need to see tangible results in the work I do and know I’m making positive impact in the lives of others. Write down on a piece of paper what career would make you happy. Any suggestion would help. Just as being a politician is on Marko’s list of jobs not suitable for INFJs, I think working for politicians is also tough for INFJs. The purpose of life is not just to live but its to find something worth living for, the problem is I dont know exactly what it is right now. . Thank you for your kind words. I’ve recently started working with the elderly. ? . Most people think that a true calling is gained through promotion, or a lot of money. I’m sorry you had to go through that unpleasant experience Kristen. ., Posted: (2 days ago) I excel at untangling big picture threads and strategizing the future – how do I do it? Posted: (2 days ago) I am currently studying for my life insurance licence and I am ecstatic about getting into this field because it hits close to home. I am glad to hear you embraced doing what you love after such a difficult moment, and that what it fulfills you so much. I don’t know what to do now. I work in healthcare documentation. This is me now, doing what I love most and living my INFJ purpose. I just couldn’t imagine ever doing anything else. But before that, let’s take a look at the top ten INFJ careers. Maybe I’ll add some writing in there also. While there are many jobs that are perfect for INTJs, the large majority of them require a college degree. I hate to be pinned down, so any routine jobs that mean I am stuck at a desk make me feel claustrophobic. So there’s obviously something missing there. At work, the INFJ is focused on the task of bettering the human condition. A degree is a long-term commitment and choosing a college or university that understands and can meet your needs should be one of your top priorities. I started writing for my own soul while working all those extroverted jobs, journaling what I see, feel, dream, notice, plan. Like others, I too have struggled with “what do I want to be when I grow up?” I’ve tried teaching children, compliance, sales, customer service, training, public speaking, etc., and though I enjoyed all of those, except sales, I still cannot find the perfect job or a job that would fit the requirements of humanitarian work. Multitasking was the worst, and I had to be constantly on guard, basically doing 5 things at once. . So with all that said, I am trying to re-embrace my creative side. I used to love it when I first started but have realised I cannot grow in my company and I find my daily tasks to be repeating over and over. I am currently a college student and I work part time at a radio station. I’m nearly 60 and have finally found my way to being a spiritual counselor and hypnotherapist who guides NFs into thriving. Just this week a coworker approached me and asked me exactly what I did and asked if I was doing the right job. You are most welcome, Sara! I don’t know hat to do, Hi Gabriela, follow your intuition. I have many people say that I am a great listener. I know that I still have 3 and a halfe years of school to go but the teachers are already stressing us about universities. • Therapist 3. You struggle with feelings of unworthiness. While there are many jobs that are perfect for INTJs, the large majority of them require a college degree. I know for a fact that my contribution makes a positive difference in my clients’ lives, and that makes it all worth it. I hope my experience is helpful to other INFJ lawyers and lawyers-to-be. I’m currently studying for a language degree ( I would love to be proficient in german and russian ). But thank you for sharing now I can focus on more of what is going to accommodate me and my well being. SAEEDKARIMI410@GMAIL.COM I guess I’m more rare than that because I love politics. Work From Home I’m a medical doctor who has specialised in Psychiatry and I’m now halfway through a Life Coaching diploma as well as working on writing my first book! Thanks for this article. I find myself procrastinating because I am so miserable and overwhelmed. . Follow what your heart tells you, because the people who love you will understand, and you are not abandoning them. I want a career that lasts forever, but without having to work around so many people. PS: Sorry for the long post, Hi Shelby! I was always good at exploring hobbies & interests. I have learned a lot about myself, and why I am struggling, since I found out I have an INFJ personality. I started down the path to Christian ministry and left it due to financial struggles and feelings of inadequacy. Its not the best time to make the change. I wish there was something I could do in a course that is shorter and would lead to immediate work (rather than an unknown job prospect) but every career I think of, I can think of why it would not suit me. INFJ’s are introverts at heart, but they deeply enjoy one on one relationships with a select few people. Despite all my attempts, people are still attracted to me. For some, I am the only person who touches them. I think “programming / software engineering / development” should also be in the list. I actually enjoy being at home with my family, thoroughly embracing my time with my teens. Thank you for sharing your story. I’m 44, just found out that I’m an INFJ, still floundering and the lack of money increases the anxiety tenfold. INFPs’ values are highly personal and individualistic. I live in Atlanta and don’t know what step to take next – I’m sitting here at work typing this – surreal – I am not married and feel like I don’t have the resources to pursue anything new unless I had a mate or some drastic way to reduce costs. My job was boring. I appreciated some things you said. Again Saira. My eyes are wide open and see a different perspective on my life. Hi Marko, But I am glad that you are now doing something so amazing, and you have my support to become a librarian. Next year I am going for a postgraduation degree in International human rights Law. You gave it yourself. Hello Marko, thank you for this amazing article. Glad you liked the article Donna! Mentors and apprentices, people with similar interests etc… Being responsible for bringing two people together and witnessing the creative result fulfills something deeper in me. This still doesn’t work. I’m not sure yet how I’m going to be able to make a change – but I feel a big change needs to come or I’m going to just fade away or go insane. An INFJ has to feel fulfilled or he or she risks becoming indifferent. • Every job that repeats itself daily without meaning The job description for bookkeepers includes organizing financial transactions, tax information, and “the books” for their ... Hi Vincent! When it comes to choosing a career, nothing matters more to an INFJ than to be able to have an impact. Do you have any thoughts on moving to careers that require more education? Thank you. Education sphere here in Russia is not so well-financed (in case of becoming lecturer) as well as national parks (forester). I’ve worked as service manager before and I liked that but I’m in a career rut. Some of the top fields in which a person with an INFJ personality may want to consider are those in healthcare, careers in psychology, science careers, business and even law areas, education, along with jobs in the language and arts industry. I’m currently a project coordinator at a largish senior living and services organization. Learning the law is an excellent path for making a difference, but I think an INFJ has to find his or her own way in the profession. It can be hared to open up and be vulnerable as an introvert, especially when your instinct is to pu, Introverts often struggle with feeling guilty. That means a lot to me. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is an infamous personality test that helps people understand their psychological types by making our personal differences easier to understand. I guess the “Inner Nuances Foster Journeys” thing is just an uncustomary way of describing an INFJ, not that the author unknowingly expanded the acronym ... I’m glad you are loving and enjoying what you do. Anything at all, then write a couple of sentences about it. I told her I asked the manager what she wanted me to do so I did it. $35,122. I worked on the floor and as a backup cashier for 2 years, the equivalent of customer service. Posted: (2 days ago) Btw, I loved customer service (both in person and on the phone). My current job is soul-sucking, repetitive, unfulfilling, and physically painful (I’m out on disability now). I am crossing my fingers I find my calling soon I definitely need to feel I have a purpose, the vet industry did provide this somewhat.. but the day to day cleaning, phones, and customer service really wore me down. I appreciate your insight and suggestions. Over the past 7 years I’ve worked there, I slowly saw my personality wash away. 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