what causes pharyngeal residue

Reduced tongue function/coordination (cont)  a. Patients with COPD presented longer pharyngeal transit times during the ingestion of the liquid consistency and during the ingestion of the paste consistency.  b. Stasis or residue in lateral sulcus after the swallow, 3. These may provide insight into risk of airway violation and improve surgical decision-making. Tongue Thrust Risk is for aspiration after swallow is completed 1 People with dysphagia often show insufficient pharyngeal clearance with pharyngeal residue due to impairment of the driving forces of the oropharyngeal bolus and reduced swallowing efficiency. - w/ mandible closed, suprahyoid muscles contract. Quantitative measures of swallowing deficits in patients with parkinson’s disease. Grossly elevated PCR suggests that pharyngeal weakness is substantial and in the presence of an obstructive pharyngoesophageal outlet, it may bode worse surgical outcomes. These can be temporary or permanent and include the following: Material falls into lateral sulcus Again, WE are NOT the ones who diagnose, but with the time we spend on obtaining a … This will support decisions regarding treatment options over time. Dr Miles is a researcher, lecturer and clinician in the area of swallowing and swallowing disorders. Disease processes that may cause PES dysfunction A disease process that affects any one of the 5 phases of PES opening can cause dysphagia (Table 1). For Oral Administration. Pharyngeal phase dysphagia is characterized by liquid and food residue in the vallecula related to reduced tongue base retraction. Causes of PES dysfunction. Swallowing studies using cineradiography were reported by Martin W. Donner, who described the benefit of the procedure in the recognition of neurogenic dysphagia (,1). Pharyngeal residue is defined as the presence of food, liquid, and secretion residues that are not cleared by swallowing.  b. Reduced laryngeal elevation/pharyngeal shortening Premature loss of bolus into pharynx Reduced tongue elevation It is important to record pharyngeal constriction especially in patients where monitoring over time is critical i.e. Penetration - passing of material into the laryngeal inlet(vestibule) Lan Y, Xu G, Dou Z, Lin T, Yu F, Jiang L. The correlation between manometric and videofluoroscopic measurements of the swallowing function in brainstem stroke patients with dysphagia.  c. Pooling of bolus in valleculae and/or pyriform sinuses before Late dysphagia after radiotherapy-based treatment of head and neck cancer. A number of other published videofluoroscopic options are available. The calibrated area of the pharynx can then be measured at rest and then again at maximal constriction and a ratio is calculated (figure 3). Poor pharyngeal constriction is one of the most common swallowing deficits reported in swallowing clinics 1. Anna Miles PhD is a faculty member at The University of Auckland. Structural displacements in normal swallowing: A videofluoroscopic study. Swallows evaluated with compensatory strategies improved safety and efficiency of swallow. What causes swallowing disorders?  d. Abnormal hold position  b. Decreased Laryngeal Elevation - Larynx should elevate approximately 2 cm or at least 1 vertebrae - Very important for airway closure and CP opening - Also may assist with epigottic inversion Results in: 1. Leonard R, Belafsky P, Rees C. Relationship between fluoroscopic and manometric measues of pharyngeal constriction: The pharyngeal constriction ratio. Difficulty swallowing (dysphagia) means it takes more time and effort to move food or liquid from your mouth to your stomach. without passing below the level of the true vocal folds  b. Bolus reaches valleculae prior to initiation of pharyngeal Notify me of follow-up comments by email.  d. Stasis in anterior sulcus, 2. Reduced Lip Closure Please consult full Prescribing Information for VARIBAR products by clicking HERE.  c. Vallecular residue - material remains in the valleculae after Primarily produced by sequential constrictor contraction, it impels bolus through the pharynx and pharyngoesophageal inlet in combination with negative pressures generated within the oesophagus and hyolaryngeal distraction. Reduction in tongue driving force Anna Miles PhD is a full-time faculty member at The University of Auckland. Cricopharyngeal Dysfunction What is cricopharyngeal dysfunction? Reduced buccal/cheek tone Food catching in mouth - worse with solids of swallowing, 9. The pressure produced along a horizontal plane by the pharyngeal constrictors and applied directly to the bolus in the hypopharynx b. Residue along pharyngeal walls after the swallow c. Residue in a depression along the pharyngeal wall usually indicates scar tissue or a pharyngeal pouch at that location d. If residue is substantial, risk of aspiration after the swallow being normal may indicate cricopharyngeal dysfunction, 14. GI tract, known obstruction of the GI tract, high risk of aspiration, or hypersensitivity to barium sulfate products.  b. Searching tongue movements, 7. Interrelationships between the pharyngeal and esophageal phases: a ... We are balancing risks of pharyngeal residue versus risks of esophageal dysphagia, but the main issue is to make informed treatment recommendations. May contribute to pyriform sinus residue. in duration of stage transition) Effect of cricopharyngeus muscle surgery on the pharynx. Swallowing serves important physiologic functions: It removes mouth secretions and hence protects the airway, it permits adequate hydration, and it permits adequate nutrition. The remainder of this report will focus on the diagnosis and treatment of PES dysfunction. neurological disease and head and neck cancer. All clinicians should be reporting measurable pharyngeal constriction values in their patients. Dysphagia Café’s mission is to be a quality, consistent, reliable and easily accessible resource community for every dysphagia clinician worldwide. - superior and anterior mvmt of hyoid bone and larynx (tucks larynx under BOT) - elevation of thyroid and cricoid cartilages due to thyrohyoid contraction. Her grant-funded research has been published internationally and includes collaborations with Engineers, Veterinarians, and Microbiologists. Where there is a high-pressure gradient across the UES, there is likely to be a better surgical response to myotomy or dilatation treatments. She is the New Zealand Speech-language Therapists’ Association Clinical Expert in Adult Dysphagia. Ellerston JK, Heller AC, Houtz DR, Kendall KA. Worse pharyngeal constriction scores have also been shown to predict residue scores 13. VS. Aspiration’Pneumonitis :Caused.by.materialoriginating.from.the.stomach,i.e.materialthat.has.already.been.swallowed. Pharyngeal constriction refers to the three-dimensional contraction that occurs through the pharynx, upper esophageal sphincter and then traverses into the peristaltic oesophageal wave. sulfate) oral paste are indicated for use in modified barium swallow examinations to evaluate the oral and Pharyngeal constriction in elderly dysphagic patients compared with young and elderly nondysphagic controls. Vallecular residue due to reduced posterior movement of the tongue base.  a. Nasal penetration/regurgitation, 11. Aspiration - passage of material below the level of the true Residue coating pharyngeal wall 4. Allen J, White CJ, Leonard R, Belafsky PC. Abnormal PCR was strongly predictive of residue and aspiration 6. The Toronto Rehabilitation Institute – Swallowing Rehabilitation Lab have developed a similar pixel-based measure that is anatomically normalized and again involves a ratio of maximum constriction / pharyngeal area at rest 13. Background. Aspiration during swallow due to reduced laryngeal closure. Pharyngeal constriction ratio (PCR) is now a well-established tool for measuring and monitoring pharyngeal constriction. Rarely, severe allergic reactions of anaphylactoid nature have been reported following administration of barium If pharyngeal constriction is reduced, it implies overall pharyngeal weakness and reduces the ability to pass the bolus distally. suspension, and VARIBAR ® THIN LIQUID (barium sulfate) for oral suspension, are indicated for use in modified In myotonic muscular dystrophy, Leonard and colleagues found significantly heightened PCR including two patients where the pharynx actually increased in area mid-swallow compared with while holding the bolus in the oral cavity.  e. Etiology. CTRL + SPACE for auto-complete. (gastric.contents,.reflux,. She is the New Zealand Speech-language Therapists’ Association Clinical Expert in Adult Dysphagia. 1. You have entered an incorrect email address! VARIBAR ® HONEY (barium sulfate) oral suspension and VARIBAR ® PUDDING (barium Objectives: Without good evidence, post‐swallow pharyngeal residue is considered abnormal. VARIBAR ® THIN HONEY (barium sulfate) oral suspension, VARIBAR ® NECTAR (barium sulfate) oral Delayed/Absent Swallowing Response (transition between the oral and pharyngeal stages of swallow) occurs if the bolus rolls over the base of tongue before the swallowing response triggers. PCR should be as close to zero as possible (suggesting complete constriction) and .05 ± .05cm2 is normal for a 20ml bolus 4,12. Can a fluoroscopic estimation of pharyngeal constriction predict aspiration?. The relationship between pharyngeal constriction and post-swallow residue. Repetitive lingual rolling (Parkinson’s) barium swallow examinations to evaluate the oral and pharyngeal function and morphology in adult and Fuller S, Leonard R, Aminpour S, Belafsky P. Validation of the pharyngeal squeeze maneuver. Normal aging alters some aspects of …  b.  d. Risk of aspiration after the swallow, 13. Ms. Robinson is aware of this residue to swallow again. Pharyngeal residue is especially critical as it may cause aspiration pneumonia, which is one of the major causes of death in elderly. Our aim was to document residue from normal food and fluid boluses in young and elderly healthy populations. Leonard R, Belafsky P. Dysphagia following cervical spine surgery with anterior instrumentation: Evidence from fluoroscopic swallow studies. In a study of elderly patients with complaints of dysphagia, pharyngeal constriction ratio predicted 75% of all aspiration events 16. a.miles@auckland.ac.nz, Dr. Jacqui Allen is a Consultant Laryngologist who specialises in swallowing, airway and voice. The standardised, validated protocol of the MBSImP™© includes observations of both pharyngeal stripping wave in lateral view and pharyngeal contraction in anterior-posterior view 14. But persistent dysphagia may indicate a serious medical condition requiring tr… Prolonged mechanical ventilation is associated with muscle weakness, pharyngeal dysfunction, and symptomatic aspiration. 11. The prevalence of dysphagia increases with age, making dysphagia is a major health-care problem in elderly patients. •Anything that causes problems with the head and neck or the nerves that go to the mouth or throat can lead to swallowing problems. Diagnosing the cause from the videofluoroscopic swallowing examination (VFSE) and flexible endoscopic evaluation of swallowing (FEES) is subjective, and misdiagnosing the cause of residue has therapeutic implications. The authors suggest PCR can be used to judge need and timing of percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy placement in this population group 6. Searching tongue movements. We present a 21-month-old patient with significant pharyngeal phase dysphagia which was most saliently characterized by impaired base of tongue movement, poor pressure generation, and diffuse residue resulting in aspiration. This product should not be used in patients with known or suspected perforation of the Table 1. Leonard RJ, Kendall KA, McKenzie S, Goncalves MI, Walker A. Aspiration’Pnemonia:Caused.by.materialyou.have.swallowed.(secretions,food,liquid).that.causes.pnemonia. Write CSS OR LESS and hit save. The weak pharyngeal contraction and poor elevation of the larynx were supposed to be caused by impairment of the vagus, hypoglossal, and facial nerves and by impairment of the pharyngeal constrictor. cricopharyngeal dysfunction.- there is residue in the pyriform sinuses with very little material left in any other part of the pharynx. jeallen@voiceandswallow.co.nz. Dr Miles is a researcher, lecturer and clinician in the area of swallowing and swallowing disorders. Piecemeal deglutition patient for aspiration. f. Does “delay” always indicate abnormality?  a. Residue remaining in pyriform sinuses or at top of the airway Materials and methods: Videofluorographic recordings were performed on 14 elderly volunteers (six males, eight females, age range 65–93 years) without any history or symptoms of dysphagia. It has been validated as a surrogate measure of strength and is correlated with manometric findings 10,11. Increased pharyngeal constriction (worsened PCR) is highly predictive of aspiration with patients three times more likely to aspirate with a PCR over 0.25cm2 15.  b.  a. Can’t hold food in mouth anteriorly Implementation of high-resolution manometry in the clinical practice of speech language pathology.  c. Residue in pyriform sinuses with all other aspects of swallow constrictors and applied directly to the bolus in the hypopharynx  c. Delayed oral transit (>1 second), 5. We aimed to validate an easy-to-use videofluoroscopic analysis tool, the bolus residue scale (BRS), for detection and classification of pharyngeal retention in the valleculae, piriform sinuses, and/or the posterior pharyngeal wall.Methods. Amount of bolus. Yip H, Leonard R, Belafsky PC. unilateral pharyngeal damage (neurologic or structural) - residue remains in the valleculae and pyriform sinuses on the damaged side. For example, is residue in the pyriform sinuses the result of decreased pharyngeal contraction and/or decreased esophageal sphincter (UES) opening? bolus in the oropharynx The pressure produced along a horizontal plane by the pharyngeal Decreased Pharyngeal Wall Contract W/ Residue. In some cases, swallowing may be impossible.Occasional difficulty swallowing, which may occur when you eat too fast or don't chew your food well enough, usually isn't cause for concern. IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION: Leonard RJ, Kendall KA, Johnson R, McKenzie S. Swallowing in myotonic muscular dystrophy: A videofluoroscopic study.  a.  c. Material falls into anterior sulcus In severe cases, tongue extends between lips, 8. The laboratory hopes to reduce the risks of pneumonia and death associated with swallowing difficulties as well as improve the quality of life of suffers. swallow the swallow Esophageal or gastric disorder which causes …  e. Residue on floor of mouth, 4. Generalized reduction in pressure A metal ring of known diameter is placed on the patient’s chin during videofluoroscopy. Vallecular residue due to reduced posterior movement of the tongue base Coating in a depression on the pharyngeal wall due to scar tissue or pharyngeal pouch Residue … High-resolution manometry is an established, validated assessment for measuring intraluminal pressures throughout the gastrointestinal tract including the pharynx and pharyngoesophageal segment 8. Oral phase.  b. Residue along pharyngeal walls after the swallow  c. Residue in a depression along the pharyngeal wall usually Postswallow pharyngeal pooling is defined as any portion of the bolus remaining in the valleculae and/or pyriform sinuses after the swallow, and it is considered to be a sign of impairment of deglutition [ 15, 16 ].  d. If residue is substantial, risk of aspiration after the swallow, 12. Figure 1 demonstrates impaired pharyngeal constriction across aetiologies. Logemann and colleagues refined the procedure to assess oropharyngeal swallow pathophysiology…  b. Ultrasound examination has been recently used to assess swallowing disorders because of its noninvasiveness. Apraxia of Swallow/Reduced oral sensation No significant difference was observed for the distribution of individuals among the different valleculae residue … Tongues moves forward to start to swallow. Pressure produced by the tongue and applied directly to the  c. Can’t chew solids adequately MBS measurement tool for swallow impairment- MBSImp: Establishing a standard. He was eventually diagnosed with a posterior tongue tie and underwent a frenulectomy. This includes –stroke, brain injury, or spinal cord injury –diseases like multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, also called ALS –dementia 50 randomly selected videofluoroscopic images of 10 mL swallows (recorded in 18 dysphagia patients and 8 controls) were analyzed by 4 experts and 6 nonexpert observers. The esophagus, the muscular tube that connects the throat and the stomach, has a muscular sphincter at its upper end that controls the passage of food into the stomach. Residue at top of airway due to reduced laryngeal elevation.  a. The pharyngeal squeeze is a validated tool for measuring pharyngeal strength during endoscopy 9. Coating in a depression on the pharyngeal wall due to scar tissue or pharyngeal pouch. Amyloid myopathy, a weak pharyngeal constrictor, and the suprahyoid muscles including the geniohyoid muscle, mylohyoid muscle, digastric muscle, and stylohyoid muscle are also possible causes… Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Hutcheson K, Lewin J, Barringer D, et al. Delayed oral onset of swallow. Objective measures of swallowing function applied to the dysphagia population: A one year experience. If seen on small bolus used in evaluation, may indicate fear Using simultaneous videofluoroscopy and endoscopy, Fuller & colleagues found significant correlations between pharyngeal squeeze and pharyngeal constriction ratio (PCR). Residue in the pharynx and penetration-aspiration are associated with pharyngeal weakness. Figure 1 demonstrates impaired pharyngeal constriction across aetiologies. Slowed oral transit times There are a number of measures of pharyngeal constriction/ strength available. You are encouraged to report negative side effects of prescription drugs to the FDA.   a.. However, they provide little predictive information and therefore have limited value in management decisions: compensatory strategies, decisions regarding enteral feeding, objective monitoring over time or rehabilitation programmes. the swallow “80% of esophageal disorders can be diagnosed by history alone,” per O’Rourke. after the swallow Reduced posterior movement of tongue base Apraxia of swallow; reduced oral sensation.  a. Residue throughout the pharynx including valleculae, pyriform Pharyngeal Residue and Aspiration and the Relationship with Clinical/Nutritional Status of Patients with Oropharyngeal Dysphagia Submitted to Videofluoroscopy. …  a. Can’t form cohesive bolus Medical Speech Language Pathology: An Introduction, The Swallowing Research Laboratory at The University of Auckland, Swallowing and patients on mechanical ventilation: Something to chew on, Heart rate variability biofeedback: A modality for treating stress and anxiety in people with dysphagia, http://www.psych.auckland.ac.nz/people/a-miles, Device-Facilitated Tongue Strengthening Exercise, Tracheostomy tube cuff management: The road to decannulation. Reduced tongue function/coordination Normal on larger boluses  d. Penetration/aspiration of bolus prior to initiation of pharyngeal Reduced pharyngeal contraction Causes of … Lying down on one side – used when there is reduced contraction of the pharynx causing excess residue in the pharynx; this eliminates the pull of gravity that may cause the residue to be aspirated when the patient resumes breathing. vocal folds Apraxia of swallow. This is achieved by generating and promoting original evidence-based content by global leaders in dysphagia research and practice.  a. Dysphagia may also be associated with pain. phase  b. Drooling Possible swallowing disorders. sinuses and along the pharyngeal walls. Kendall KA, Leonard RJ. Pharyngeal constriction, therefore, warrants early identification and treatment.  c. Etiologies of penetration, d. 8-point penetration-aspiration scale (Rosenbek, et al, 1996), 15. 10.  b. What are the stages of laryngeal elevation/anterior motion? - results in pharyngeal … A psychologic component also exists: eating and drinking are pleasurable.  b. A trend of increasing (worsening) PCR may indicate the need for intervention prior to irreversible dysfunction occurring. Stokely SL, Peladeau-Pigeon M, Leigh C, Molfenter SM, Steele CM. In other words, surgical intervention at the UES (myotomy, dilation or botulinum injection) may reduce the outlet obstruction but the effect on swallowing is muted by the weak pharynx which still cannot propel bolus through the UES.  d. Residue on tongue surface may also be due to scar tissue, 6. Delayed onset of oral phase of the swallow INDICATIONS AND USAGE: The assessment of pharyngeal post-swallow residue is important because remaining food and liquid in the pharyngeal area has a possibility of flowing into the lower airway which can cause aspiration pneumonia. High-Flow Nasal Cannula (HFNC): Does it increase dysphagia & aspiration risk? Pharyngeal pouch (collection of bolus associated with UES dysfunction, caused by increased pressure) The 3 postural techniques for treatment include positions that change the head/body posture and redirect the food flow. A score from 1 to 6 was assigned according to the number of structures affected by residue… Reduced velopharyngeal closure Setting: Tertiary specialist ENT teaching hospital. Visit FDA or call 1-800-FDA-1088. Pharyngeal delay (also called  Delayed swallow reflex or Increase  b. Discussion of each pathologic entity is beyond the scope of this manuscript. sulfate contrast agents. Kendall KA, Ellerston J, Heller A, Houtz DR, Zhang C, Presson AP. The Swallowing Research Laboratory at The University of Auckland strives to improve the lives of people with swallowing difficulties through improved assessment, treatment and medical education. Martin-Harris B, Brodsky M, Michel Y, et al.  a. Tongue moves forward to start the swallow  a. Aspiration may occur during the modified barium swallow examination, monitor the The patient is asked to perform a forceful “eee.” The endoscopist observes the pharyngeal wall and documents pharyngeal strength as abnormal if the pharyngeal walls don’t contract medially narrowing the hypopharynx and pyriform fossae (Figure 2). pharyngeal function and morphology in adult and pediatric patients 6 months of age and older. Residue often remains significant in this setting. Regarding the duration of tongue base contact with the posterior pharyngeal wall, COPD patients also presented longer durations for the liquid and paste consistencies. Design: Prospective, single‐blind assessment of residue severity from Fibreoptic Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing. Established, validated assessment for measuring and monitoring pharyngeal constriction predict aspiration? what causes pharyngeal residue the ones who,! And then traverses into the laryngeal inlet ( vestibule ) Without passing below level! 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