how to pay back pua overpayment

Hopefully that can work for you. In this type of situation, two of those 11 weeks added under the CAA will be assigned by us to pay those weeks so you don’t end up with an overpayment of benefits. (Dates given are this week only, pre-filled for you, and inexplicably can’t be changed.) Any input on this? Did this include the additional $600/week, even though you filed after that program expired? There also was an issue with duplicate payments, and they’re busy making adjustments for these, to retrieve the over-payments. Nobody told me about that before and I got that done as well. You should have gotten an email response to your initial claim, stating if you qualified, and the amount and date; double-check that as it’s unique to your case. I backdated mine with someone over the phone last week and he said they will show up in my correspondence box. I have posted here before. And this new $300/week bonus, will only last for 3-4 weeks, until this FEMA money from the Fed, is all used up nationally. Did you submit the financial records needed for them to determine your payment if awarded? If you’ve had any luck finding answers…please let me know? IM IN THE SAME BOAT AS YOU MY FRIEND. Countless people have balances left owed but wont recieve them now. Visitors should not act upon the content or information without first seeking appropriate professional advice or the official source of information. After weeks of trying to call and getting a busy signal, someone from our local employment office told me that the State decided to “disconnect” the 855-284-8545 number. Eligible For PUA But Do I Get Back Pay and the $300 FPUC From The Date I Lost My Job Or From The Week That I Filed? He couldn’t tell me how long to wait. I received my debit card within a few days and received my first weekly payment of 195 three days after I filed my weekly certification, and just filed yesterday for this week but there is no option anymore to summit backpay any more. Remember, overpayments have to be paid back. HI, Thank you!!! I haven’t received a response the only email I have received is my monetary determination letter. Then it ask’s for the last day worked and if it was because of the virus. Oil. So…..please take this factually. (Became unemployed in March) I need advice on how to move forward from here. If you’re receiving state UI you should see that update hopefully in the timeframe you’re given. If you have any other questions please feel free to ask and I’ll try to help where I can. I know they’re flooded with calls and I try to put myself in their shoes, but if they explained anything on the website, maybe they wouldn’t be. The we all can quickly skim for updates that pertain to our state, and not get confused by outdated information, for the wrong locale. When did you file your initial pua claim and in what state? While new system investments could bring welcome relief to many residents, California is far from the only state to have a crush of backlogs due to technology and staffing issues. Well, apparently, ( i think anyway) that I did make a mistake. I will do both! There’s a file 4 Arizona’s Pua page you can download and it’s called Pua portal for claimants and when you open it it’s got like 60 Questions in the first portion skip past all of that and the second portion of it has to do with the weekly benefit claims and Skip to like number 14 or 15 and that shows you how you get the back payment this should help for people that aren’t in Arizona as well cuz at least shows how easy it is to miss something so freaking important. Only set up a call back for 2 weeks to months in the future. Most of the time PUA is approved for self employed, scheduled to start work people, people who worked part time and didn’t make enough to qualify for regular UI or parents that are required to stay home with their children because of school closures. For the sake of others, I was trying to add on to your above post, to clarify it with details for the state of PA = Pennsylvania. If you applied before the July 31st deadline (when the government’s extra $600/week bonus expired) and got their first reply email saying that you qualified, and for how much, (which I did), then you’ll just have to wait until they release the backdated coverage amount. Arizona is all about the money not the people. PUA) and you need to certify weekly for enhanced unemployment benefits, you can only go back to the date you filed your claim. I had to contact my senators office as well. Thank you so much for your help. How ever far the approve you for on the retroactive pay if it is before july31 you will receive the 600.00 and 6 weeks of 300 after July 31. I just emailed the pua when I’d like to backdate to and I try to call butt never answered. Thanks. New or Initial PUA claims filed after December 27th (when new funding was made available) can only be backdated to December 1st, 2020 or to the first week you were unemployed due to COVID-19, whichever of the two dates is later. About 6%, or 179, of the 2,834 Guam workers who got federal unemployment aid overpayment notices in 2020 have returned the money. In your UI Online account, select Contact Us to request a change. − If you submit a new PUA initial application on or after January 31, 2021, you are required to provide documentation within 21 days of the initial application. I called and they said I will receive a call in a week which have been two months. This deadline may be extended if good cause is established. So who knows how long this is going to take, but I need this backpay ASAP. Good luck to everyone. Select Unemployment Insurance Benefits, then Claim Questions, then Backdate the Effective Date of my UI Claim Due to COVID-19. Kesha I did it that way in June when I did mine but when my wife did hers in July she couldn’t continue like you and I did . Who is this. It’s been like 15 days now still waiting, Same boat, same state of PA (go Pennstate!) you need to call the unemployment office and they can manually back date your claim. if your past your 30 day mark you can’t file an appeal at all. I’m being 100% honest, that was my job and sole source of income that I relied on to live and I’m going about this as best I can and as honestly as I can. Hello I sent in for an backdate cause I lost my job in April I tried to file in may it wouldn’t let me for months so I finally got in in November I sent an email to have it backdated I haven’t heard anything for them since I last to to a lady she told me to keep looking for the weeks to certify and I never got them how can I get my backdated goung…, Hey Alecia you and I are in the exact same boat! I would only get a busy signal, except for SIX random times, the phone rang ONCE, then silence for 45 seconds, and then, a busy signal. Under the CARES Act, the WBA may be supplemented by the additional unemployment assistance provided under the Act.”, Here’s the link you asked for: Did u figure this out ? I did the emails follow up emails called the pua hotline etc. But only four states started paying out the money so far: Arizona, Missouri, Tennessee, and Texas. Save copy for your records. PUA Eligibility Chart Applying for PUA Tip Sheet. 10/22 reply to Roman: Thank you for trying to help me apply for my backpay, but I already did, following my PA state’s instructions on their PUA website, to “send an email” with BACKPAY REQUEST, in the subject. NO. Contact your congressmen. Do u know Josh. Hello Olivia I moved to Indiana in December and started a new job the 2nd week in January. Hi. I’m from Austin Texas and I applied for my unemployment May 10. Is there a email i could use to contact them? 9/23= You do have to self-certify when filing your unemployment claims, every week. I filed it thinking it was for back payments. Due to the formula listed on the correspondence they sent me I should be getting 280 not 189 so I appealed this amount. In most states retroactive PUA and FPUC payments will be paid in one lump-sum one to two weeks after you are deemed eligible for benefits. Because every state has their own online system, and is unique to where you live. I am confused how to fill out the retroactive filing section of PUA… it says “List below all weeks following the date of the pandemic that you were totally or partially unemployed due to the pandemic and for which you are claiming PUA. It could have been before Monday because I actually forgot to claim my two weeks the week before. : /. However, it appears that subsequent to our initial July 1 applications, every state has REMOVED the online option of filing for AUTOMATIC back unemployment payments to March. The widespread fraud is plaguing unemployment systems nationwide, hampering states’ efforts to get money into the right hands. Behind months in rent and other Bill’s phone is off I need help. 2020 and I was quantified for regular UI . Part two of my question: Is this true? I filed long ago in Georgia because of COVID 19 and I was also denied regular unemployment but approved for the other benefits but yet to have received them I filed back in feb-March and still no payment I also still haven’t received my income tax because they are still closed in certain offices I’m just bummed out about it all. HONOLULU (KHON2) — Tens of thousands of people have been surviving on Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) for months now, but some are being told they owe it all back. Every bit counts and I know they said there would be a deadline of Friday to back claim but since there’s a “glitch” in the system they’re supposed to push the deadline so hopefully we all get the money that they owe us! I was waiting and waiting to get denied for MONTHS. I filed mine back in early Aug. & still waiting. Still no back pay. Please help!! Yeah! same situation, yes same situation, did this ever get resolved? The benchmark “sounds terrible, but it’s better than uncertainty.” The federal government has disinvested from state unemployment programs for years. Mine says I have $7600 credit what dose this mean, is that what they are sending me. But make sure youre checking your email for the letters you have to virtually sign for. I been waiting since april approved everything is correct they keep saying we sent it to the pua department smh somebody filed mine can my daughter file she 18 had her first job they shut down but i claimed her on my taxes, Thanks that sounds better I got one are self employed and have children also I filed back In July and haven’t heard anything yet, How do I file for my back claim for March april way and June I started my claim in July need advise thanks. I’m so sorry this is happening to you. And in the letters are links to the documents you need to check “I was elgible” for the weeks they ask. I’m in that same situation and don’t know what to do. What number were you able to reach them on to certify for back payments? I sent an email to PA PUA requesting to Back Date my claim. Well, when I applied, I stated I lost my job March 19th. This is after I received my letter confirming that I was eligible. It seems that PUA is woefully understaffed and under-trained, if after getting someone to answer the PUA phone (as a poster stated below), they only tell you to “send an email” – which doesn’t get a response, no matter. And the only way to contact them (to confirm this inconvenience) is a single 24/7 phone number, where it answers with a recording that they are overwhelmed with phone calls (even at 12:05 am EST on 10/2), so “please refer to their Relia Card website for help.”. Quick question….i was just approved for PUA but have been out of work since 3/29, how do I request back payments? She was asked in her initial filing process questions I wasn’t.. mainly involving backpay. It was a new stand-alone computer software system. The total number of PUA applications determined eligible is 30,247, GDOL said. I would like to know if I am eligible for the $600. Thank you!! Just stay with it I dealt with it from June till 2 weeks ago but it ended up being well worth my wait ! Or did you have to prove something? Then i read that you have to file your back weeks. I called MO unemployment in KCMO. 9/15 = I did exactly what Lewis Yoder stated above, on the PA PUA website, but that is NOT a way to get your backpay – it only brings up a page telling you how to ASK for your backpay, via an EMAIL, which I already did, over a month ago. Wow, I have clicked on everything except this!! Federal benfit. I have already posted here, to share with what I’ve found out for PA, at least 20 times, over the past 4 months. I just have not received my card yet but have certified for a few weeks so the money is just sitting in there until I get my card. The U.S. Department of Labor states that PUA is supposed to be backdated to the day you became unemployed: “The PUA program provides up to 39 weeks of benefits, which are available retroactively starting with weeks of unemployment beginning on or after January 27, 2020, and ending on or before December 31, 2020.” back pay. PUA states clearly it’s for 39wks regardless to when you file and we should get the backpay. Sorry again I didn’t see your question but if you still have one I will try my best to try and help you. Fixed. When the Pandemic hit my daughter daycare closed down and my children school also. My two recently past due didn’t show up and that made me concerned of course. My UI was denied and has the file date of July 17, 2020, but when I got my PUA approval letter, it says I am approved for the date of July 17, 2020. I claimed for 2 weeks no problem. It states that a response should be received within 7 days … yet our first attempt to contact them was 7/21/20 and still nothing. Never received back pay. I’ve never actually filed before so this is all incredibly new for me!. Most people I know who have filed earlier their claim effective date shows the first day they stopped working not the date they filed, my effective date says 8/23/20 (which is when I filed) and also says my benefit year END date is 12/26/20 which is NOT 39 weeks or even close to 7605.00. I applied in july was eligible all the way back. But why can’t I backdate to April when I lost my job due to COVID. Im from New York. That doesn’t mean you won’t get your lump sum back pay, someday – as long as you already legitimately qualified, before the July 31 expiration date, for the bonus $600/week. Does anyone know why I would not get the back pay since I did file before July 25? I’m in Idaho and I also applied Mid July. They give you 21 days only to appeal if incorrect. I have only received and been able to certify for May 4th and beyond. So I am going to receive all that back pay including the $600 well thank you so much for that information it’s a big help hopefully I received my pay this week The back pay amount will be deducted from the $7,605 it showed I was eligible for. My friend did not receive any retroactive payments however because his case went through so quickly. Lindsay thanks for you insight!! I have heard nothing and the date of 10/18 remains on the approval page. This week, via the Realia how to pay back pua overpayment card made for me! went the ask ”! ( E.g the process to get claim backdated those same questions.. even... To wait for my claim approval, even though when filling out the application amount from Mid-March 2020 March! Chatting with how to pay back pua overpayment most are still eligible to collect this lump sum, in. Take awhile claims from March April and May and June doing something wrong for 2. 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