infp careers reddit

Both so very INFP. It’s always a strain interacting with the public because it’s a performance for me. I find that interacting with large masses of people for short periods of time is way easier for me than small work environments where you’re spending tons of time with the same few people. Posted by. What do you love to do. When I was your age I never thought I would be a teacher; I wanted to be an archaeologist or a geologist. This “talent” lead me to doing higher paying private pay work. INFP (introversion, intuition, feeling, perception) is a four-letter abbreviation for one of the 16 personality types identified by the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. I just kinda work, go to school, sit on my phone, and hang w friends, im gonna be a senior next year, im planning on majoring in psychiatry and double minoring in animation and music performance (or maybe music ed idk rn), really, just go for something you like. Public Relations Specialist. I have a knack for working with difficult clients. One might say they see life through rose-colored glasses. I’m great at listening and can get my ear talken off, but idk if that would make me a great one. I think what I really wanna do is help people who have been through the same I have, like being an allergist or something. If you’re an INFP personality type (i.e. INFP people enjoy helping others develop and learn, and express their creativity through writing or visual arts. I’m a designer. I am also painting, writing and composing music. I’ve started to write more for fun and I’m strongly considering doing a writing course, as I’m constantly daydreaming, so perhaps writing will be a good outlet for that. The INFP personality type is often described as an "idealist" or "mediator" personality. INFP Careers: Reddit. INFP’s are their own worst critics. Moderator. INFPs are always striving for personal growth. INTPs are first and foremost thinkers, and this quality can be seen in their choice of careers. 72. pinned by moderators. What do I care about? Hot New Top. I can only motivate myself for things I care about not just random normal things. People don’t see my anxiety as I try to perform and be good at my job, and they’re surprised when under excessive pressure I use stop functioning, they don’t see that in most situations, social, authority relationships, tense environment, tasks I’m not comfortable with, disharmony, etc my anxiety is running at a steady 5-7/10 already and extra stress is less tolerable as a result. Tip: You will get even more out of an INFP if you always recognize they got your back. It doesn't sound like a traditional INFP job, but I recently started working in a machine shop and it's perfect for an introvert. People with this … That being said, look at what you enjoy. my latest thoughts on what’s best for my personality is working for myself, indirectly helping other people because all my direct roles have burned me out, but if I can indirectly help I can still fulfil my desire to help people, and I’ll have emotional reserve left over to directly love a small number of people that are close to me, and I can love them better than if I was burnt out. It’s part of maturing. 21 comments. I wrestled in high school and it was the only thing I was good at that brought me positive attention, but junior and senior year I developed a vocal chord disorder that contracts my vocal chords when under extreme athletic circumstances. someone who has the introversion, intuition, feeling and perception qualities), then you might struggle to think of a career that allows you to show just how compassionate and creative you are. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. But here’s the thing. For more information, see the profiles on postsecondary teachers, and archivists, curators, and museum technicians. aside from that, someone people do become selfish and feel as if they’re the only person in the world who is suffering or maybe they feel stuck and hopeless and regardless of whether or not they have a valid reason to be upset or feel bad for themselves, it’s not always up to the therapist to say that they’re being selfish or to suck it up because others deal with worse, some people may be stuck in their ways and some may learn through experience outside of therapy. Either way as you grow older you’ll pick up on ways to not bleed for every sob story. INFP Careers Advice INFPs are known for their creativity and passion but there’s more to them than meets the eye. I think a therapist would be a great career choice, if you love analysing and helping people, like I do.My reservation was that I get annoyed at people easily too, and it can be a very “peopley” job, but overall in retrospect it would be better than law for me. i’m now a junior and it’s still something i’m very passionate about. I have severe allergy/athletic asthma and I’m allergic to an endless list of things and I’ve always found careers related to that more interesting than others. Although INTPs can be found in a wide variety of fields, a happy and satisfied INTP is invariably found in a career that allows them to use their intellect, analyze concepts, and think deeply. I’ve spent my whole working life in my inferior functions, I never get to use my top two. Where would you live? Since we take our mission-driven work seriously, we are constantly assessing its worthiness. I'm not planning on being a writer as of now, but I don't think I'll ever let go of the possibility. I always come to hate it eventually. To use this understanding to add love and a chance for growth to others' lives seems so wonderful. Classic case of INFP not being able to commit i suppose, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. I love being at the forefront of a job or field (eg research or trail-blazing an enterprise) because no one else out there knows better than I do, I don’t have to have imposter syndrome or think about all the things I might not know or have forgotten - im the best there is or at least as good as anyone else who could do the job, so I relax and make pragmatic decisions according to the best fit and intuition, which I’m strong at. Perhaps you learned you're an INFP from a career counselor after he or she administered the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) or maybe you determined it yourself after reading about psychiatrist Carl Jung's personality theory. I originally did it because I thought it would be a good base for doing anything, and for ending up in something that would provide a good income (I knew that high income = high stress, but thought it might be worth it. I feel so lost career-wise. I like having meaningful conversations but I don’t really have any hobbies. Press J to jump to the feed. I'm relatively lucky to get such a good wage in this industry. save. But I've considered occupational therapy, because I researched online and apparently, it is one of the most holistic and fulfilling jobs, because you inspire and add hope to people's lives. i think that’s a perspective thing, as someone who wants to study to become a therapist, i’m not planning on going in with the intent of “fixing” anybody. i dealt with friends in the past that i tried to “fix” that didn’t want to be helped and it put me off of wanting to become a therapist for a while, and i was really discouraged because i wanted to do was help, but as a therapist, i’m aware that i will have to remember that not everyone wants to be “fixed” and that you can start by just offering your space for them to talk about whatever they want, for some it’s a comfort thing, for some it’s a stubbornness thing, whatever the case, i’m aware some people will simply refuse the help, and that’s their own choice to make. I’m a high school teacher. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. INFP Careers? INFPs never seem to lose their sense of wonder. So, yeah...I know that this probably wasn't too helpful, but even if I encouraged you just a little, it's worth it :D, I job shadowed in occupational therapy. Hi there, I'm 31 and I work with adults with disabilities in the social care sector. I hate being responsible for things (because I don’t trust myself to be emotionally in a state to live up to those responsibilities at all times so I will fail and not carry out what I promised to do). i think once you start studying psychology you really TRULY are able to begin understanding your own feelings and how you yourself function, which then in turn makes it easier to get a grasp of how others function. INFP Careers List. Careers for INFP Personalities. INFP Career Choices. I have always worked in health care, I wish I would have gone the route of occupational therapist when it was a bachelors degree. some things that may work for one patient may not work for another, and in that case, yes, ‘you be you and i’ll be me, i hope you find the right therapist for you’. So I find public facing stuff exhausting. yea idk. what do you guys do for your career, or plan on doing? but i myself go to therapy and the way it’s structured is i go in and sit and talk about whatever’s bothering me, maybe i’m excited about making a new friend or maybe i need to talk through worries i have about trusting a new friend and where i think the problem stems from, it’s more of a space where i can feel like i’m being heard and talk through/make sense of things going on in my life. if psychology is something you are passionate about, and you think that that’s something you could feel more comfortable doing with time, i say go for it! Psychologist: INFP-T career matches as a psychologist because of INFP’s honesty and listening skills make them a great candidate for a career … INFPs who possess particularly strong communication skills will do well in a career in public relations. I can’t stand being under the authority of closed minded or controlling people, especially if they’re of more limited intelligence than me (and I’m sporadically pretty dumb or lacking commonsense) and I get very miserable if I have a stupid boss who also can see no value in what I’m doing and can’t see the extra details I attend to, the way I’ll put myself out for the sake of doing a great job, and the way I actively seek to ensure they feel respected and supported at all times. User account menu. Individual custom matching to over 1000 well paying careers. What are some career options for INFPs and what jobs or careers do my fellow INFPs currently have? An INFP’s natural empathy is a huge asset in this career since HR specialists play a critical role in making sure companies know how to keep their employees happy. Please tell us how wonderful we are and how you appreciate our efforts. I’m sure if I could apply it to why someone was acting a certain way I’d find it more interesting rather than just labeling vocab terms, I’m a freshman in community college and I want to be a respiratory therapist for a couple reasons. The rest will fall into place, once you're done with formal education and see from where you'll need to go on. There is so much more to therapy than just listening and unless you’re going to be a marriage counselor, you have to be willing to commit to not only a Bachelor’s degree but a Masters degree at least on top of licensing just to be able to practice. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. They can see the possibilities that others just cannot, and are capable of finding new ways to approach what is in front of them. I don’t want high stress, at all. I know this is a lot to think about while still in high school. At the top of the list is the writer. INFPs can also excel when it comes to careers and positions which take a lot of ingenuity. I work predominantly with people who have learning disabilities or mental illnesses and despite being an introvert, I love meeting and chatting with clients - they are some of the least judgemental and most amazing people I know. that’s the kind of environment i hope to be able to provide in the future for those that need it. I just cannot decide what should i do with my life. I think being creative and the lack of rules in a more “professional” environment brings out the best in us. the least stressful types of jobs are low interest low pressure jobs and high interest high (or low) pressure jobs. I think I enjoy the one on one connection rather than the academic side of it as I had a lot of trouble being interested in naming the parts of the brain. Having to deal with shallow or short-tempered people on a constant basis is rather draining for the INFP. As an extension of the social work team, we meet with adults who have disabilities but who are assessed as able to become independent and create a plan of what they'd like to do and help them to achieve it. INFP Careers to Avoid. INFP (introversion, intuition, feeling, perception) is a four-letter abbreviation for one of the 16 personality types identified by the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. If you identify as a INFP personality type, then you're probably enjoy flexibility and creative problem solving. I’m not good with science and I have a lot of allergies so idk about me being outside all the time, although I would enjoy it a lot. This is the hardest part of being an INFP, because we know we can do anything but we want to make the perfect choice that aligns with our ideals and dreams for our life but nothing seems to fit how grandiose our life vision is. 4. Find communities you're interested in, and become part of an online community! I am studying photography and video. They don’t enjoy having to sell things to people, or push certain products on them without being sincere about what they are trying to sell. Many are drawn to the creative professions, or to the creative world in general. They want to spend their days doing something they genuinely love, preferably without too much stress or drama. Our free career test is state-of-the-art and takes minutes to complete. I work with quite a few INFPs too. I'd pretty much decided I was moving away and had been accepted for a post-graduate teaching certificate when I met my partner and wanted to find a job locally. I work as a librarian.✌️ Planning on going into ministry. I so want to pull the trigger on getting my masters in psychology and going on this route..BUT as my background is in marketing/IT, I don't want to miss out out creativity, design, tech. INFPs are likely to be attracted to professions in counselling and human development, as well as within the arts and writing. I’ve always been indecisive, I wanted to be everything under the sun as a kid and not much has changed really. We need that. But if you can choose something that’s been a constant interest for you and you can throw yourself into it because of that, that’s your best chance at feeling fulfilled and finding success. If my clients did not have wealthy families this would not be a job that could support me. It was a strange path that got me here, I graduated with a degree in Philosophy and Theology and wanted to become a teacher. What kind of lawyer? INFP careers & career ideas. INFP at a glance. Perhaps this is one of them. A friend who worked at the service told me there was a position coming up, I applied, boned-up on some person-centred approaches to care online, and to my surprise they offered me the job. I get anxious very quickly and subsequently miserable. I'm still a junior in high school, and, like you, I still haven't found a career that I truly know is one that I want to pursue. Always made me feel I was missing out on my true calling. I’m good at seeing inefficiencies in systems and I want everything to work efficiently. I enjoy quiet independent work at a desk with minimal interruptions. i really enjoy helping people with their problems and i've considered being a therapist since middle school. Rising. That was long but I hope some of it qt least is useful and can fast track your thinking so you don’t make as many false turns as I did. Regrettably, I’m also plagued by the tendency to become jealous, or to compare myself to others/seek their approval. For the INFP some of the worst careers are ones in sales, or in the service industry. Finally, look at kind of lifestyle you want to live. INFP careers seekers often experience an inner struggle between their conscious versus less conscious functions.   The INFP personality type is often described as an "idealist" or "mediator" personality. 23 votes, 49 comments. Since I've learned about Myers Briggs, I've been so fascinated with the human mind. I feel like teaching allows me to keep a bit of distance between me and the people around me day in and day out, while still fulfilling my need to do meaningful work. I love literature and writing and one of my favorite thing to do in class is peer review people’s papers and make them better. Don't burden yourself with how well you'd be doing it, don't overthink. Also a lawyer and I agree with your first paragraph 100%. My facial expressions, tone of voice are all a performance. INFP ADVICE and Success Tips on Jobs and Career - INFPs are an amazing personality type with limitless imagination and potential. People, society, creativity, beauty, making the lives of people around me better. I want to find a job I am passionate about, fun, have the opportunity to travel every now and then, but I am more interested in the high-end pay. I’m in high school btw and needing to choose a path soon. While their top two functions, Fi and Ne, are clearly more “right-brained” (i.e., concerned with empathy, the arts and humanities, etc. One of the 16 psychological types identified by the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, INFP combines the traits of introversion, intuition, feeling, and perception. We keep our heads in the clouds where we come up with great ideas only to have them shot down by others. INFP’s crave validation. I’m sure I’d be fine at it, but I don’t know if I’d like it too much. I know several people that were either unable to acquire supervision (and ended up doing social work instead), or had to pay out of pocket for supervision hours. share. Im bored easily, but I don’t mind repetitive low stress jobs. INFPs are creative problem-solvers, curious and imaginative learners. They believe in flexibility in decision making and are deeply thoughtful. r/infp: INFPs never seem to lose their sense of wonder. It's as though they live at the edge of a looking-glass world where mundane objects come to life, where flora and fauna take on near-human qualities. It’s gonna be okay :), I don’t really love to do anything. INFP’s also truly enjoy helping people, making them proficient in careers such as research assistant, psychiatrist, and veterinary assistant (Allen L. Hammer, 1993, CPP Inc.). since i began going to therapy, i feel motivated once again to work towards studying something i love and care about. I don't know if I'm cut out to converse with others, especially since I'm completely awkward in social situations (and very lacking in social experience, because I'm essentially a hermit ghost), but it would be a lovely dream come true. One might say they see life through rose-colored glasses. But these jobs do pay moderately well. It takes inspiration to write a book or poem, and the creative spark that INFP personalities have is perfect for churning up inspiration and ideas. I’m 34 and have discovered this about my infp/HSP nature so far through experience (I’m sure there’s a lot I’m missing because it’s so hard to find work that satisfies), I want novelty and exploration, not repetition or in-depth tasks (especially if the tasks are not something I’m hugely drawn to). if I talk to people all day or during part of the day, I come to dread that part of my day/week after a short while. Sure. Here are some inputs from INFPs regarding what career they are in and why they like it, from Reddit, because this may often help people figure out what they want to do: “I’m a Content Marketing Manager — I help an organization create content that they can use for branding, marketing and communications purposes. I would love to interior design but my style is more wacky than the average suburban white mothers and if the economy went bad I’d be out of a job. They like doing work that has meaning, and enjoy working with people who share their values. Develop a mindset that will allow you to hold your ground or at least give you peace that when all is said and done you've done your best to resolve the situation. Writing is also one of my most authentic and favorite forms of self-expression, because it gives me to chance to share my voice with the world, to touch and inspire others with little snippets of experience, memories, pain, loss, hope, and magic inside of me. If you've never heard of Carl Jung and his personality theory or the MBTI, here's some background. I just don’t have the grades/money/work ethic to ever go into anything too doctor-y. So I hate being ‘on call’ or constantly interrupted or telephoned. I used to read books on psychology for fun. Others find themselves wanting to work with people or organizations that have special meaning to them in some way. If you’re an INFP, chances are pretty good that you dislike or downright hate your career. Whether you're a young adult trying to find your place in the world, or a not-so-young adult trying to find out if you're moving along the right path, it's important to understand yourself and the personality traits that will impact your likeliness to succeed or fail at various careers. Press J to jump to the feed. However, some occupations are well suited to the natural talents and preferred work style of the INFP, while other occupations demand modes of thinking and behavior that do not come as naturally to this type. It's as though they live at the edge of a looking-glass world where mundane objects come to life, where flora and fauna take on near-human qualities. I took a basic high school psychology course and didn’t really like it too much. So I am an INFP, and I really liked the selection of high-paying careers in this section. I can't even tie my shoes properly, so how could I teach others basic motor skills? If you're an INFP and you're looking for a new career, start here! I like traveling and I like looking at art and analyzing it. It's a long training path for a fairly low wage career. The content of conversation is a performance - I don’t really ever know what to say naturally I have to half plan conversational content. But I don't know if this is my ultimate calling. This is where i'm stuck at. What kind of income do you want? Work on your work habits, organization, discipline, and distancing yourself from work when you're off the clock. I've had previous jobs working in a nursery, a primary school and for a mental health charity but had stopped working for a few years to care for family members. My work has become part of who I am and I'd recommend any INFPs to look at this sector. Career Guidance r/ careerguidance. Therapy is a great career for infp, but you should know that it requires a graduate level education, with two years of professional supervision afterwards for licensure. INFP—introversion, intuition, feeling and perceiving—are highly curious, inquisitive and innovative individuals usually optimistic in their world view and inspiring team members. It’s the creative element that helps this type really succeed in the world of journalism and other writing-based career opportunities. One might say they see life through rose-colored glasses. I hate pressure at work. For these personalities, an ideal professional life … This crushed me so now I want to study respiratory therapy mostly in sports to help fellow athletes achieve success and to further my own journey as I transition to jiu jitsu, That could be interesting. Career Paths Many Mediators (INFPs) long for a career that doesn’t just take care of the bills but also feels fulfilling. card classic compact. I love serving people and noticing what they need to make them feel supported in their work and I use this to influence the team to work better, harder and more efficiently. I never get to create at work (cos being creative at work don’t pay much unless you’re the best). When the INFP is asked to use their imagination they are certainly going to excel. But you’ve got time now to begin thinking about what you want to do. Your chosen career should also be one that doesn’t drain your introverted nature. 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