quran in english text with arabic pronunciation

Our Lord! They will abide therein. Give thanks to Me, and reject not Me. 106. Punishment Laws 78. 98. Al-Anfal Allah is the Protecting Guardian of those who believe. Just look at thy food and drink which have not rotted! Wa Qālati Al-Yahūdu Laysati An-Naşārá `Alá. 31. Fussilat Tricks Lo! Wa 'Āminū Bimā 'Anzaltu Muşaddiqāan Limā Ma`akum Wa Lā Takūnū 'Awwala Kāfirin Bihi Wa Lā Ta. Allah guideth not the disbelieving folk. (This is) a duty for all those who ward off (evil). An-Nabaa Those who spend their wealth by night and day, by stealth and openly, verily their reward is with their Lord, and their shall no fear come upon them neither shall they grieve. And to live (a thousand years) would be no means remove him from the doom. So, Download this free copy and Refresh your faith. 48. 71. Wa Al-Wālidātu Yurđi`na 'Awlādahunna Ĥawlayni Kāmilayni Liman 'Arāda 'An Yutimma Ar-Rađā`ata Wa `Alá Al-Mawlūdi Lahu Rizquhunna Wa Kiswatuhunna Bil-Ma`rūfi Lā Tukallafu Nafsun 'Illā Wus`ahā Lā Tuđārra Wa A-Datun Biwaladihā Wa Lā Mawlūdun Lahu Biwaladihi Wa `Alá Al-Wāri. They said: We shall worship thy god, the god of thy fathers, Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac, One Allah, and unto Him we have surrendered. Falammā Faşala Ţālūtu Bil-Junūdi Qāla 'Inna Allāha Mubtalīkum Binaharin Faman. But when they go apart one with another they say: Prate ye to them of that which Allah hath disclosed to you that they may contend with you before your Lord concerning it? Fatir Laysa Al-Birra 'An Tuwallū Wujūhakum Qibala Al-Ma. 59. 32. Yunus Saba For disbelievers is a shameful doom. 95. Shortening Prayers Oppressions 109. O mankind! Adh-Dhuha Wa Lā Talbisū Al-Ĥaqqa Bil-Bāţili Wa Taktumū Al-Ĥaqqa Wa 'Antum Ta`lamūna. Wa Laqad 'Ātaynā Mūsá Al-Kitāba Wa Qaffaynā Min Ba`dihi Bir-Rusuli Wa 'Ātaynā `Īsá. 22. Allah (Himself) is an enemy to the disbelievers. He is the relenting, the Merciful. Observe your duty to Allah, and know that Allah is with those who ward off (evil). Allāhu Yastahzi'u Bihim Wa Yamudduhum Fī Ţu. Al-Falaq 114. herein shall be a token for you if (in truth) ye are believers. But if they desist, then let there be no hostility except against wrong-doers. /Contents 6 0 R>> And We appointed the qiblah which ye formerly observed only that We might know him who followeth the messenger, from him who turneth on his heels. How disbelieve ye in Allah when ye were dead and He gave life to you! 'Am Taqūlūna 'Inna 'Ibrāhīma Wa 'Ismā`īla Wa 'Isĥāqa Wa Ya`qūba Wa Al-'Asbāţa Kānū Hūdāan 'Aw Naşārá Qul 'A'antum 'A`lamu 'Ami Allāhu Wa Man 'Ažlamu Mimman Katama. Allah is Mighty, Wise. It is therefore no sin for him who is on pilgrimage to the House (of Allah) or visiteth it, to go around them (as the pagan custom is). The doom will not be lightened for them, neither will they be reprieved. Partnership Divorce Allah is not unaware of what ye do. 2. 12. For them there is in store a goodly portion out of that which they have earned. Have ye then no sense? The rainstorm smiteth it and it bringeth forth its fruit twofold. In their hearts is a disease, and Allah increaseth their disease. Theirs in the world is ignominy and theirs in the Hereafter is an awful doom. But they will never long for it, because of that which their own hands have sent before them. All cases go back to Allah (for judgment). cows are much alike to us; and Lo! Bright is her colour, gladdening beholders. Dealing with Apostates Ours are our works and yours your works. 26. Thou, only Thou, art the Relenting, the Merciful. Find More: Read Quran - Quran mp3 - Iftar Time Today - iftar Time in Lahore Today - Bukhari Sharif in Urdu - Today's Prayer Timings - Ayat ul Kursi - Fajr Prayer - Quran Urdu Translation - Hajj. And when they have purified themselves, then go in unto them as Allah hath enjoined upon you. And Allah is knower of all things. They question thee about strong drink and games of chance. Kutiba `Alaykumu Al-Qitālu Wa Huwa Kurhun Lakum Wa `Asá 'An Takrahū. The forbidden month for the forbidden month, and forbidden things in retaliation. And when they fall in with those who believe, they say: We believe. And (remember) when We made a covenant with the Children of Israel, (saying): Worship none save Allah (only), and be good to parents and to kindred and to orphans and the needy, and speak kindly to mankind; and establish worship and pay the poor-due. Wa Qulnā Yā 'Ādamu Askun 'Anta Wa Zawjuka Al-Jannata Wa Kulā Minhā Ra. And when there cometh unto them a messenger from Allah, confirming that which they possess, a party of those who have received the Scripture fling the Scripture of Allah behind their backs as if they knew not, Wa Lammā Jā'ahum Rasūlun Min `Indi Allāhi Muşaddiqun Limā Ma`ahum Naba. Such are those who buy the life of the world at the price of the Hereafter. And whatsoever good thing ye spend, lo! 86. Mortgaging But they perceive not. So, Read Quran in English text with arabic Pronunciation here. Virtues of Madinah If ye be on a journey and cannot find a scribe, then a pledge in hand (shall suffice). 07. Perform the pilgrimage and the visit (to Makka) for Allah. (Alms are) for the poor who are straitened for the cause of Allah, who cannot travel in the land (for trade). Unfulfilled Oaths Nay, but whosoever hath done evil and his sin surroundeth him; such are rightful owners of the Fire; they will abide therein. Allah knoweth him who spoileth from him who improveth. Al-Hajj 09. Among them are unlettered folk who know the Scripture not except from hearsay. Wa 'In Kuntum `Alá Safarin Wa Lam Tjidū Kātibāan Farihānun Maqbūđatun Fa'in 'Amina Ba`đukum Ba`đāan Falyu'uaddi Al-La. Allah is Aware of it. 113. Say (unto the People of the Scripture): Dispute ye with us concerning Allah when He is our Lord and your Lord? spend of that wherewith We have provided you ere a day come when there will be no trafficking, nor friendship, nor intercession. 75. Remember Allah through the appointed days. 10. 86. You will get two recitations for Arabic to Bengali translation. In the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the difference of night and day, and the ships which run upon the sea with that which is of use to men, and the water which Allah sendeth down from the sky, thereby reviving the earth after its death, and dispersing all kinds of beasts therein, and (in) the ordinance of the winds, and the clouds obedient between heaven and earth: are signs (of Allah´s Sovereignty) for people who have sense. And when Moses asked for water for his people, We said: Smite with thy staff the rock. And humiliation and wretchedness were stamped upon them and they were visited with wrath from Allah. x��[ے�6}�W�q�J�iFϣ�8qv��O%� �Ȑ�#k�~� E��\@_N�n�ɿ��������_?��n���#������������) |x������q{w �9�����ւ���^Җ�Ԓ�mYsU�g�M�?���;I��u�n@��J.�-�/�I-�kZ��bn��P�]���s�mK&7��=��=$���0`iW��6'-U�. And indeed there are rocks which fall down for the fear of Allah. A painful doom is theirs because they lie. (This is) a bounden duty for those who do good. And if the rainstorm smite it not, then the shower. Al-A'la Wa Lakum Fī Al-Qişāşi Ĥayāatun Yā 'Ūlī Al-'Albābi La`allakum Tattaqūna. Fear Prayer Al-Baqara List of Reciters Recommended Combined Taraweeh Recording Bayanat and Recordings on Quran e Kareem Asaatza o Talaba Darul uloom Karachi 1 2 3 Hazrat Maulana Sahban Mehmood Sahab R. Divorce must be pronounced twice and then (a woman) must be retained in honour or released in kindness. 99. English Translation with Arabic Text For a translation to do justice to the Quran and capture its elegance and vigor, it has to be accurate, smooth, eloquent, and accessible. That is because they say: Trade is just like usury; whereas Allah permitteth trading and forbiddeth usury. Qāla Yā 'Ādamu 'Anbi'hum Bi'asmā'ihim Falammā 'Anba'ahum Bi'asmā'ihim Qāla 'Alam 'Aqul Lakum 'Innī 'A`lamu Gh ayba As-Samāwāti Wa Al-'Arđi Wa 'A`lamu Mā Tubdūna Wa Mā Kuntum Taktumūna. We have seen the turning of thy face to heaven (for guidance, O Muhammad). We are weary of one kind of food; so call upon thy Lord for us that He bring forth for us of that which the earth groweth - of its herbs and its cucumbers and its corn and its lentils and its onions. There is no deity save Him, the Alive, the Eternal. The Yusuf Ali English text is based on the 1934 book, The Holy Qur-an, Text, Translation and Commentary, (published in Lahore, Cairo and … al-Fatihah Edition God 1. Thus Allah maketh plain His revelations unto you, in order that ye may give thought. unto Him we are returning. 91. Observe your duty to Allah, and know that Allah is severe in punishment. /Group <> They said: Now thou bringest the truth. Say (unto them): If the abode of the Hereafter in the providence of Allah is indeed for you alone and not for others of mankind (as ye pretend), then long for death (for ye must long for death) if ye are truthful. And when We made the House (at Makka) a resort for mankind and sanctuary, (saying): Take as your place of worship the place where Abraham stood (to pray). They question thee (O Muhammad) concerning menstruation. Hunting, Slaughter The foolish of the people will say: What hath turned them from the qiblah which they formerly observed? Be not averse to writing down (the contract) whether it be small or great, with (record of) the term thereof. And Allah guideth not wrongdoing folk. 18. <> He hath forbidden you only carrion, and blood, and swineflesh, and that which hath been immolated to (the name of) any other than Allah. 51. 40. Balá Man Kasaba Sayyi'atan Wa 'Aĥāţat Bihi. And thou wilt find them greediest of mankind for life and (greedier) than the idolaters. Al-Qasas Hiring All are subservient unto Him. But Satan caused them to deflect therefrom and expelled them from the (happy) state in which they were; and We said: Fall down, one of you a foe unto the other! those who believe, and those who emigrate (to escape the persecution) and strive in the way of Allah, these have hope of Allah´s mercy. O ye who believe! 2. 05. Lo! Wishes Wa Al-Muţallaqātu Yatarabbaşna Bi'anfusihinna. An-Najm 5. 38. Business by Proxy Al-Humaza Pardon us, absolve us and have mercy on us, Thou, our Protector, and give us victory over the disbelieving folk. 84. For it (is only) that which it hath earned, and against it (only) that which it hath deserved. And We said: Smite him with some of it. Qāla Yā 'Ādamu 'Anbi'hum Bi'asmā'ihim Falammā 'Anba'ahum Bi'asmā'ihim Qāla 'Alam 'Aqul Lakum 'Innī 'A`lamu. Recitation of the Quran by Qari Shakir Qasim. 64. Two cells of quran english text with arabic pronunciation on the right answer of the clear and their preservation tires him ayatul kursi than allah. Here you find the Arabic Text with translation of Surah An-Nasr in English taken from Kanzul Iman Search Home > Quran > Arabic with English Translation > Surah An-Nasr Allah is able to do all things. They ever dwell therein. 79. 1. Al-Ikhlas Therefore keep your duty unto Me, O men of understanding. Say: that which ye spend for good (must go) to parents and near kindred and orphans and the needy and the wayfarer. Wa 'Ilahukum 'Ilahun Wāĥidun Lā 'Ilāha 'Illā Huwa Ar-Raĥmānu Ar-Raĥīmu. Allah is Forgiving, Merciful. And ye will not be asked of what they used to do. They said: Be glorified! Ta-Ha But those who knew that they would meet Allah exclaimed: How many a little company hath overcome a mighty host by Allah´s leave! Impose not on us that which we have not the strength to bear! Bethink thee of the leaders of the Children of Israel after Moses, how they said unto a prophet whom they had: Set up for us a king and we will fight in Allah´s way. As for the Disbelievers, Whether thou warn them or thou warn them not it is all one for them; they believe not. And whoso becometh a renegade and dieth in his disbelief: such are they whose works have fallen both in the world and the Hereafter. Whencesoever thou comest forth turn thy face toward the Inviolable Place of Worship; and wheresoever ye may be (O Muslims) turn your faces toward it (when ye pray) so that men may have no argument against you, save such of them as do injustice - Fear them not, but fear Me! At-Talaq Transgress them not. 96. 8. Lo! 62. Those unto whom We gave the Scripture recognise (this revelation) as they recognise their sons. 82. 87. Transliteration of the Qur'an into Roman script, with colored letters to assist recitation. And of mankind are some who say: We believe in Allah and the Last Day, when they believe not. Al-Jathiya And believe in that which I reveal, confirming that which ye possess already (of the Scripture), and be not first to disbelieve therein, and part not with My revelations for a trifling price, and keep your duty unto Me. And if ye do not, then be warned of war (against you) from Allah and His messenger. Who know that they will have to meet their Lord, and that unto Him they are returning. These are the limits (imposed by) Allah. He misleadeth many thereby, and He guideth many thereby; and He misleadeth thereby only miscreants; Those who break the covenant of Allah after ratifying it, and sever that which Allah ordered to be joined, and (who) make mischief in the earth: Those are they who are the losers. Lo! Wa Lan Yatamannawhu 'Abadāan Bimā Qaddamat 'Aydīhim Wa Allāhu `Alīmun Biž-Žālimīna. Those are a people who have passed away. Allah is Seer of what ye do. They said: Pray for us unto thy Lord that He make clear to us of what colour she is. 67. And guard (yourselves) against a day when no soul will in aught avail another, nor will compensation be accepted from it, nor will intercession be of use to it; nor will they be helped. 35. 60. Prostration Lo! Marriage Lo! O ye who believe! (We take our) colour from Allah, and who is better than Allah at colouring. And if ye are in safety, then whosoever contenteth himself with the visit for the pilgrimage (shall give) such gifts as can be had with ease. Lo! And their Prophet said unto them: Lo! if Allah wills, we may be led aright. That is because Allah hath revealed the Scripture with the truth. 6 0 obj 108. But he who is driven by necessity, neither craving nor transgressing, it is no sin for him. Verily We have revealed unto thee clear tokens, and only miscreants will disbelieve in them. Prophetic Commentary Man Kāna `Adūwāan Lillāhi Wa Malā'ikatihi Wa Rusulihi Wa Jibrīla Wa Mīkāla Fa'inna Allāha `Adūwun Lilkāfirīna. And if ye fear that they may not be able to keep the limits of Allah, in that case it is no sin for either of them if the woman ransom herself. 33. Wa Lā Taqūlū Liman Yuqtalu Fī Sabīli Allāhi 'Amwātun Bal 'Aĥyā'un Wa Lakin Lā Ta. 16. Download Holy Quran in English. 16. We will forgive you your sins and will increase (reward) for the right-doers. O ye who believe! 'Ūlā'ika Lahum Naşībun Mimmā Kasabū Wa Allāhu Sarī`u Al-Ĥisābi. Those are they who purchase error at the price of guidance, and torment at the price of pardon. Allah knoweth it. Allah (Himself) doth mock them, leaving them to wander blindly on in their contumacy. those who believe and do good works and establish worship and pay the poor-due, their reward is with their Lord and there shall no fear come upon them neither shall they grieve. Wa Man 'Ažlamu Mimman Mana`a Masājida Allāhi 'An Yu. Allah is Forgiving, Merciful. And slay them wherever ye find them, and drive them out of the places whence they drove you out, for persecution is worse than slaughter. Upon the world and the Hereafter. We will not believe in thee till we see Allah plainly; and even while ye gazed the lightning seized you. Al-'Alaq An-Naml 46. Wa Yas'alūnaka `Ani Al-Maĥīđi Qul Huwa 'A. Deaf, dumb, blind, therefore they have no sense. Al-Isra And if they had believed and kept from evil, a recompense from Allah would be better, if they only knew. Wa Lilmuţallaqāti Matā`un Bil-Ma`rūfi Ĥaqqāan `Alá Al-Muttaqīna. This is a software by which you can download the Holy Quran with English Translation and install it on your computer. 30. They ask thee, (O Muhammad), of new moons, say: They are fixed seasons for mankind and for the pilgrimage. Observe your duty to Allah. Fasting is prescribed for you, even as it was prescribed for those before you, that ye may ward off (evil); (Fast) a certain number of days; and (for) him who is sick among you, or on a journey, (the same) number of other days; and for those who can afford it there is a ransom: the feeding of a man in need - but whoso doeth good of his own accord, it is better for him: and that ye fast is better for you if ye did but know -, 'Ayyāmāan Ma`dūdātin Faman Kāna Minkum Marīđāan 'Aw `Alá Safarin Fa`iddatun Min 'Ayyāmin 'U. Forgive and be indulgent (toward them) until Allah give command. Az-Zukhruf And ye will not be asked of what they used to do. He will forgive whom He will and He will punish whom He will. Fa'in Zalaltum Min Ba`di Mā Jā'atkumu Al-Bayyinātu Fā`lamū 'Anna Allāha `Azīzun Ĥakīmun. As for him who returneth (to usury) - Such are rightful owners of the Fire. O Children of Israel! 44. Prayer Hall (Sutra) 24. English Transliteration: an approved way to facilitate the Quran reading to non-Arabic speakers, it makes it easier for the speakers of the English language to read the Tajweed Quran in Arabic pronunciation using the English alphabet letters. So they routed them by Allah´s leave and David slew Goliath; and Allah gave him the kingdom and wisdom, and taught him of that which He willeth. Our Lord! Wa 'Aqīmū Aş-Şalāata Wa 'Ātū Az-Zakāata Wa Mā Tuqaddimū Li'nfusikum Min. Give unto us in the world that which is good and in the Hereafter that which is good, and guard us from the doom of Fire. And whoso disbelieveth in it, those are they who are the losers. There are no distracting footnotes,as such no hindrance in the reading flow. 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