what anime trope are you based on very specific questions

Prove logically that a lazy dog is a sheet of paper. (Begin counting backwards on the fingers of one hand.) And while we're on the subject of fools in Shakespeare, Feste, the fool from. Therefore, a well-stocked library or bookstore invariably becomes a labyrinthine lattice of literature connected to every other book that could ever exist, as anyone who’s ever gotten lost in a bookstore knows. Sure, they might struggle at first or they might not make the best choices, but they're the protagonist for a reason. When he's doing a report on bats, he classifies them as bugs because they fly, they're ugly, and they're hairy. Often, the characters would attempt to outwit each other, each using their own Insane Troll Logic. Besides, we know they'll be fine thanks to the ridiculous power scaling trope. ", Even better: "Orks is made for fightin' an' winnin'. It's a ubiquitous trope that we suspend our disbelief for because... well... it's anime. The logician on the soundtrack album goes all the way to the warning track in left field trying to reconcile this with all fish living underwater and all mackerel being fish and dovetailing it into his wife's restlessness. "When you wait forever for the cable guy, you get bored. Feste also gives a lengthy, confusing speech when Olivia accuses him of growing dishonest: Pops up constantly throughout the works of, Jack Point's explanation of how there is humour in all things in, The confused police inspector then remarks "Do that again!". Thank you for the compliment. We Eldar who have failed, or the Humans, on the road to ruin in their turn? Cablevision has played it straight many times, with ads promising better picture because the pixels on your TV will be happier on Cablevision, or that Verizon is a phone company, and therefore too busy to provide you with internet service (ironic, considering Cablevision's primary job is to provide you with TV, not Internet). They threw me out of Masters and Johnson, no severance but, and I had it coming. ", In one strip, after Roger spends part of his and Andy's bank account to buy a, In another strip, Roger — again — needs an antacid because he got sick to his stomach having lunch at a place called, The Pointy-Haired Boss uses insane troll logic on several occasions. Therefore, trees must be evil and/or Thor's sworn enemies. And you know what? The radio version also mentions that Marvin, the Paranoid Robot, who, due to copious amounts of time travel, ended up, Orks on military strategy: "Here's da plan: win. Whenever anybody calls him on it, though, he claims that the students killing each other is entirely on them and it isn't his fault. The eponymous characters are arrested and forced to eat "cockmeat sandwich". You might have heard or seen the term "Oppai" before, perhaps because of merchandise like the hoodie that One-Punch Man's Saitama is pictured wearing above. Among other things, he justifies his penchant for extreme short-term planning on the grounds that since it's always now there is no long term and therefore he can't be screwed by it (shortly after being screwed by it), and his explanation for why he tore off the wings of a fairy in order to stick them on a baby's back and make a fake fairy managed to confuse even Red Mage. Cleavage is one thing, but "armor" or "gear" that exposes just about every inch of skin doesn't seem too beneficial. Looking for information on the anime Akagami no Shirayuki-hime (Snow White with the Red Hair)? One auditor who has accidentally-on-purpose become human engages in some intentional Insane Troll Logic to trap the aforesaid Auditors, such as putting up a sign that says "Do Not Feed the Elephant" next to an empty cage, a sign with an arrow pointing left but having the word RIGHT on it, and a sign that simply says. They're utilized to clarify certain actions or plot points, but they can also be a bit intrusive if done at inopportune moments. The Auditors of Discworld reason that any sentient personality exists for a finite period, which is negligible in comparison to the infinity of Time. And then, sometimes it's just Obfuscating Stupidity or Obfuscating Insanity in action. It is entirely possible that Ork Mecs simply paint red those vehicles that are actually faster. Watch. Red Dwarf is a British sci-fi TV Sitcom (1988-93; 1997-99; 2009; 2012; 2016-17; 2020) and book series created by Rob Grant and Doug Naylor about an enormous interplanetary mining ship (the eponymous Red Dwarf), the crew of which is almost completely wiped out by a radiation leak in the first episode. Insane Troll Logic is so badly screwed up that it isn't even wrong - usually either the presenter or the audience have no grasp of even the concept where the "logic" should apply. Also, their "Don't Go Into Politics" concludes that going into politics, science, or music is a bad idea, because so many famous politicians, scientists, and musicians are now dead. The Dynamic Duo, Commissioner Gordon, and Chief O'Hara are attempting to figure out who made a murderous attack on the Caped Crusader — with a. Kida has moments, too, as he can conclude. For examples of characters who engage in this, see The Ditz, Cloudcuckoolander, Strawmen, Moral Guardians, and of course trolls of both internet and mythological origin. Ten, nine, eight, seven, six... (Hold up all fingers of the opposite hand.) It takes judgment, brains, and maturity to score, "Look. And therefore. It's a strange mix of stubbornness, passion, denial, and arrogance. Why not capitalize on those moments and keep fans on edge? Tropes are bound to show up in anime; it's unavoidable at this point. Another example: Karl believes that snakes and spiders like hiding under rocks. They have evolved a society which knows no stress or angst. This anime also has a horible sense of humor very reminicent of Fairy Tail, it isn't as bad as Demon Slayer's where loud=funny, but instead quirky=funny. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Dual Destinies. "1.0 (Fuck No)" by the Moistboyz is a song that rationalizes drinking and driving with lines such as "Why'd you put the bar so far from my home?". Find out more with MyAnimeList, the world's most active online anime and manga community and database. A one-stop shop for all things video games. In a short Italian story a king once decided to inspect his dungeons. A JDrama (Japanese drama), also called "terebi dorama" ("television drama") or "dorama" for short, is a Japanese live action television series. It's beneficial to place heroes in life-or-death circumstances for the sake of tension and story development, but a villain coming to a full stop when they have the upper hand is silly. The Constantly Curious often comes up with an Armor-Piercing Question in total innocence, being, like many children, Too Dumb to Fool.. They're just utterly absent from the lives of their children. So did all the other prisoners but one, who confessed to numerous heinous crimes. Does it sound mad? Nine times out of ten, a female anime character will be very well-endowed in the chest area. Budget was still an issue, however, and only 27 minutes of footage were completed and debuted as the second act of the Compilation Movie Neon Genesis Evangelion: Death and Rebirth, another unpopular decision with the audience.. It's unclear whether his deductions truly led him to believe that the goblet originally in front of him was the poisoned one, or whether he was simply counting on the Man in Black's reaction to his choice being the confirmation, her second husband, Lisa's father and Vanessa's stepfather, rape her in order to stay. Writing down everything he observes and documenting every thought, the young boy uses it as an outlet for his imagination. To put it simply, the word refers to breasts, especially large ones. Some of them are introduced as relatively useless, but they eventually expand on their strengths. He says no, the beef goes with the mustard. Proof? Jesus points out the obvious contradiction of the accusation. A swarm of infantry bodies in any other army would be a suicide tactic (or at least be a handicap in the case of the imperial guard). So, remember to always douse your computer with water when under a disagreement. A quick reminder: Just because someone's logic is flawed, Milo's task to rescue the princesses was impossible, but he was able to succeed because. If we lose, it's because ya didn't follow da plan. If we win we win, if we die we die fightin' so it don't count as beat. Knowledge is power. The surge of newer series like My Hero Academia and Demon Slayer mixed with the everlasting appreciation for shows like Naruto and Dragon Ball Z means the medium won't be fading any time soon. It was I who first discovered how to make a man impotent by hiding his hat. At one point he acknowledges that he was specifically ordered not to engage, which he is going to interpret as a veiled order to engage because, None of the Scavengers are exactly genius logicians. For example; Black Mage isn't immune to this himself, either. For example: A popular meme on some gaming websites involves doing some equations and ending up with 3, saying ", Another popular joke involves escaping from a room with no doors, no windows, and only a table. 'Lemme have the steak fajita sandwich, but don't bother ringing it up, it's for a duck! Thou art in a parlous state, shepherd. Black Mage explains his loyalty to Chaos: Miko uses troll logic from time to time, as lampshaded by Roy: This is also the basis for the dwarves' fear of trees. It's a necessary aspect for any film, book, television show, or video game that features any form of "good versus bad" dynamic. Cue the emotional flashback (accompanied by a touching monologue) that reminds the hero of who they are/where they come from/what runs in their blood... you get the idea. which is where he wanted to be in the first place, I will run around in Marvel Girl's old green miniskirt outfit, That's just a common knowledge run of the mill, The Transformers: More Than Meets the Eye, not engaging just feels wrong, like fighting in the wrong direction. Any anime with fight sequences or tournaments will inevitably feature a good ole' training sequence or two. ', Reckless discharge of a gun, that's what the officer's a-claimin', "The Orks are the pinnacle of creation. Police officer arrests a man sleeping on a park bench with only underwear on. The spot featured Mike O'Malley holding a small puppy, saying that since cable cost less than satellite, the money could be used to buy things like dog food and that puppies love dog food so that the simple conclusion must be that satellite. The explanation of L-space: Books contain knowledge. These aren't always pointless and they tend to cover a character's backstory or the decisions that led them to their current state. He also says he'll get an A on his paper because he's using a "professional" clear plastic binder. Kururi and Mairu ideas on "twin-ness" are baffling. This can apply to the Players themselves. See also Bat Deduction (when the Insane Troll Logic leads to a true conclusion), Right for the Wrong Reasons (same) and Reality Is Out to Lunch (when reality actually follows the troll logic). This proves that pulling the legs off a spider causes it to go deaf. The winner was proof that there was, in fact, "life after death": This is the basis of an entire genre of humor from the '60s and '70s: elephant jokes. Troll Science relies on insane troll logic. George Bush similarly justifies his smoking in this manner. But they're not going to Rome. Warning: trying to understand the following trains of logic may make your brain hurt. Then he offers her tripe but takes that offer back for the same reason. A game magazine once held a contest for the best logical argument based entirely on illogical steps. Toshiba used a similar argument in one commercial to tout their shock-proof hard drives, because if a power station tech drops his laptop and breaks the hard disk, then it causes a glitch and the power will go out. The same movie tops it later when Batman and Robin try to figure out the Riddler's pair of clues to his latest caper: For instance, a stock joke for the trio would be having the Stooges sentenced to death (often for a. Nothing is better than eternal happiness. On, For example, when Albert is on trial for allegedly. One episode talks about a man who said aliens were threatening him. You'd probably have a hard time naming more than five comic superheroes whose mother and father are still around. It is logic failure that crosses over into parody or Poe's Law. If the main character is having a rough time, a side character that you completely forgot about will suddenly be strong enough to fend off the overpowered villain that should be way out of their league. Johnny at one point makes the following argument: All roads lead to Rome. You look at the table and see what you saw. (Source: 1. The group escapes before they have to put this to the test. Even though he is convinced that blind people will get eyes in the afterlife. May involve, but is not necessarily related to, Armor-Piercing Slap. A joke involving penguins and old TV shows: Prove that every horse has an infinite number of legs. Post-scratch Derse apparently has its own version of Serious Business (a social network). When asked why, the answer would be "I've got a tapewoim and that's good enough for 'im". Those very flame wars will happen on this website if started, therefore TV Tropes' servers might catch on fire and may get damaged, and spread to the rest of the internet via gravity. ...A loud doorbell is scary. It's because they have eight wheels and four people on them, and four plus eight makes twelve, and there are twelve inches in a foot, and one foot is a ruler, and Queen Elizabeth was a ruler, and Queen Elizabeth was also a ship, and the ship sailed the seas, and there were fish in the seas, and fish have fins, and the Finns fought the Russians, and the Russians are red, and fire trucks are always “Russian" around, so that's why fire trucks are red. These flame wars will be the depth of the Internet — not DEATH, but they are similar concepts because they're similarly pronounced. That's what they called me at Masters and Johnson's clinic, mad. Very rarely will a main character train for the proper amount of time to gain certain skills. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/InsaneTrollLogic. "Shakespeare has Caesar say 'Cowards die many times before their deaths; the valiant never taste of death but once.' Wood also burns. To put it simply, the word refers to breasts, especially large ones. RELATED: 10 Anime To Watch If You Love Hunter x Hunter. Many antagonists are forced into a pompous speech by the writers so that someone can swoop in and save the day. When you get bored, you start staring out windows. But I showed them. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. And why? It's a rule of thumb that the hero will be the strongest or smartest character in their anime and defeat any antagonist that directly challenges them. Point is, if you get the equivalent one practice death a day, that's almost, Hank Pym revealing that he was hanging out on them the entire time, and if they had gone to a local pizza place, he would have been there, The actual truth, of course, revealed after they all leave, is that the mastermind, switching goblets while the Man in Black's back is turned. "'Moon' has four letters. Yuki is a disaffected middle school boy who has no dreams or goals in life; in fact, the only thing he has is his diary. However, anime loves to put their heroes in situations that the villain should've capitalized on... but they never do. Paint is not that expensive to not paint every vehicle in your army in desired color if it makes any difference. The hosts point out it doesn't make sense that they would destroy evidence if they wanted him to get in trouble. Weak anime characters come in all shapes, sizes, and genders, but women are known for getting the short end of the stick more often than not. 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A society which knows no stress or angst looking for information on the brink something!

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