working out for years no results reddit

Lunch: I'm 115-120lbs and eat about double that to maintain, and I'm not that active. And track your calories. Also, for what it's worth - I've been working out for years. Track calories to lose weight, that's all you have to do. There are several beginner programs in the FAQ - try one of those and eat at a slight surplus to build muscle. After a full year of consistent effort, you may have reached one or more of … Have a question or suggestion about possible changes to the subreddit? Please let me know so I can finally achieve my goal of getting some ripped abs! [–]bluejays765[S] 2 points3 points4 points 5 years ago (0 children), Will definitely keep track of my weights at the gym and try to push myself even further. Working out in the morning is great if you can do it consistently. Keto Diet Results Week 1 You need to eat more. My first time making a Reddit post so please bear with me! Although 6 months is not a long stretch to be out of work in this economy, it is not a good situation. With all the conflicting nutrition advice out there, figuring out what and when to eat is … Instead, you should shoot for working in short bursts at your most productive times. If the company you used to work for has gone out of business and you were one of the casualties, indicate as much after the company name on your resume. There’s a common myth that every pound of muscle burns about 50–100 calories, which I carelessly repeated myself in early versions of this article. Working out for over a month.... no results? Figured the fact that I was at the gym doing something was good enough, but I was really just bring lazy and doing what I was comfortable with. You are eating a tiny amount of calories.To be honest, I would suspect that either your eating at the weekend balances this out to a much more sensible amount, or you are simply miscounting. ^ this. Or if you find that you need to lose a bit of fat still, then very slightly below maintenance might be necessary. You need to do like 6 sets pear each. I've done those bodyrock videos. For example, if you were to eat the same lunch everyday for a year, you would get sick of it and want something new for lunch. I have been fasting for more than 10 years so my body has adjusted and it is quite used to it, and to me, it feels like it prefers it, especially when I can keep on track. I'll definitely take your recommendation and try it out, thanks! Find out how to turn that around and get the results you deserve! [–]bluejays765[S] 1 point2 points3 points 5 years ago* (3 children), Great job on your squats! Body Pump is a mixture of aerobic exercise with weight lifting training. Now, you have a choice – weight lifting exercise in big group. Currently I have have been experiencing what seemed like a UTI, but found through lab tests it was not a UTI, had an Ultrasound, all normal, and they are sending me to Urology/Gynecology to see if they can figure it out. 8. Bump up the salmon/chicken in your salad, and always have a hardboiled egg and add some flaked almonds or sunflower seeds. As for my routine (this is from this week as I mix it around a lot): Sunday - rest day, usually walk a lot around the city, Monday - ran for 30 minutes, dumbbells for 30 minutes (I usually do bicep curls, shoulder press, upright barbell row, rear delts, and anything else that'll work on my triceps), Tuesday - Strong Curves workout A, as well as squats, romanian deadlifts, and simple leg exercises (fire hydrants, etc), Wednesday - ran for an hour, then another hour of yoga, Thursday - arm exercises such as bicep curls, assisted pulldowns and pullups, pushups and tricep dips, Friday (today) - rest, mainly just walking around as exercise, Saturday - trying out Strong Curves workouts B and C, then walking around with friends, [–]IWanderlust247 1 point2 points3 points 5 years ago (1 child), your not alone! Get an ad-free experience with special benefits, and directly support Reddit. If you're looking to lose weight and fat calories need to be kept track of. I have a trainer also. My gut tells me that either you are not pushing yourself enough or your form is way off. Calculate your TDEE and add ~200 calories. Your body is only designed to support so much muscle mass, so it slows down. These workarounds apply to Microsoft Office 365, Outlook 2019, 2016, and 2013. First of all, why you doing cardio ? You should try to push yourself. Let me know if you have any more questions! -trader joes fat free sour cream [–]bluejays765[S] 1 point2 points3 points 5 years ago (0 children). And I was embarrassed. 1. No offense, i know strength is all relative and all that, but seeing you deadlift and squat 60KG after 5 years(!!) If you’re disgusted with your body and health… No problem. No self-promotion or kickbacks. Great advice! I am 16 years old, I am also pretty lean (5-7% body fat) I'm 6' 1" I try to add weight on all my lifts whenever I feel ready to put some extra weight on. However, this isn’t always the case and many end up becoming frustrated, demotivated and in the worst case scenario, giving up. So far the results have been great and working out in a fasted state, for me, when I am most energized. I'm slowly working my way through a couch to 5k plan in the hopes that I'll be able to run a 5k later this year. I know it's probably a long shot to say I want to get "shredded", but I just want to see results, like more defining triceps, a bigger butt, and defined abdominals. But for the last two years, I tried the following: - Split workout (10 repetitions * 4 sets for each excercie), - One shake protein after workout + 350 g chicken breast + 2eggs, - Launch: whatever I find in the work cantine, - Fullbody workout (10 repetitions * 4 sets for each excercie), - Running 15 minutes (1km before workout / 2km after), - One shake protein after workout + 350 g chicken breast + 2 eggs, - One shake protein after workout + 350 g chicken breast + 2 eggs + 300g reis, - Breakfast: 100g bread + peanut butter + one egg, - Launch: whatever I find in the work cantine + 150g thunfisch + 100 salad. One of the best parts of my day is drinking a cold shake from the fridge after a good workout! How you communicate with your coach and nutritionist? So good news there's a reason why you have not been getting the results you want. 3 - Your diet sucks, it's not enough and it looks like a typical bro diet, which basically means you've been eating a bunch of common bodybuilding foods and not fully understood proper nutrition to fuel your journey to a more buff version of yourself. Give this a few months. Mimi, I hope you read this. Now, if you’re more of a “figure this stuff out on my own” kind of person – we’re going to dig into how to build your own workout plan today! I should also mention that I'm 5'5 and the last time I weighed myself I was 122 lbs (could've gone up to 125). I do this. its your diet and what you listed is much more than 1100-1200 calories. How can I improve? For many women who are already at a healthy weight, eating at around maintenance (maybe a little above or a little below on some days) and working on strength exercises is enough to slowly shift their body composition to lose a little and increase muscle. 31 That number is much too high, and no one seems to be sure where it came from — just one of those things that gets passed around. It only uses dumbbells. Thanks :), [–]SydneyBarBelleMama Bear 3 points4 points5 points 5 years ago (0 children). 1- You have not named a single program just the split and rep system, I assume you've been making up your own programs, if this is the case stop it, you don't know what you are doing to create your own program pick a tried and tested program and stick to it and follow the proper progression scheme. You're not working hard enough. I always cut the fat sources. Within three or four months, you'll see improved muscle definition and tone. I don´t eat enough vegetables/fruits (2/3 apples + 2/3 oranges weekly). A 2 to 1 HIIT exercise to rest ratio is by far the best, example 1 minute of fast hard jogging followed by 30 seconds of slow jogging to recover or 2 minutes of circuit training followed by 1 minute recovery. You may have lost some fat, and clothes might fit better. Thanks again for the advice, I'm going to the gym tomorrow and will definitely remember this to do this when I go for the weights. Just use all the recommended settings. You may have lost some fat, and clothes might fit better. Make sure that your Profile name in Outlook 2016 for Mac or your Identity name in Outlook for Mac 2011 has no special characters, such as the slash mark (/). But they are yummy. Cut grains out later in day (after about 5pm) and stick with lean protein and veggies. On the weekends I usually have a cheat meal or two, but I'm also out with friends or running around the city, so I am exercising. I've done weights. Realistically though, since maintenance can be next to impossible to determine exactly as it does vary a bit, you may find that aiming for maintenance calories every day will be enough to get you to your goals. Booty gains are definitely my number one goal as well :D, [–][deleted] 2 points3 points4 points 5 years ago (2 children). I've completed and Olympic-distance Triathlon (which required 10 hrs of training a week). And doing tons of high-intensity workouts before your body is ready. For reference: i started lifting +/- 1 year ago, highly underweight and having trouble squatting just the bar (20KG). I run 3x a week, lift x4, and almost everyday I go for a walk (even if it's' just 20 minutes on the treadmill). (self.xxfitness). In conclusion, minoxidil starts working immediately, but won’t produce any noticeable results for the first three to six months. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. None taken. I usually workout 5 times a week. You are not being specific about that as it's needed. OK, back to the topic. So what do you guys think? Any advice on how many calories I should try eating per day? To view your Profile or Identity name: Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you're looking for. Reddit and its Leadership demonstrate personal investment in … You can always cut fat later once you have more muscle. For me, the biggest game changer was the amount of protein I started to add into my diet. Connect with developers who are sharing the strategies and revenue numbers behind their companies and side projects. Get the results you’ve been training for and enjoy working out again. [–]j_j_b 22 points23 points24 points 5 years ago (3 children). "whatever I find in the cantine" is also a problem for me, as it´s random, but just an exemple for one week: - Pan Pasta with crunchy vegetables in Cream cheese sauce, - Spaghetti in vegetarian Lens Bolognese and Parmesan, - Sweet lasagna with Vanilla cream and Apple pieces, - Spring rolls on asian Vegetable sauce and steamed rice, 4 reps per exercise? Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. But anyone can benefit from CrossFit, no matter their ability level or age (there's a 72-year-old woman in my class who can deadlift as much as me!). But everybody is different, you just have to find what works for you. 100g of cereal doesn't mean much same with whatever is found in the cantina. Dinner: If you’re still working out after your first year, you should be aware of the fact that muscle building decreases as you get bigger. However, I have not seen results else where. This kind of weight gain in one year can take a beginner’s bench press of 135 lb. Your diet sounds awesome! I worked for hours every day for a year and a half developing and refining a website and a business concept. By Mekita … I know I don´t have good genetics, but it´s a pain seeing people starting and getting in shape after 6/7 months while I´m stuck with my flat body... Maybe you could give me some hints or you know someone that was there and actually made improvement. Copying their workouts is like trying to run an ultra marathon when you can’t even run 3 miles. Overall you've had poor results because your execution has been poor. Ive been working out for about 4 months. Eat more post workout... something starchy would be great there, or a smoothie that combines protein and carbs. So yummy and convenient! All it takes is being aware of the possibilities. Today I decided to squat my heaviest weight for 12 reps (usually I do 10), and I ended up doing it fairly easily. For the first two years, it was more about losing the fat. I haven't seen any results physique wise. Thank you, this is very informative. Find out how 46-year-old Nurani got his dream six-pack in just 18 weeks training with UP.. 2. You are going to lose what precious muscle mass you have and end up with a less favourable body composition. Seana 3 years ago 3 min read. I usually eat a variation of the same thing every day. I don't know about you, but I get tired of looking for reviews on anti-aging products only to find ones posted by people under 35 with no wrinkles! Genetics have nothing to do with it. Share article. Here are some hints to make your stay enjoyable: and join one of thousands of communities. Be respectful of others on the subreddit, and please report comments that violate the rules for review. use the following search parameters to narrow your results: XXFitness is for female and gender non-binary redditors who are fit, want to be fit, like reading about fitness to put off getting fit, or have goals related to fitness. [–]bluejays765[S] 0 points1 point2 points 5 years ago (1 child). Some benefits include better appetite control throughout the day, more energy, and healthier food choices. According to Les Mills website, Body Pump can help you to: Burn between 250 and 600 calories per class (depending on your effort) Improve strength Even the most dedicated gym-goers have off periods from time-to-time. Been working out for four years, why do I see no results? At home/limited equipment workout resources. Once you have your value eat at that amount with 100-150g of protein, healthy fats and whole carbs. I just want to get a good idea of what I should be eating everyday (or what kind of food I shouldn't be eating), [–]erraticmonster 1 point2 points3 points 5 years ago (2 children), Breakfast: After a month or two of working out 30 minutes a day, you may have increased confidence, a boost in mood, better sleep, and enhanced muscle tone and cardiovascular health. I love working for Reddit because I know that my opinion and expertise is valued and respected. Ask most people if they had a good workout and … One Reddit user shared a photo of her 78-year-old grandma's skin after using Retin-A for over 50 years, and she basically has no wrinkles. [–]Airfit 8 points9 points10 points 5 years ago (2 children). Why are you burning calories? I know this is kind of a fuckaround routine, but I have been so damn consistent that I really don't want to give myself any incentive to lose momentum. Or you can do this one Macro Calculator that also tells you how much of each macronutrient to eat to get your calories given height, weight, age, exercise level. Who are sharing the strategies and revenue numbers behind their companies and projects! Also see muscle gains the chance to go to my issue a long walk strategies and revenue numbers their., my strength is increasing, and 2013 but I also have a fast metabolism and since you not. The beginning of my day is drinking a cold shake from the title I could already predict the. Chance to go to my issue a beginner ’ s no way around it — everyone messes at... Afraid of cumulating fat and that´s why I generally cut my calories intake... starchy... The past year or so pm - Reply I look back at the.... 3 times a week for the platform and communities choice – weight lifting.! To compress sleep time to do the right time little more fat be.... We use cookies on our websites for a year ago, I was way... 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